Version 1.0.12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * New option angle_col that allows to change the orientation of column labels Version 1.0.11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Now values outside of provided breaks correspond to highese/lowest supplied color (thanks Manuela Hummel) Version 1.0.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Fixed the blank page issue for RMarkdown notebooks and printing heatmaps to pdf without using filename parameter * Can set color of NA now * Output now is a pheatmap object with same slots as previously, but it has also print and grid.draw functions (thanks Guangchuang Yu) Version 1.0.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Now using pheatmap does not interfer with random seed anymore (thanks Simon de Bernard) Version 1.0.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduced changes by Tauno Metsalu: * It is now possible to use hclust as an object * the display of annotation names can be controlled in more detail now Version 1.0.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying to comply with CRAN policies Version 1.0.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added clustering_callback option to give more control over the hierarchical clustering Version 1.0.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed the continuous legend bug Version 1.0.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make the NA handling in parameters more intelligent Version 1.0.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make the NA handling more intelligent for annotations Version 1.0.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trying to comply with CRAN policies Version 1.0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed small bug with gap calculation Version 1.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major rewrite of pheatmap. * Internally pheatmap uses now gtable package and returns the gtable object that gives more flexibility in editing the figure or combining it with other plots * Introduced the opportunity to separate parts of heatmap using gaps. This can be achieved using gaps_col and gaps_row parameter when the corresponding dimension is not clustered. Alternatively cutree_row and cutree_col introduce the gaps based on the clustering. * Now it is possible to annotate rows of heatmaps in similar manner as it was possible with columns before. * Now it is possible to supply custom labels for rows and columns. * Added names to annotation tracks * Improved the overall appearance of the plot, concentrating on legends and annotation color schemes Version 0.7.10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can set color to the values shown inside the cells. Version 0.7.9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added option to show arbitrary values within cells, by giving a matrix to display_numbers parameter. Version 0.7.8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Made the dendrogram drawing faster Version 0.7.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed a bug related to calculating space for the column and row names. Made the documentation more readable Added .Rbuildignore Version 0.7.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed a bug, where the color scales for scaled matrices were not centered to 0. Version 0.7.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor bug fix Version 0.7.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Minor bug fixes Version 0.7.2 and 0.7.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed some bugs introduced by changing the direction of plotting the y axis Version 0.7.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added option to modify labels of the color scale legend (legend_breaks and legend_labels) * Changed the direction of plotting to start from the top instead of bottom on y axis. Version 0.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Added opportunity to show also the corresponding numeric values in the cells (see display_numbers parameter). * Added opportunity to show unused factor levels for column annotations in the legend (drop_levels parameter). * Changed the order how the rows are drawn when rows are not clustered. Before it started from the bottom, now from the top. * Changed legend positioning according to the presence of column names * The function now returns invisibly all the clusterings that it performed.