************************************************** * * * 1.0 SERIES NEWS * * * ************************************************** CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.4 BUG FIXES o Resubmitted since code in the R Forge-built source package did not match that of the SVN revision checked and reported on-screen, somewhat defeating its entire purpose. CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.3 NEW FEATURES o Modified .onLoad() method to shutup R CMD check's pedantic NOTE. o Removed extraneous return() calls. BUG FIXES o Updated to use maintainer's current email address. o Updated manpage author section ordering. o Added additional basic method imports to correct R CMD check issues. o Replaced 'rem' method to accommodate upcoming R changes. [VVH-20220524] CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.2 NEW FEATURES o Converted COPYRIGHT file to Debian standard, machine-readable format. CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.1 NEW FEATURES o Removed triple colon operators referencing internal functions which caused YA NOTE in upcoming version of R. [UW-20140205] o Changed the methods package dependency to an import which caused YA NOTE in upcoming version of R. [UW-20140205] CHANGES IN R VERSION 1.0.0 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Dropped compatibility for anything less than R-2.15 as no longer able to test against previous versions of R. NEW FEATURES o After almost a decade, now has a production release number. o Added SVN revision information to many of the package files. o Added COPYRIGHTS file, and removed LICENSE file. o Removed .onAttach() anachronism for ensuring its methods package dependency was available for S4 classes. o Removed redundant 'library(methods)' calls in S4-related files. o colorbar() example code now uses dev.new() rather than X11() by request of CRAN maintainer. [KH-20140120] ************************************************** * * * 0.8 SERIES NEWS * * * ************************************************** CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.9 NEW FEATURES o Converted .onAttach() output to use packageStartupMessage() method. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.8 NEW FEATURES o Added 'vander' method. o Added 'pow2' method. o Added 'nextpow2' method. BUG FIXES o Additional argument checking for 'isprime' method. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.7 NEW FEATURES o Added 'factors' method. o Added 'hilb' method. o Added 'isprime' method. o Added 'primes' method. o Added 'rosser' method. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.6 BUG FIXES o Converted NEWS file into something R can recognize. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.5 BUG FIXES o Fixed 'mod' to correct for 'mod(n,0) == n' [HWB-20110308] CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.4 BUG FIXES o Fixed 'linspace' to correct for undocumented 'floor(n)' [HWB-20110205] o Fixed 'logspace' to correct for 'n < 2' condition. [HWB-20110205] NEW FEATURES o Reimplemented 'logspace' as '10 ^ linspace(a,b,n)' to consolidate. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.3 BUG FIXES o Respecify license by request of CRAN maintainer. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.2 BUG FIXES o Removed 'grdev' method from 'colorbar' test codes for R-2.8 compatibility. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.1 BUG FIXES o Modified 'sum' to handle logicals. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.8.0 NEW FEATURES o Added 'cell' method. o Added 'isempty' method. o Added 'magic' method. o Added 'meshgrid' method. o Added 'ndims' method. o Added 'numel' method. o Added 'padarray' method. o Added 'reshape' method. o Added 'strcmp' method. o Modified 'repmat' to handle character vectors. o Updated package documentation. ************************************************** * * * 0.7 SERIES NEWS * * * ************************************************** CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.7.9 NEW FEATURES o Converted error messages to use sprintf method instead of paste. o Modified 'imagesc' method argument list to allow for x,y,col arguments. Also makes use of '{xy}axp' arguments for tickmark labels. o Updated package documentation. BUG FIXES o Fixed quoting in help message. o Corrected 'ones', 'zeros', 'eye' methods for certain 'size_t' arguments. o Modified 'repmat' method to not drop single dimension before replication. o Added argument checking to 'linspace' method. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.7.8 NEW FEATURES o Added 'colorbar' method. o Added 'fileparts' method. o Added 'filesep' and 'pathsep' objects. o Added 'fullfile' method. o Added 'imagesc' method. o Added 'jet.colors' method. o Updated package documentation. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.7.7 NEW FEATURES o Added 'pascal' method. o Added 'linspace' method. o Added 'logspace' method. o Converted 'size' method to S4. o Added 'dimen' parameter to 'size' method. o Added 'echo' parameter to 'toc' method. CHANGES IN R VERSION 0.7.6 SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o Initial release to CRAN.