--- title: "Quantum algebra with R: the weyl package" author: "Robin K. S. Hankin" bibliography: weyl.bib link-citations: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{The weyl package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r out.width='20%', out.extra='style="float:right; padding:10px"',echo=FALSE} knitr::include_graphics(system.file("help/figures/weyl.png", package = "weyl")) ``` To cite this work or the `weyl` package in publications please use @hankin2022_weyl_arxiv. In this short document I show how Weyl algebras are implemented in the `weyl` package. Consider the vector space ${\mathcal A}$ of linear operators on univariate functions; ${\mathcal A}$ can be made into an algebra where multiplication (denoted by juxtaposition) is defined as operator composition [@coutinho1997]. That is, given operators ${\mathcal O}_1,{\mathcal O}_2$ and scalar $a$ we define the following compounds: * $({\mathcal O}_1{\mathcal O}_2)f={\mathcal O}_1({\mathcal O}_2f)$ * $({\mathcal O}_1+{\mathcal O}_2)f={\mathcal O}_1(f)+{\mathcal O}_2(f)$ * $(a{\mathcal O}_1)f=a{\mathcal O}_1(f)$ where $f$ is any univariate function. Here we consider the algebra generated by the set $\left\lbrace\partial,x\right\rbrace$ where $\partial\colon f\longrightarrow f'$ [that is, $(\partial f)(x) = f'(x)$] and $x\colon f\longrightarrow xf$ [that is, $(xf)(x) = xf(x)$]. This is known as the (first) Weyl algebra. We observe that the Weyl algebra is not commutative: $\partial xf=(xf)'=f+xf'$ but $x\partial f=xf'$, so $\partial x=x\partial+1$. The algebra generated by $\left\lbrace x,\partial\right\rbrace$ will include elements such as $7\partial + 4\partial x\partial^3 x$, which would map $f$ to $7f' + 4\left(x\left(xf\right)'''\right)'$. It can be shown that any element of the Weyl algebra can be expressed in the standard form \[ \sum_i a_i \partial^{p_i}x^{q_i}\] for real $a_i$ and nonnegative integers $p_i,q_i$. Converting a general word to standard form is not straightforward but we have \[ \partial x^n = x^n\partial + nx^{n-1}\] and \[ \partial^n x = x\partial^n + n\partial^{n-1}.\] We can apply these rules recursively to find standard form for products $(\partial^i x^j)(\partial^l x^m)$. Alternatively we may follow @wolf1975 and use the fact that \[ (\partial^i x^j)(\partial^lx^m)= \sum_{r=0}^j{j\choose r}{l\choose r}\partial^{i+l-r}x^{j+m-r}.\] These rules can be used to show that $7\partial + 4\partial x\partial^3 x$ can be expressed as $7\partial + 12x\partial^2 + 4x^2\partial d^3$, which is in standard form. ## The package in use The package includes functionality to automate the above calculations. In particular, package idiom represents the generating elements $\partial$ and $x$ of the first Weyl algebra as R objects `d` and `x` respectively. These may be manipulated with standard arithmetic operations: ```{r loadlib,echo=TRUE,print=FALSE,results="hide",message=FALSE} library(weyl) ``` ```{r firstexample} 7*d + 4*x*d^3*x ``` Above, the result of the input is given in standard form. We see the terms, one per row, with coefficients in the rightmost column (viz $7,12,4$). Thus the first row is $7\partial$, the second is $12x\partial^2$, and the third is $4x^2\partial^3$. We may choose to display the result in symbolic form rather than matrix form: ```{r firstexamplepolyform} options(polyform=TRUE) 7*d + 4*x*d^3*x ``` which is arguably a more natural representation. The package allows one to use R semantics. For example, consider $d_1=\partial x + 2\partial^3$ and $d_2=3+7\partial -5x^2\partial^2$. Observing that $d_1$ and $d_2$ are in standard form, package idiom to create these operators would be: ```{r defineandprintd1d2} (d1 <- d*x + 2*d^3) (d2 <- 3 + 7*d -5*x^2*d^2) ``` (object `d1` is converted to standard form automatically). Observe that, like the `spray` package, the order of the terms is not defined. We