title: "Get started"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Get started}
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"
# split_cv
```{r example-split_cv}
# Prepare example data: Convert first 3 columns of iris dataset to long format and split
dt_split <- w2l_split(data = iris, cols2l = 1:3)
# dt_split is now a list containing 3 data tables for Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, and Petal.Length
# Example 1: Single cross-validation (no repeats)
split_dt = dt_split, # Input list of split data
v = 3, # Set 3-fold cross-validation
repeats = 1 # Perform cross-validation once (no repeats)
# Returns a list where each element contains:
# - splits: rsample split objects
# - id: fold numbers (Fold1, Fold2, Fold3)
# - train: training set data
# - validate: validation set data
# Example 2: Repeated cross-validation
split_dt = dt_split, # Input list of split data
v = 3, # Set 3-fold cross-validation
repeats = 2 # Perform cross-validation twice
# Returns a list where each element contains:
# - splits: rsample split objects
# - id: repeat numbers (Repeat1, Repeat2)
# - id2: fold numbers (Fold1, Fold2, Fold3)
# - train: training set data
# - validate: validation set data
# c2p_nest
```{r example-c2p_nest}
# Example data preparation: Define column names for combination
col_names <- c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length")
# Example 1: Basic column-to-pairs nesting with custom separator
iris, # Input iris dataset
cols2bind = col_names, # Columns to be combined as pairs
pairs_n = 2, # Create pairs of 2 columns
sep = "&" # Custom separator for pair names
# Returns a nested data.table where:
# - pairs: combined column names (e.g., "Sepal.Length&Sepal.Width")
# - data: list column containing data.tables with value1, value2 columns
# Example 2: Column-to-pairs nesting with numeric indices and grouping
iris, # Input iris dataset
cols2bind = 1:3, # First 3 columns to be combined
pairs_n = 2, # Create pairs of 2 columns
by = 5 # Group by 5th column (Species)
# Returns a nested data.table where:
# - pairs: combined column names
# - Species: grouping variable
# - data: list column containing data.tables grouped by Species
# r2p_nest
```{r example-r2p_nest}
# Example 1: Row-to-pairs nesting with column names
mtcars, # Input mtcars dataset
rows2bind = "cyl", # Column to be used as row values
by = c("hp", "drat", "wt") # Columns to be transformed into pairs
# Returns a nested data.table where:
# - name: variable names (hp, drat, wt)
# - data: list column containing data.tables with rows grouped by cyl values
# Example 2: Row-to-pairs nesting with numeric indices
mtcars, # Input mtcars dataset
rows2bind = 2, # Use 2nd column (cyl) as row values
by = 4:6 # Use columns 4-6 (hp, drat, wt) for pairs
# Returns a nested data.table where:
# - name: variable names from columns 4-6
# - data: list column containing data.tables with rows grouped by cyl values
# export_nest
```{r example-export_nest}
# Example 1: Basic nested data export workflow
# Step 1: Create nested data structure
dt_nest <- w2l_nest(
data = iris, # Input iris dataset
cols2l = 1:2, # Columns to be nested
by = "Species" # Grouping variable
# Step 2: Export nested data to files
nest_dt = dt_nest, # Input nested data.table
nest_col = "data", # Column containing nested data
group_cols = c("name", "Species") # Columns to create directory structure
# Returns the number of files created
# Creates directory structure: tempdir()/name/Species/data.txt
# Check exported files
path = tempdir(), # Default export directory
pattern = "txt", # File type pattern to search
recursive = TRUE # Search in subdirectories
# Returns list of created files and their paths
# Clean up exported files
files <- list.files(
path = tempdir(), # Default export directory
pattern = "txt", # File type pattern to search
recursive = TRUE, # Search in subdirectories
full.names = TRUE # Return full file paths
file.remove(files) # Remove all exported files
# export_list
```{r example-export_list}
