Version 0.13.0 - 'export' now raises a warning when called from outside of a module instead of raising an error. #47 Version 0.12.0 - Bugfix when exporting object with special characters of length 1, e.g. `!` #45 Version 0.11.0 - Bugfix when exporting objects with whitespace in its name #39 - Bugfix when exporting objects with special characters in its name #43 Version 0.10.0 - CRAN release - Bugfix when exporting objects with special names #37 Version 0.9.0 - CRAN release - Bugfix from issue #16 on Github: extend a module which has been loaded from a file now actually works - Extending the export mechanism to allow for renaming: see #19 - Reattaching a module in the .GlobalEnv now actually works. See #24 - Importing a complete package now also imports datasets. See #29 - importDefaultPackages can be used to import Rs default packages, e.g. utils and stats. See #31 Version 0.8.0 - CRAN release - Update to documentation - Bugfix: find 'module' inside a module declaration - New function 'getSearchPathContent' to investigate the search path of a module - getSearchPath can now handle functions and modules as argument - New vignettes - 'use' and 'import' now signal conflicts using 'packageStartupMessage' instead of 'message'. They can now also be suppressed using 'suppressPackageStartupMessage'. - Skipping test for cross package dependencies on CRAN - not yet possible to reproduce locally. Version 0.7.0 - CRAN release - New function 'depend' to declare package dependencies - Throw error when names are exported which are not available - New function 'amodule' aka module2 -> improved scoping of modules and dependency injection - The function 'use' will now find symbols defined in a top level environment - The function 'use' can now also handle URLs Version 0.6.0 - CRAN release - Fixing conditional use of packages in suggests Version 0.5.2 - Update documentation for parameterized modules. Version 0.5.1 - New function: extend, can be used to extend an existing module definition. Version 0.5.0 - CRAN release Version 0.4.4 - Eliminated package dependencies: 'aoos' and 'methods' Version 0.4.3 - Fix for print method. - Removing class and function 'modfun' Version 0.4.2 - The function 'import' now has the additional argument 'attach' and returns an environment containing the specified imports. Version 0.4.1 - Bugfix in expose when not called from within a module. Version 0.4.0 - Cran release - Minor bugfixes - Update for testthat compatibility Version 0.3.1 - 'export' now appends the vector of exports instead of replacing it. - Bugfix in 'export' for regexs. Version 0.3.0 - CRAN release Version 0.2.4 - 'import' now checks if a package dependency is installed instead of quietly waiting for a runtime error: fail early! Version 0.2.3 - modules can now distinguish between situations in which they are constructed inside a package, inside another module (nested module), or inside a script. This behaviour is implemented in 'autoTopEncl' and can be overridden. This behaviour defines the search path of a module. Version 0.2.2 - 'use' and 'expose' have different argument names. '...' can now be used to select objects to load / attach. The order of arguments has changed to be consistent with 'import'. 'reInit' can be used to trigger re-initialization of module. Version 0.2.1 - When 'use' is called, modules are re initialized by default. - A 'module' now has an attribute 'moduleConst' which knows how to initialize a module and contains sufficient information for that process. - New function 'expose' to inherit a whole module. Version 0.2.0 - CRAN release Version 0.1.4 - ad-hoc documentation of functions using '##' as trigger. Version 0.1.3 - as.module and thus use now accept a directory path. In this case all R-files in that directory are treated as module and returned as list of modules. Version 0.1.2 - use and import now avoid duplicate dependencies on the search path - new functions: getSearchPath, getSearchPathNames to explore the local search path Version 0.1.1 - fix when de-parsing imports Version 0.1.0 - CRAN release Version 0.0.8 - use does not attach by default - a regex in export is indicated by a leading "^" Version 0.0.5 - exports Version 0.0.4 - new function: as.module