may apply the usual rules of arithmetic to these objects: ```{r showmultiplication} d1*d2 ``` Standard R semantics operate, and it is possible to work with more complicated expressions: ```{r showinpolyform} options(polyform=TRUE) (d1^2 + d2) * (d2 - 3*d1) ``` ### Comparison with mathematica Mathematica can deal with operators and we may compare the two systems' results for $\partial^2x\partial x^2$: `In[1] := D[D[x*D[x^2*f[x],x],x],x] // Expand` `Out[1] := 4 f[x] + 14 x f'[x] + 8 x^2 f''[x] + x^3f'''[x]` ```{r} x <- weyl(cbind(0,1)) D <- weyl(cbind(1,0)) x^2*D*x*D^2 ``` Above, we see agreement between `weyl` and Mathematica, although the terms are presented in a different order. # Further Weyl algebras The package supports arbitrary multivariate Weyl algebras. Consider: ```{r showmultivariateweyl} options(polyform=FALSE) # revert to default print method set.seed(0) x <- rweyl() x ``` Above, object `x` is a member of the operator algebra generated by $\left\lbrace\partial_x,\partial_y,\partial_z,x,y,z\right\rbrace$. Object `x` might be expressed as $xz^2\partial_x\partial_z + 3x^2z\partial_x^2\partial_z + 2yz^2\partial_x^2\partial_z^2$ although as ever the rows are presented in an implementation-dependent order. We may verify associativity of multiplication: ```{r associativityisnontrivial,cache=TRUE} x <- rweyl(n=1,d=2) y <- rweyl(n=2,d=2) z <- rweyl(n=3,d=2) options(polyform=TRUE) x*(y*z) (x*y)*z ``` Comparing the two results above, we see that they apparently differ. But the apparent difference is due to the fact that the terms appear in a different order, a feature that is not algebraically meaningful. We may verify that the expressions are indeed algebraically identical: ```{r verifyassociativity} x*(y*z) - (x*y)*z ``` The package can deal with arbitrarily high dimensional Weyl algebras. For example: ```{r} options(polyform=FALSE) # default print method (x9 <- rweyl(dim=9)) ``` Above we see a member of the ninth Weyl algebra; see how the column headings no longer use the `x y z` notation and revert to numeric labels. Symbolic notation is available but can be difficult to read: ```{r} options(polyform=TRUE) x9 options(polyform=FALSE) # revert to default ``` # Derivations A _derivation_ $D$ of an algebra ${\mathcal A}$ is a linear operator that satisfies $D(d_1d_2)=d_1D(d_2) + D(d_1)d_2$, for every $d_1,d_2\in{\mathcal A}$. If a derivation is of the form $D(d) = [d,f] = df-fd$ for some fixed $f\in{\mathcal A}$, we say that $D$ is an _inner_ derivation: \[ D(d_1d_2) = d_1d_2f-fd_1d_2 = d_1d_2f-d_1fd_2 + d_1fd_2-fd_1d_2 = d_1(d_2f-fd_2) + (d_1f-fd_1)d_2 = d_1D(d_2) + D(d_1)d_2 \] Dirac showed that all derivations are inner derivations for some $f\in{\mathcal A}$. The package supports derivations: ```{r define_derivation_D} f <- rweyl() D <- as.der(f) # D(x) = xf-fx ``` Then ```{r show_D_is_a_derivation,cache=TRUE} d1 <- rweyl() d2 <- rweyl() D(d1*d2) == d1*D(d2) + D(d1)*d2 ``` # Low-level considerations and generalizations In the package, the product is customisable. In general, product `a*b` [where `a` and `b` are `weyl` objects] is dispatched to the following sequence of functions: * `weyl_prod_multivariate_nrow_allcolumns()` * `weyl_prod_multivariate_onerow_allcolumns()` * `weyl_prod_multivariate_onerow_singlecolumn()` * `weyl_prod_univariate_onerow()` * `weyl_prod_helper3()` [default] In the above, "univariate" means "generated by $\left\lbrace x,\partial_x\right\rbrace$" [so the corresponding `spray` object has _two_ columns]; and "multivariate" means that the algebra is generated by more than one variable, typically something like $\left\lbrace x,y,z,\partial_x,\partial_y,\partial_z\right\rbrace$. The penultimate function `weyl_prod_univariate_onerow()` is sensitive to option `prodfunc` which specifies the recurrence relation used. This defaults to `weyl_prod_helper3()`: ```{r} weyl_prod_helper3 ``` Function `weyl_prod_helper3()` follows Wolf. This gives the univariate concatenation product $(\partial^a x^b)(\partial^c x^d)$ in terms of standard generators: \[ \partial^a x^b \partial^c x^d=\sum_{r=0}^b r!