--- title: "Custom basic_table arguments module" author: "Maciej NasiƄski" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette runtime: shiny vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Custom basic_table arguments module} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- This vignette will guide you through implementation of custom `rtables::basic_table` arguments for `rtables` tables based modules. We will enable 2 ways of updating `rtables::basic_table` by the end users. The `rtables::basic_table` specification could be updated with the `teal.basic_table_args` `options` variable or a `ggplot2_args` argument in a `tm_g_*` module. We still take into account default specification set up by the module creator in the server function, which has the lowest priority. The implementation should consist of 5 steps: 1. Add the `basic_table_args` arguments to the `tm_t_*` function and then its server function. The default should be set to the `basic_table_args()` function for a single plot. and `list(default = basic_table_args())` multi-table modules. 2. Add validation (e.g. `stopifnot` or `checkmate`) for the `basic_table_args` arguments to the `tm_*` function. The validation is more complex for multi-table modules, where the `ggplot2_args` could be a `list`. The module creator has to provide a list of plots names, which should be validated at this step and added to the `param` field in `roxygen2`. For multi-table modules the step `if (is_basic_table_args) basic_table_args <- list(default = basic_table_args)` is recommended. 3. Aggregate and reduce all `basic_table_args` sources with `resolve_basic_table_args()`. 4. Use the `parse_basic_table_args()` function which will aggregate and reduce all inputs to one expression. 5. Add the created expression to the chunk with a table. The `parse_basic_table_args()` function picks the first non NULL value for each argument, checking in order: 1. `basic_table_args` arguments provided by the end user. For multi-table case, per table (`basic_table_args_table`) and then default (`basic_table_args_default`) setup. 2. Global R variable (`options`), `teal.basic_table_args`. 3. `basic_table_args_developer` which is a developer setup, lowest priority. ## Example - Single-Table Module ```{r warning=FALSE} library(shiny) library(teal.widgets) library(magrittr) options("teal.basic_table_args" = basic_table_args(title = "ENV_TITLE")) basic_table_args <- list( default = basic_table_args(prov_footer = "USER_FOOTER"), table1 = basic_table_args(subtitles = "USER_SUBTITLES_TABLE1"), table2 = basic_table_args(subtitles = "USER_SUBTITLES_TABLE2") ) ui <- fluidPage( shinyjs::useShinyjs(), tags$div(verbatimTextOutput("table1")) ) server <- function(input, output, session) { dev_table_args <- basic_table_args(show_colcounts = TRUE) table_expr <- substitute( expr = { tt <- f_table_expr %>% rtables::split_cols_by("Species") %>% rtables::analyze(vars = "Sepal.Length", afun = function(x) { rtables::in_rows( "Mean" = rtables::rcell(mean(x), format = "xx.xx"), "Range" = rtables::rcell(range(x), format = "xx.xx - xx.xx") ) }) table2 <- rtables::build_table(tt, iris) table2 }, env = list(f_table_expr = parse_basic_table_args( resolve_basic_table_args( user_table = basic_table_args$table2, user_default = basic_table_args$default, module_table = dev_table_args ) )) ) output$table1 <- renderPrint(eval(table_expr)) } if (interactive()) { shinyApp(ui, server) } ```