survSNP v0.26 (Release date: 2023-01-20) ============= * Copied updated configure and files from RcppGSL v0.3.13 to correct gcc issue reported by CRAN * Updated citation URLs which were redirecting survSNP v0.25 (Release date: 2021-10-08) ============= * Corrected Warning: "AC_OUTPUT should be used without arguments" * Updated reference URLs * Updated maintainer email address survSNP v0.24 (Release date: 2016-06-29) ============= * Argument "para" removed from sim.snp.expsurv.power(). [Parallel execution was never implemented]. * Vignette updated with information on how the user can implement parallel processing, if desired. * Bug fix: SNP levels previously analyzed as factors, now treated as numeric * Revised DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE to clear notes from CRAN checks