{b\choose r}{c\choose r} \partial^{a+c-r}x^{b+d-r} \] The package also includes lower-level function `weyl_prod_helper1()` implementing $\partial^a x^b \partial^c x^d=\partial^ax^{b-1}\partial^cx^{d+1} + c\partial^ax^{b-1}\partial^{c-1}x^d$ (together with suitable bottoming-out). I expected function `weyl_prod_helper3()` to be much faster than `weyl_prod_helper1()` but there doesn't seem to be much difference between the two. # Generalized commutator relations We can exploit this package customisability by considering, instead of $\left\lbrace x,\partial\right\rbrace$, the algebra generated by $\left\lbrace e,\partial\right\rbrace$, where $e$ maps $f$ to $e^xf$: if $f$ maps $x$ to $f(x)$, then $ef$ maps $x$ to $e^xf(x)$. We see that $\partial e-e\partial=e$. With this, we can prove that $\partial^ne=e(1+\partial)^n$ and $e^n\partial=e^n\partial+ne^n$ and, thus \[ (e^a\partial^b)(e^c\partial^d) =e^{a+1}(1+\partial)^be^{c-1}\partial^d =e^{a}\partial^{b-1}e^{c}\partial^{d+1}+ce^{a}\partial^{b-1}e^{c}\partial^d\] We may implement this set in package idiom as follows: ```{r} `weyl_e_prod` <- function(a,b,c,d){ if(c==0){return(spray(cbind(a,b+d)))} if(b==0){return(spray(cbind(a+c,d)))} return( Recall(a,b-1,c,d+1) + c*Recall(a,b-1,c,d) # cf: c*Recall(a,b-1,c-1,d)) for regular Weyl algebra ) } ``` Then, for example, to calculate $\partial^2e=e(1+2\partial+\partial^2)$: ```{r} options(prodfunc = weyl_e_prod) options(weylvars = "e") # changes print method d <- weyl(spray(cbind(0,1))) e <- weyl(spray(cbind(1,0))) d*d*e d^2*e ``` By way of verification: ```{r} d^5*e == e*(1+d)^5 ``` which verifies that indeed $\partial^5e=e(1+\partial)^5$. Another verification would be to cross-check with Mathematica, here working with $\partial e\partial^2e$: `In[1] := D[Exp[x]*D[D[Exp[x]*f[x],x],x],x]` `Out[1] := 2E^2x f[x] + 5E^2x f'[x] + 4E^2xf''[x] + E^2x f'''[x]` ```{r} options(polyform = TRUE) d*e*d^2*e ``` We can manipulate more complicated expressions too. Suppose we want to evaluate $(1+e^2\partial)(1-5e^3\partial^3)$: ```{r} o1 <- weyl(spray(cbind(2,1))) o2 <- weyl(spray(cbind(3,3))) options(polyform = FALSE) (1+o1)*(1-5*o2) ``` And of course we can display the result in symbolic form: ```{r} options(polyform = TRUE) (1+o1)*(1-5*o2) ``` ```{r echo=FALSE} options(polyform = NULL) # restore default print method ``` # Note on use of `disordR` package The coefficients of a `weyl` object, and the rows of its `spray` matrix, are stored in an implementation-specific order. Thus, extraction and replacement use the `disordR` package [@hankin2022_disordR_arxiv]. A short example follows in the context of the `weyl` package; a much more extensive and detailed discussion is given in the `disordR` vignette and in @hankin2022_disordR_arxiv. First we create a moderately complicated `weyl` object: ```{r,makearandomweyl} options(weylvars = NULL) # revert to default names (W <- weyl(spray(matrix(c(0,1,1,1,1,2,1,0),2,4),2:3))^2) ``` The coefficients of `W` may be extracted: ```{r,showcoeffsinuse} coeffs(W) ``` The object returned is a `disord` object. There is no way to extract (e.g.) the first coefficient, for the order of the matrix rows is not defined. If we try we will get an error: ```{r,showdisorderror,error=TRUE} try(coeffs(W)[1] , silent=FALSE) ``` However, it is perfectly well defined to ask "give all coefficients greater than 6": ```{r,ogreaterthantwo} o <- coeffs(W) o[o>6] ``` Extraction works as expected. Using recent improvements in the `disordR` package, we take all coefficients less than 7 and add 100 to them: ```{r,showextractionworking} coeffs(W)[coeffs(W)<7] <- coeffs(W)[coeffs(W)<7] + 100 W ``` ## References