version date description 1.0 06/12/09 The first version on CRAN 2.0 07/13/09 Various bugs fixed; R2 plot implemented 2.1 09/14/09 Implemented sparse matrix improvements 3.0 04/29/11 Various functionalities added 3.1 08/22/11 More functionalities added 3.1.1 09/18/11 Bug in medsens weights fixed; damaged PDFs fixed 3.1.2 09/19/11 Fixed wrong plots in the vignette 3.1.3 11/21/11 Import inconsistency with Matrix fixed 4.0 03/20/12 Design and multimed functions added, along with other new features 4.0.1 04/20/12 Bug in mediate.ced fixed, along with new example data 4.1 05/31/12 multimed for parallel design; fixed typos in summary outputs 4.1.1 08/23/12 Put in p-value computation fixed 4.1.2 08/23/12 No change; version number change due to glitch in uploading to CRAN 4.2 12/18/12 multimed with multiple alternative mediators; cluster with missing data 4.2.1 02/27/13 Mixed-effects (multilevel) models via lmer supported in mediate 4.2.2 04/18/13 Bug fix for lmer; new option to plotting functions; package now depends on sandwich 4.2.3 08/25/13 Functions for testing moderated mediation and treatment-mediator interaction; function for applying mediate to multiply imputed datasets 4.2.4 09/26/13 Compatibility with new version of lme4 (1.0) 4.3 10/13/13 immediate for mediation analysis with treatment noncompliance 4.3.1 10/16/13 Fixed the compatibility issue with Windows for multicore options 4.4 12/09/13 Added option for the BCa method for bootstrap CIs in mediate 4.4.1 08/12/14 Vignette updated to the JSS paper; categorical treatment for medsens 4.4.2 08/26/14 Switched mvrnorm to rmvnorm; fixed bug in print.summary.order 4.4.3 11/22/14 Weights for multimed; Moved some packages from Depends to Imports 4.4.4 02/18/14 Direct effects for multimed; Bug fix for an error message which appears when a glmer is used with weights 4.4.5 07/18/15 Bug fix for bias-corrected bootstrap confidence intervals 4.4.6 07/09/17 Bug fix for multilevel; Bug fix for mediate-example 2 4.4.7 03/16/19 Bug fix for parallel design bootstrap 4.5.0 06/10/19 mediate_tsls for mediation analysis using instrumental variable estimator, speedglm implementation; nonparametric bootstrap using boot; update documentation