This section is for those who want a quick whiff of what the package can do. For the proper start to this vignette, see next section.
A normal mixture model is a multivariate probability distribution constructed of normal distributions and mixture weights. Its (probability) density and (cumulative) distribution functions (aka PDF and CDF), f() and F() are f(x)=K∑k=1πkϕ(x;μk,Σk), and F(x)=K∑k=1πkΦ(x;μk,Σk),
with πk≥0, ∑πk=1, and ϕ(⋅;μk,Σk) and Φ(⋅;μk,Σk) are the density and distribution function of a multivariate normal (aka Gaussian) distribution with mean μk and covariance matrix Σk. For details, see e.g., .
To begin, pick your favorite dataset and how many components you want
to fit. For the most general model, let model="VVV"
. Use
as the default method.
run norMmixMLE
faith <- norMmixMLE(faithful, 3, model="VVV", initFUN=claraInit)
#> initial value 1148.756748
#> iter 10 value 1130.331858
#> iter 20 value 1120.857337
#> iter 30 value 1120.175360
#> iter 40 value 1119.345117
#> iter 50 value 1119.252780
#> iter 60 value 1119.213982
#> iter 60 value 1119.213972
#> iter 60 value 1119.213972
#> final value 1119.213972
#> converged
and inspect the results:
This is all you need to know for just the bare bones functionality of the package. We can also go about the whole thing the other way around, by starting out by defining a normal mixture from scratch.
Use the norMmix()
function; the constructor function for
normal mixtures.
w <- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2)
mu <- matrix(1:6, 2, 3)
sig <- array(c(2,1,1,2,
4,3,3,4), c(2,2,3))
nm <- norMmix(mu, Sigma=sig, weight=w)
higher-dimensional plots are also possible.
This model is taken from
Marron, J. S., and Wand, M. P. (1992) “Exact Mean Integrated Squared Error.” doi:10.1214/aos/1176348653.
All the models from this paper are provided in the package as examples.
generates data (random observations) from
such distributions:
x <- rnorMmix(500, nm)
plot(nm, xlim = c(-5,10), ylim = c(-5, 12),
main = "500 observations from a mixture of 3 bivariate Gaussians")
fits a distribution to data:
ret <- norMmixMLE(x, 3, model="VVV", initFUN=claraInit)
#> initial value 1990.419514
#> iter 10 value 1964.569422
#> iter 20 value 1963.075315
#> iter 30 value 1961.478334
#> iter 40 value 1960.160959
#> iter 50 value 1959.623048
#> final value 1959.309667
#> converged
ret # -> print.norMmixMLE(ret)
#> 'norMmixMLE' normal mixture MLE fit; fitted 'norMmix' normal mixture:
#> norMmix object:
#> multivariate normal mixture model with the following attributes:
#> name: model = VVV , components = 3
#> model: VVV
#> dimension: 2
#> components: 3
#> weight of components 0.613 0.34 0.0466
#> log-likelihood:
#> nobs npar nobs/npar
#> 500 17 29.41176
#> optim() counts: function = 157, gradient = 58
and the fitted object, of class "norMixMLE"
has a nice
Now again but more thorough:
This package was originally created for the purposes of a bachelor’s thesis from author Nicolas Trutmann. The credit for the idea rests solely with Prof. Martin Mächler.
In brief: The current popular choice for the fitting of normal mixtures is the EM-algorithm; in part because of it’s proven convergence. But, there are pathological cases where convergence slows down and, in most implementations of the EM-algorithm, break off.
This alternative, while not without flaws, is not hampered by this particular shortcoming.
A general reference for Mixture models and in particular a thorough explanation for the EM-algorithm can be found in this reference.
McLachlan, Geoffrey, and David Peel. Finite Mixture Models. PDF. Newy York: Wiley-Interscience, 2004.
Our approach allows us for one, to use the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix to cut down the number of free parameters from p2 to p(p−1)2, and furthermore leverage the diversity of generic optimizer solutions to tackle pernicious data, that might otherwise resist approximation by the EM-algorithm.
This document is organised by the major classes in this package. These are the ‘norMmix’, ‘norMmixMLE’ and (soon) ‘manynorMmix’ classes.
Of these, norMmix is the base class, that codifies a multivariate normal mixture, with weights, means and covariance matrices.
Stacked on top of norMmix is norMmixMLE, which is the output of our main feature, the MLE implementation. It contains first and foremost a norMmix object, namely the result of the MLE. After that, it also has additional information about the specifics of the fitting, like number of parameters and sample size.
It is easiest to introduce the tool by using the tool, so here is a quick tour:
# suppose we wanted some mixture model, let
mu <- matrix(1:6, 2,3) # 2x3 matrix -> 3 means of dimension 2
w <- c(0.5, 0.3, 0.2) # needs to sum to 1
diags <- c(4, 3, 5) # these will be the entries of the diagonal of the covariance matrices (see below)
nm <- norMmix(mu, Sigma=diags, weight=w)
#> norMmix object:
#> multivariate normal mixture model with the following attributes:
#> name: model "VVV", G = 3
#> model: VVV
#> dimension: 2
#> components: 3
#> weight of components 0.5 0.3 0.2
#> List of 6
#> $ model : chr "VVV"
#> $ mu : int [1:2, 1:3] 1 2 3 4 5 6
#> $ Sigma : num [1:2, 1:2, 1:3] 4 0 0 4 3 0 0 3 5 0 ...
#> $ weight: num [1:3] 0.5 0.3 0.2
#> $ k : int 3
#> $ dim : int 2
#> - attr(*, "name")= chr "model \"VVV\", G = 3"
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr "norMmix"
A norMmix object is a list of 6: * a char denoting the model * a matrix of means * a vector of weights * an array of covariance matrices * an int: the number of components * an int: the number of dimensions
The means and covariance matrices look like this:
#> [,1] [,2] [,3]
#> [1,] 1 3 5
#> [2,] 2 4 6
#> , , 1
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 4 0
#> [2,] 0 4
#> , , 2
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 3 0
#> [2,] 0 3
#> , , 3
#> [,1] [,2]
#> [1,] 5 0
#> [2,] 0 5
Compare that to mu and diags defined at the start of this section.
The norMmix() function serves as initializer for a norMmix object. While you could specify covariance matrices explicitly, norMmix() as a few nifty ways of constructing simpler matrices from smaller givens. This happens according to the dimension of the given value for the Sigma argument:
for a single value l
or NULL, norMmix() assumes all
matrices to be diagonal with entries l
or 1
for a vector v
, norMmix()
assumes all
matrices to be diagonal with the i-th matrix having diagonal entries
for a matrix m
, norMmix()
assumes all
matrices to be diagonal with diagonal vector m[,i]
(i.e. it
goes by columns).
an array is assumed to be the covariance matrices, given explicitly.
does not handle 1-dimensional mixture models
properly. Use nor1mix
if that is your use case.
Direct Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) for multivariate normal
mixture models. Performs direct likelihood maximization via
norMmixMLE(x, k, model = c(“EII”, “VII”, “EEI”, “VEI”, “EVI”, “VVI”, “EEE”, “VEE”, “EVV”, “VVV”), initFUN = claraInit, ll = c(“nmm”, “mvt”), keep.optr = TRUE, = keep.optr, method = “BFGS”, maxit = 100, trace = 2, optREPORT = 10, reltol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), )
To use norMmixMLE
, provide a dataset x
as a
numeric [n x p]
matrix, a number of components to fit,
, and a model from the list above.