## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(renv) ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # restore packages from the lockfile, bypassing the cache # renv::restore(rebuild = TRUE) # # # re-install a package # renv::install("", rebuild = TRUE) # # # rebuild all packages in the project # renv::rebuild() ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # installation of RNetCDF may require us to set include paths for netcdf # configure.args = c(RNetCDF = "--with-netcdf-include=/usr/include/udunits2") # options(configure.args = configure.args) # renv::install("RNetCDF") ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # options( # configure.args.RNetCDF = "--with-netcdf-include=/usr/include/udunits2" # ) # renv::install("RNetCDF") ## ----eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- # # installation of R packages using the Windows Subsystem for Linux # # may require the `--no-lock` flag to be set during install # options(install.opts = "--no-lock") # renv::install("xml2") # # # alternatively, you can set such options for specific packages with e.g. # options(install.opts = list(xml2 = "--no-lock")) # renv::install("xml2") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # getOption("download.file.method") ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # renv:::renv_download_method() ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # Sys.setenv(RENV_DOWNLOAD_METHOD = getOption("download.file.method"))