2023-10-10 Janina Herold , Thomas Winkler, Cristian.Pattaro * New functions - European Kidney Foundation Consortium (EKFC) formulas - FAS equations - Bedside Schwartz equation (courtesy of Andrew Srisuwananukorn) *Updates - function name CKDEpi.creat.rf() -> changed into CKDEpi_RF.creat() - function name CKDEpi.creat.cys.rf() -> changed into CKDEpi_RF.creat.cys() 2022-05-01 Ryosuke Fujii * New functions - CKDEpi.creat.rf() function: race-free CKD-EPI equation for serum creatinine - CKDEpi.creat.cys.rf() function: race-free CKD-EPI equation for serum creatinine and cystatin C * Bug fixes - In the manual, measurement unit for Cystatin C has been corrected 2017-05-05 Cristian Pattaro * Bug fixes - Serius bug fixed in the CG(): previous wrong formula: eGFR <- (140-age) * wt / 72 * creatinine; current fixed formula: eGFR <- (140-age) * wt / (72 * creatinine); previous CG() results not valid - many thanks to Joao Sabino for uncovering the mistake! 2015-01-31 Cristian Pattaro * Bug fixes - all functions: a serious bug on NA values has been fixed - many thanks to Max Plisckhe (Medical University of Vienna) who uncovered that! - CG(): new Cockroft and Gault creatinine clearance estimation function added