CHANGES IN 0.1.3 (2022-11-16) * Ngumbang Juat as maintainer. * Changed remaining `if(class(x) == "list"...` to `if(inherits(x, "list"))...`. CHANGES IN 0.1.1 (2020-05-29) * Changes to Description to remove Bayesian jargon. * 'summary' gains a 'verbose' argument: if FALSE, Console output is suppressed but the summary data frame is still produced. * Functions 'bigCrossCorr', 'getMCE', 'getRhat' and 'getNeff' now use 'message' to write to the Console; use 'suppressMessages' to stop this. * 'densityPlot', 'tracePlot' and 'acfPlot' now place 'main' title in outer margin. * Fixed bug in 'print' method when 'adaptationOK' is a vector. CHANGES IN 0.1.0 (2020-05-21) * In 'plot.mcmcOutput' and 'postplot', integers are now plotted as separate bars if possible. * The 'plot' method now shows posterior plots (equivalent to 'postPlot') instead of diagnostic plots; for that use 'diagPlot'. * The '[' extractor method with 1 index now returns a new 'mcmcOutput' object. * Function 'densityFolded' is now exported. * Added 'sumryList', 'getMCE', 'getNeff', 'getRhat' and 'bigCrosscorr' functions. * Added 'diagPlot', 'tracePlot', 'densityPlot', 'acfPlot', 'postPlot', 'postPriorOverlap', 'discrepancyPlot' and 'crosscorrPlot' functions. * Added 'window' and 'plot' methods, also 'head', 'tail', 'str', 'names'. * Added constructors for 'mcmc', 'bugs', 'rjags', 'runjags', matrix and data frame. * Revamped 'summary' method, with choice of statistics to show in table.