## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", eval = FALSE ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- # library(vvtableau) # # # Authenticate on the Tableau Server. # tableau <- authenticate_server( # server = "https://tableau.server.com", # username = "your_username", # password = "your_password" # ) # # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # # Retrieve all datasources from Tableau Server # all_datasources <- get_server_datasources(tableau_server) # # # Filter out datasources that are not connected to any workbooks # unused_datasources <- all_datasources %>% # filter(connectedWorkbooksCount == 0) %>% # select(project_name, name, size) # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # library(slackr) # ## Assuming you have authenticated with Slack using slackr_setup() and have access to the channel. # # # slackr::slackr(channel = "#tableau-notifications", # text = "The following datasources on the server have no connection to a workbook. Data sorted by size (in MB):") # # slackr::slackr_table(unused_datasources, # channel = "#tableau-notifications", # quote = FALSE) # # slackr::slackr(channel = "#tableau-notifications", # text = paste0("This amounts to approximately ", sum(as.integer(unused_datasources$size)), "MB on the server.")) #