# Example: Export split data to files
# Step 1: Create split data structure
dt_split <- w2l_split(
data = iris, # Input iris dataset
cols2l = 1:2, # Columns to be split
by = "Species" # Grouping variable
# Step 2: Export split data to files
split_dt = dt_split # Input list of data.tables
# Returns the number of files created
# Files are saved in tempdir() with .txt extension
# Check exported files
path = tempdir(), # Default export directory
pattern = "txt", # File type pattern to search
recursive = TRUE # Search in subdirectories
# Clean up exported files
files <- list.files(
path = tempdir(), # Default export directory
pattern = "txt", # File type pattern to search
recursive = TRUE, # Search in subdirectories
full.names = TRUE # Return full file paths
file.remove(files) # Remove all exported files
# fires
```{r example-fires}
# nedaps
```{r example-nedaps}
# convert_nest
```{r example-convert_nest}
# Example 1: Create nested data structures
# Create single nested column
df_nest1 <- iris |>
dplyr::group_nest(Species) # Group and nest by Species
# Create multiple nested columns
df_nest2 <- iris |>
dplyr::group_nest(Species) |> # Group and nest by Species
data2 = purrr::map( # Create second nested column
c = 2
# Example 2: Convert nested structures
# Convert data frame to data table
df_nest1, # Input nested data frame
to = "dt" # Convert to data.table
# Convert specific nested columns
df_nest2, # Input nested data frame
to = "dt", # Convert to data.table
nest_cols = "data" # Only convert 'data' column
# Example 3: Convert data table to data frame
dt_nest <- mintyr::w2l_nest(
data = iris, # Input dataset
cols2l = 1:2 # Columns to nest
dt_nest, # Input nested data table
to = "df" # Convert to data frame
# get_path_segment
```{r example-get_path_segment}
# Example: Path segment extraction demonstrations
# Setup test paths
paths <- c(
"C:/home/user/documents", # Windows style path
"/var/log/system", # Unix system path
"/usr/local/bin" # Unix binary path
# Example 1: Extract first segment
paths, # Input paths
1 # Get first segment
# Returns: c("home", "var", "usr")
# Example 2: Extract second-to-last segment
paths, # Input paths
-2 # Get second-to-last segment
# Returns: c("user", "log", "local")
# Example 3: Extract from first to last segment
paths, # Input paths
c(1,-1) # Range from first to last
# Returns full paths without drive letters
# Example 4: Extract first three segments
paths, # Input paths
c(1,3) # Range from first to third
# Returns: c("home/user/documents", "var/log/system", "usr/local/bin")
# Example 5: Extract last two segments (reverse order)
paths, # Input paths
c(-1,-2) # Range from last to second-to-last
# Returns: c("documents/user", "system/log", "bin/local")
# Example 6: Extract first two segments
paths, # Input paths
c(1,2) # Range from first to second
# Returns: c("home/user", "var/log", "usr/local")
# format_digits
```{r example-format_digits}
# Example: Number formatting demonstrations
# Setup test data
dt <- data.table::data.table(
a = c(0.1234, 0.5678), # Numeric column 1
b = c(0.2345, 0.6789), # Numeric column 2
c = c("text1", "text2") # Text column
# Example 1: Format all numeric columns
dt, # Input data table
digits = 2 # Round to 2 decimal places
# Example 2: Format specific column as percentage
dt, # Input data table
cols = c("a"), # Only format column 'a'
digits = 2, # Round to 2 decimal places
percentage = TRUE # Convert to percentage
# mintyr_example
```{r example-mintyr_example}
# Get path to an example file
# mintyr_examples
```{r example-mintyr_examples}
# List all example files
# import_xlsx
```{r example-import_xlsx}
# Example: Excel file import demonstrations
# Setup test files
xlsx_files <- mintyr_example(
mintyr_examples("xlsx_test") # Get example Excel files
# Example 1: Import and combine all sheets from all files
xlsx_files, # Input Excel file paths
rbind = TRUE # Combine all sheets into one data.table
# Example 2: Import specific sheets separately
xlsx_files, # Input Excel file paths
rbind = FALSE, # Keep sheets as separate data.tables
sheet = 2 # Only import first sheet
