taxotools 0.0.139 ================= * Bug fixes in melt_canonical, melt_scientificname, syn2taxo, get_synonym * Function syn2taxo now carries order and family if present in original data * Function get_synonym example improved * Fixed CRAN documentation warnings and suggestions taxotools 0.0.132 ================= * Added functions taxo2syn, taxo2DwC, cast_scientificname, resolve_names, taxo2doc, compact_ids, get_synonyms * Function get_accepted_names has fuzzymatch and fuzzydist parameters to control fuzzy matching * Function list_itis_syn now returns consistant column names * Function synonymize_subspecies has return_unmatched parameter to control returning good data verses orphan records * Function DwC2taxo now deals with author column too * Function expand_name can handle trinomials too * Function guess_taxo_rank manages extra white spaces * Function merge_lists now compacts the ids and returns single data frame with output based on output param * Function compact_ids has startid param to control starting id for the data set * Several functions have verbose param * Bug fixes in melt_canonical, toproper, cast_cs_field, syn2taxo, melt_cs_field, melt_scientificname, DwC2taxo, taxo2DwC, guess_taxo_level, merge_lists, cast_canonocal, get_synonyms, expand_name, list_wiki_syn * Improved documentation for syn2taxo, DwC2taxo, melt_scientificname, merge_lists, taxo2doc * 'internet resources should fail gracefully' * Incorporated CRAN suggestions taxotools 0.0.79 ================ * Function match_lists returns additional stats * Function merge_lists, synonymize_subspecies, DwC2toxo, wiki2taxo, syn2taxo added * Bug fixes in match_lists, list_wiki_syn, synonymize_subspecies, melt_scientificaname, cast canonical 3 taxotools 0.0.60 ================ * Function build_gen_syn, melt_scientificname added * Function get_accepted_names made efficient by avioding duplicate * Function get_accepted_names has new param match_higher to match genus and family too * Function get_accepted_names has new param prefix which adds a prefix to all new columns * renamed fxn get_taxo_level to get_taxo_rank for clarity taxotools 0.0.51 ================ * Function melt_cs_field has progress bar and cleans white spaces * Function get_accepted_names has mastersource param * Package added to Zenodo to get DOI taxotools 0.0.47 ================ * Function cast_canonical returns proper case names rather than oroginal * Documentation and example code fixes, bug fixes * Added function taxo_fuzzy_match and get_accepted_names * Function rename_column has silent paramater taxotools 0.0.43 ================ * Removed all discontinued functions * Function cast_cs_field bug fix duplicated parameter now works * Minor bug fixes and feature additions taxotools 0.0.38 ================ * Function match_lists returns Jaccard index and new records in the checklist * Functions melt_canonical handles some stirngs in names like f. sp. spp. etc * Function list_wiki_syn returns wikipedia name too * Few bugfixes taxotools 0.0.30 ================ * Function melt_canonical added * Function make_canonical renamed to cast_canonical * Function melt_cs_field parameter pri changed to melt taxotools 0.0.23 ================ * Functions melt_cs_field, list_higher_taxo added taxotools 0.0.20 ================ * Revised all function names to make them user friendly taxotools 0.0.11 ================ New Features * BuildCSList returns all fields in place of just Primary and Secondary * ExpandSyn can expand using previous names in the synonym list * MakeCanonical function added to build Canonical names using Genus, Species and Subspecies fields * BuildCSList has parameter duplicate to indicate if duplicates are allowed in CSList taxotools 0.0.3 =============== * released to CRAN