Changes to version 0.0-46 o fixed documentation problem from CRAN results. Changes to version 0.0-45 o fixed some missing documentation o really removed get.sst, that didn't work for a long time o remove rgdal, now import reproj o fix citation, thanks to T. Michelot Changes to version 0.0-44 o new imports needed for namespace o maintenance release, added startup message to point to SGAT o update outdated link to sp package Changes to version 0.0-42 o update CITATION process for CRAN Changes to version 0.0-41 o maintenance build o CITATION file added Changes to version 0.0-40 o version number increment for r-forge build Changes to version 0.0-39 o removed get.sst, sst.interp and supporting functions to meet CRAN licensing needs, now no need for akima or locfit Changes to version 0.0-38 o added check for very short trips that break the windowing in position.logp o renamed CHANGES to NEWS Changes to version 0.0-37 o reverted to Suggests for locfit, since that package has no namespace Changes to version 0.0-36 o added a package NAMESPACE o reversed order of CHANGES file entries o fixed mis-order in warning message use of CRS/CRSargs in satellite.model and solar.model Changes to version 0.0-35 o Sanity test for NAs and class in the data for mkLookup. Changes to version 0.0-34 o Added functions get.sst, sst.interp and sst.interp1. Changes to version 0.0-33 o added functions mkMaskObject and "set.mask<-" o added winoffset argument to position.logp o Modified the algorithm used by position.logp Changes to version 0.0-30 o added time vector to output of solar.model to make keeping track of the values simpler o Fixed bug in position.logp with incorrect check for is.null(start) Changes to version 0.0-30 o Fixed stray boilerplate "pkg" references in .Rd files. Changes to version 0.0-29 o New build version to get around problems submitting to CRAN. Changes to version 0.0-28 Thanks to for the report. 2009-05-29 ported from Montenbruck and Pfleger (1994). between the values from elevation() and the astro() functions o Fixed an embarassing error in POLAR that caused a disparity o Added transformation capacity to satellite.model o Added proj.string to satellite.model warning message about logical to double type conversion. o Fixed broken checks in solar.model that resulted in worrying match solar.model satellite.model with behav.dist, behav.mean and to o Replaced speed.dist, speed.mean and arguments in replaced by, o Removed fast.pmax and fast.pmin from solar/satellite.model, probability control (new prob arg) o Updated position.logp to more sensibly allow quantile Changes to version 0.0-27 o Fixed a bad mistake from the last build in solar.model Changes to version 0.0-26 David Pinaud) o Fixed missing transform function from solar.model (thanks to Changes to version 0.0-25 solar elevation julday julcent --------- SOLAR solar.model satellite.model norm.proposal mvnorm.proposal bmvnorm.proposal metropolis0 metropolis ## k.prior DELETED ------------------ GEO.METROPOLIS ##reynolds DELETED ##podaac DELETED mkLookup mkTempMask mkSmall mkDepthMask get.mask ## fetch.topo DELETED bits<- bits -------- MASKS picksegs pick mkCalibration show.segment light.quantile position.logp initialize.x ---------------- MISCELLANEOUS old.mkLookup old.metropolis old.find.init old.dist.gc mkNLPosterior mkElevationSeg ------------------ OLD GEO.METROPOLIS POLAR MJD mini.sun lunar LMST FRAC EQUHOR astro ----------- MINI ASTRO R files shows the grouping of functions in doc, sometimes also in the o restructured package with documentation, the following list Changes to version 0.0-17 distance functions appropriately - km units are assumed o solar.model also accepts a proj4 string, and creates behav.sigma model - the arguments have become behav, behav.mean and o solar.model now has support for "distance" as well as speed elevation "ekstrom" arguments outside a given range, this is specified either by light or o solar.model can now put a larger variance on light levels o show.segment now has "..." to pass in graphics options class for imaging the array o position.logp has some changes in that I've added an S3 o metropolis now reports on progress needs some fixing in terms of naming etc.) intersections of large logp values (not the best function yet, o init.x.diag - added function to initialize off running o mkCalibration now allows a single segment o Removed model.utils and put it all in solar.model Changes to version 0.0.10 o I'm testing automatic Subversion updating to R repository Changes to version 0.0.9 o fetch.topo now uses rgdal to read an ESRI FLT surface default is they are not passed in, but initialize occurs after o Changed operation of start.x and start.z in solar.model - Changes to version 0.0-8 o