## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) backup_option <- options() base_wd <- getwd() ## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ load(system.file("extdata", "results_vignette_wmat.rda", package = "spNetwork", mustWork = TRUE)) library(spdep) ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE---------------- # options("rgdal_show_exportToProj4_warnings"="none") # # library(spNetwork) # library(sf) # library(dplyr) # library(spdep) # # data(mtl_network) # data(bike_accidents) # # ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE------------------------------- # lixels <- lixelize_lines(mtl_network,200,mindist = 50) # # # defining and oid for the lixels # lixels$oid <- 1:nrow(lixels) # # # snapping the points on the lines and counting # snapped_acc <- snapPointsToLines2(bike_accidents,lixels, idField ="oid") # counts <- table(snapped_acc$nearest_line_id) # counts_df <- data.frame("oid" = as.numeric(as.character(names(counts))), # "count" = as.numeric(counts)) # # # merging the results # lixels$nbAccident <- left_join(lixels,counts_df, by="oid")$count # nbAccident <- ifelse(is.na(lixels$nbAccident),0,lixels$nbAccident) ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE------------------------------- # netlistw <- network_listw(lixels,mtl_network, # method = "ends", # mindist = 10, # maxdistance = 300, # dist_func = "squared inverse", # line_weight = 'length', # matrice_type = 'W', # grid_shape = c(1,1), # verbose=FALSE) ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------------- Test <- moran.test(nbAccident, netlistw, zero.policy = T) print(round(Test$estimate,4)) ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE------------------------------- # my_conv_func <- function(x){ # if (x>=300){ # return(0) # }else{ # return(1/x**3) # } # } # # netlistw2 <- network_listw(lixels,mtl_network, # method = "ends", # mindist = 10, # maxdistance = 300, # dist_func = my_conv_func, # line_weight = 'length', # matrice_type = 'W', # grid_shape = c(1,1), # verbose=FALSE) # ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE--------------------------------- # # setting the multiprocess plan # future::plan(future::multisession(workers=2)) # # netlistw3 <- network_listw.mc(lixels,lixels, # method = "ends", # mindist = 10, # maxdistance = 300, # dist_func = my_conv_func, # line_weight = 'length', # matrice_type = 'W', # grid_shape = c(2,2), # verbose=FALSE) # # if (!inherits(future::plan(), "sequential")) future::plan(future::sequential) ## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # reset all the user parameters options(backup_option) setwd(base_wd) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1,2)) par(oldpar)