0.9-7 2015-01-13 - included importFrom() to NAMESPACE - reformulated description 0.9-6 2012-02-08 - dsRead() uses try( ... ) to read data - dsDownload() prints download comments of a data set, if there are any - update of checkType(), getAvailable() 0.9-5 2012-02-03 - include URL field in DESCRIPTION - add functions checkAvailability() and dsDownload() - update of the documentation 0.9-4 2012-01-31 - allow only one response column - name of response column is a parameter - response column is not moved to become the last column - add function checkType() - initial CRAN submission 0.9-3 2012-01-28 - simplify dsRead() - add example directories to "inst" 0.9-2 2012-01-26 - the control structure is a data frame, not a list with a data frame component - include parameters searchField, searchType to dsSearch() - search uses only string comparison or grep(, fixed=TRUE) 0.9-1 2012-01-25 - change the names from db* to ds* (from data base to data set) 0.9-0 2012-01-24 - change back to xmlToDataFrame() from XML - data description and data folders are expected at different directories - remove fields "skip", "sep", "comment", "missing" from contents.xml - each data set is read by its own script 0.8-3 2010-02-17 - use fromRaggedXML2DataFrame() from XML to protect against a bug in xmlToDataFrame() 0.8-2 2010-02-15 - change output of getDescription() to a matrix 0.8-1 2010-01-30 - include case insensitive search for name 0.8-0 2010-01-28 - add support for the original names of columns - add getDescription() for creating a description from a data.frame 0.7-4 2010-01-20 - add case-insensitive search 0.7-3 2009-12-18 - correct library path using library(help=CORElearn)$path