# import_csv
```{r examples-import_csv}
# Example: CSV file import demonstrations
# Setup test files
csv_files <- mintyr_example(
mintyr_examples("csv_test") # Get example CSV files
# Example 1: Import and combine CSV files using data.table
csv_files, # Input CSV file paths
package = "data.table", # Use data.table for reading
rbind = TRUE, # Combine all files into one data.table
rbind_label = "_file" # Column name for file source
# Example 2: Import files separately using arrow
csv_files, # Input CSV file paths
package = "arrow", # Use arrow for reading
rbind = FALSE # Keep files as separate data.tables
# get_filename
```{r example-get_filename}
# Example: File path processing demonstrations
# Setup test files
xlsx_files <- mintyr_example(
mintyr_examples("xlsx_test") # Get example Excel files
# Example 1: Extract filenames without extensions
xlsx_files, # Input file paths
rm_extension = TRUE, # Remove file extensions
rm_path = TRUE # Remove directory paths
# Example 2: Keep file extensions
xlsx_files, # Input file paths
rm_extension = FALSE, # Keep file extensions
rm_path = TRUE # Remove directory paths
# Example 3: Keep full paths without extensions
xlsx_files, # Input file paths
rm_extension = TRUE, # Remove file extensions
rm_path = FALSE # Keep directory paths
# w2l_nest
```{r example-w2l_nest}
# Example: Wide to long format nesting demonstrations
# Example 1: Basic nesting by group
data = iris, # Input dataset
by = "Species" # Group by Species column
# Example 2: Nest specific columns with numeric indices
data = iris, # Input dataset
cols2l = 1:4, # Select first 4 columns to nest
by = "Species" # Group by Species column
# Example 3: Nest specific columns with column names
data = iris, # Input dataset
cols2l = c("Sepal.Length", # Select columns by name
by = 5 # Group by column index 5 (Species)
# Returns similar structure to Example 2
# w2l_split
```{r example-w2l_split}
# Example: Wide to long format splitting demonstrations
# Example 1: Basic splitting by Species
data = iris, # Input dataset
by = "Species" # Split by Species column
) |>
lapply(head) # Show first 6 rows of each split
# Example 2: Split specific columns using numeric indices
data = iris, # Input dataset
cols2l = 1:3, # Select first 3 columns to split
by = 5 # Split by column index 5 (Species)
) |>
lapply(head) # Show first 6 rows of each split
# Example 3: Split specific columns using column names
list_res <- w2l_split(
data = iris, # Input dataset
cols2l = c("Sepal.Length", # Select columns by name
by = "Species" # Split by Species column
lapply(list_res, head) # Show first 6 rows of each split
# Returns similar structure to Example 2
# nest_cv
```{r example-nest_cv}
# Example: Cross-validation for nested data.table demonstrations
# Setup test data
dt_nest <- w2l_nest(
data = iris, # Input dataset
cols2l = 1:2 # Nest first 2 columns
# Example 1: Basic 2-fold cross-validation
nest_dt = dt_nest, # Input nested data.table
v = 2 # Number of folds (2-fold CV)
# Example 2: Repeated 2-fold cross-validation
nest_dt = dt_nest, # Input nested data.table
v = 2, # Number of folds (2-fold CV)
repeats = 2 # Number of repetitions
# top_perc
```{r example-top_perc}
# Example 1: Basic usage with single trait
# This example selects the top 10% of observations based on Petal.Width
# keep_data=TRUE returns both summary statistics and the filtered data
perc = 0.1, # Select top 10%
trait = c("Petal.Width"), # Column to analyze
keep_data = TRUE) # Return both stats and filtered data
# Example 2: Using grouping with 'by' parameter
# This example performs the same analysis but separately for each Species
# Returns nested list with stats and filtered data for each group
perc = 0.1, # Select top 10%
trait = c("Petal.Width"), # Column to analyze
by = "Species") # Group by Species
# Example 3: Complex example with multiple percentages and grouping variables
# Reshape data from wide to long format for Sepal.Length and Sepal.Width
iris |>
names_to = "names",
values_to = "values") |>
perc = c(0.1, -0.2),
trait = "values",
by = c("Species", "names"),
type = "mean_sd")