mltest 1.0.1
- added bibliography in the help page of the function
- removed “mltest.R” file which previously described the package
- redone/simplified the implementation of the calculation of local
variables “TP” and “TN”
within “mltest::ml_test()”
- added variables “FP” and “FN” (semantiaclly corresponding to FP and
FN of a confusion matrix) within “mltest::ml_test()”
- reimplemented/expressed evaluation-metrics “precision”, “recall”,
“specificity” in simple
terms of TP, TN, FP and FN
- implemented new evaluation-metrics: “DOR”, “error.rate”,
“FDR”/“FNR”/“FOR”/“FPR”, “geometric.mean”, “Jaccard”, “L”/“lambda”
(representing LR(+) and LR(-) respectively), “MCC”, “MK” (Markedness),
“NPV”, “OP” (optimization precision), “Youden”(’s index)
- added an extra argument “” which is FALSE by default:
this returns a list with named vectors (class-mtrics) for fast access
through referencing/subsetting a la
$. when the above
“” = TRUE the dataframe with all the metrics is returned
(except for “accuracy” and “error.rate”)
mltest 1.0.2
- removed from within the the
{} of the return in the #’ @return part of the roxygen2 header
- thanks to Dr. Hornik for the advice
- :
is now caclulated correctly (#107): TN <-
sapply(1:length(TP), function(y) {sum(confusion_mtx[-y, -y], na.rm =
- thanks to Dr. Stewart for the advice
- ORCID number is added in the description file
mltest 1.0.3
- added CRAN-assigned DOI to the inst/CITATION file
- removed balanced.accuracy mentioned twice in the #’ @description
- removed 2nd parenthesis pair around
the .R file
- replaced
\emph{calculated as:}
with =
the #’ @return of the
.R file
- removed redundant parentheses in
{1} and