## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, warning = FALSE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(nestedcv) library(mlbench) # Boston housing dataset data(BostonHousing2) dat <- BostonHousing2 y <- dat$cmedv x <- subset(dat, select = -c(cmedv, medv, town, chas)) # Fit a glmnet model using nested CV set.seed(1, "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") fit <- nestcv.glmnet(y, x, family = "gaussian", min_1se = 1, alphaSet = 1, cv.cores = 2) vs <- var_stability(fit) vs ## ----fig.dim = c(10, 5)------------------------------------------------------- p1 <- plot_var_stability(fit) # overlay directionality using colour p2 <- plot_var_stability(fit, final = FALSE, direction = 1) # or show directionality with the sign of the variable importance # plot_var_stability(fit, final = FALSE, percent = F) ggpubr::ggarrange(p1, p2, ncol=2) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # change bubble colour scheme # p1 + scale_fill_manual(values=c("orange", "green3")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(fastshap) # Generate SHAP values using fastshap::explain # Only using 5 repeats here for speed, but recommend higher values of nsim sh <- explain(fit, X=x, pred_wrapper = pred_nestcv_glmnet, nsim = 5) # Plot overall variable importance plot_shap_bar(sh, x) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plot beeswarm plot plot_shap_beeswarm(sh, x, size = 1) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # # Only 3 outer folds to speed up process # fit <- nestcv.train(y, x, # method = "gbm", # n_outer_folds = 3, cv.cores = 2) # # # Only using 5 repeats here for speed, but recommend higher values of nsim # sh <- explain(fit, X=x, pred_wrapper = pred_train, nsim = 5) # plot_shap_beeswarm(sh, x, size = 1) ## ----fig.width = 9, fig.height = 3.5------------------------------------------ library(ggplot2) data("iris") dat <- iris y <- dat$Species x <- dat[, 1:4] # Only 3 outer folds to speed up process fit <- nestcv.glmnet(y, x, family = "multinomial", n_outer_folds = 3, alphaSet = 0.6) # SHAP values for each of the 3 classes sh1 <- explain(fit, X=x, pred_wrapper = pred_nestcv_glmnet_class1, nsim = 5) sh2 <- explain(fit, X=x, pred_wrapper = pred_nestcv_glmnet_class2, nsim = 5) sh3 <- explain(fit, X=x, pred_wrapper = pred_nestcv_glmnet_class3, nsim = 5) s1 <- plot_shap_bar(sh1, x, sort = FALSE) + ggtitle("Setosa") s2 <- plot_shap_bar(sh2, x, sort = FALSE) + ggtitle("Versicolor") s3 <- plot_shap_bar(sh3, x, sort = FALSE) + ggtitle("Virginica") ggpubr::ggarrange(s1, s2, s3, ncol=3, legend = "bottom", common.legend = TRUE) ## ----fig.width = 9.5, fig.height = 3.5---------------------------------------- s1 <- plot_shap_beeswarm(sh1, x, sort = FALSE, cex = 0.7) + ggtitle("Setosa") s2 <- plot_shap_beeswarm(sh2, x, sort = FALSE, cex = 0.7) + ggtitle("Versicolor") s3 <- plot_shap_beeswarm(sh3, x, sort = FALSE, cex = 0.7) + ggtitle("Virginica") ggpubr::ggarrange(s1, s2, s3, ncol=3, legend = "right", common.legend = TRUE) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # sh <- explain(fit, X = fit$xsub, pred_wrapper = pred_nestcv_glmnet, nsim = 5) # plot_shap_bar(sh, fit$xsub) # # sh <- explain(fit, X = x[, fit$final_vars], pred_wrapper = pred_nestcv_glmnet, nsim = 5) # plot_shap_bar(sh, x[, fit$final_vars])