Added function findSegments Changes to version 0.0-7 logp.behavioural o fixed some bugs (not very well) in mkLookup and Changes to version 0.0-6 of the time o changed defaults in model.utils to avoid require(rgdal) most Changes to version 0.0-5 o incorporated new functions for diagnostics Changes to version 0.0-4 Changes to version 0.0-34 o Sanity test for NAs and class in the data for mkLookup. Changes to version 0.0-33 o Added functions get.sst, sst.interp and sst.interp1. Changes to version 0.0-30 o Modified the algorithm used by position.logp o added winoffset argument to position.logp o added functions mkMaskObject and "set.mask<-" Changes to version 0.0-30 o Fixed bug in position.logp with incorrect check for is.null(start) o added time vector to output of solar.model to make keeping track of the values simpler Changes to version 0.0-29 o Fixed stray boilerplate "pkg" references in .Rd files. Changes to version 0.0-28 o New build version to get around problems submitting to CRAN. Changes to version 0.0-27 o Updated position.logp to more sensibly allow quantile probability control (new prob arg) o Removed fast.pmax and fast.pmin from solar/satellite.model, replaced by, o Replaced speed.dist, speed.mean and arguments in satellite.model with behav.dist, behav.mean and to match solar.model o Fixed broken checks in solar.model that resulted in worrying warning message about logical to double type conversion. o Added proj.string to satellite.model o Added transformation capacity to satellite.model o Fixed an embarassing error in POLAR that caused a disparity between the values from elevation() and the astro() functions ported from Montenbruck and Pfleger (1994). Thanks to for the report. 2009-05-29 Changes to version 0.0-26 o Fixed a bad mistake from the last build in solar.model Changes to version 0.0-25 o Fixed missing transform function from solar.model (thanks to David Pinaud) Changes to version 0.0-17 o restructured package with documentation, the following list shows the grouping of functions in doc, sometimes also in the R files MINI ASTRO ----------- astro EQUHOR FRAC LMST lunar mini.sun MJD POLAR OLD GEO.METROPOLIS ------------------ mkElevationSeg mkNLPosterior old.dist.gc old.find.init old.metropolis old.mkLookup MISCELLANEOUS ---------------- initialize.x position.logp light.quantile show.segment mkCalibration pick picksegs MASKS -------- bits bits<- ## fetch.topo DELETED get.mask mkDepthMask mkSmall mkTempMask mkLookup ##podaac DELETED ##reynolds DELETED GEO.METROPOLIS ------------------ ## k.prior DELETED metropolis metropolis0 bmvnorm.proposal mvnorm.proposal norm.proposal satellite.model solar.model SOLAR --------- julcent julday elevation solar Changes to version 0.0.10 o Removed model.utils and put it all in solar.model o mkCalibration now allows a single segment o init.x.diag - added function to initialize off running intersections of large logp values (not the best function yet, needs some fixing in terms of naming etc.) o metropolis now reports on progress o position.logp has some changes in that I've added an S3 class for imaging the array o show.segment now has "..." to pass in graphics options o solar.model can now put a larger variance on light levels outside a given range, this is specified either by light or elevation "ekstrom" arguments o solar.model now has support for "distance" as well as speed model - the arguments have become behav, behav.mean and behav.sigma o solar.model also accepts a proj4 string, and creates distance functions appropriately - km units are assumed Changes to version 0.0.9 o I'm testing automatic Subversion updating to R repository Changes to version 0.0-8 o Changed operation of start.x and start.z in solar.model - default is they are not passed in, but initialize occurs after o fetch.topo now uses rgdal to read an ESRI FLT surface Changes to version 0.0-7 o Added function findSegments Changes to version 0.0-6 o fixed some bugs (not very well) in mkLookup and logp.behavioural Changes to version 0.0-5 o changed defaults in model.utils to avoid require(rgdal) most of the time Changes to version 0.0-4 o incorporated new functions for diagnostics Changes to version 0.0-3 o Fixed a bug in reynolds, it needs some stray integers stripped out (old Fortran something) - comments in the code show how to replicate the test output from the site. o Added capability for gzipped files to reynolds, as well as "data" option to return sst, ice, err, land or water. o Added k0 attenuation offset to find.init - seems to perform better. o Fixed a bug! in mkTempMask - it was using only the initialized Reynolds dataset. Changes to Version 0.0-2 o Recreated package completely Changes to version 0.0-1 o Created package with all latest code