= svTools News == Change in svTools 0.9-4 * Internal change: tools:::file_path_as_absolute() changed to tools::file_path_as_absolute(). * Reworked other uses of :::. == Changes in svTools 0.9-3 * Fixed a bug in lint() that prevented to retrieve warnings from codetools 0.2-8 checkUsage() function. == Changes in svTools 0.9-2 * Fixed partial matching of arguments env(ir) in .argsFunAfter() and .isFunction() and nc(ol), nr(ow) in completeCode() * .descriptionFields is now created in code to avoid false warning of missing object in R 2.15.0. * .rbib() now loads the bibRNews.rda data before proceeding. == Changes in svTools 0.9-1 * Several bugs eliminated in tryParse() and lintUsage(). * lintUsage() renamed lint() for simplicity. * lint() added to support code linter for Komodo with new 'flat' or 'rjson' output format. The function takes R code as a character string, or the name of a file and it outputs a data.frame, text, or rjson object that contains the error messages. == Changes in svTools 0.9-0 * This is a major rewriting of the package. Dependency to operators was eliminated, and most functions and arguments have changed! == Changes in svTools 0.0-12 * sidekick is now generic. == Changes in svTools 0.0-11 * Further clean up of the NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION files. == Changes in svTools 0.0-10 * Cleaning for CRAN submission. == Changes in svTools 0.0-8 * Handling the token better in CompletePlusWrap(). == Version 0.0-5 First version on R-Forge.