--- title: "kstMatrix" author: "Cord Hockemeyer" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{kstMatrix} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) library(kstMatrix) library(igraph) library(grDevices) library(sets) library(pks) ``` Knowledge space theory applies prerequisite relationships between items of knowledge within a given domain for efficient adaptive assessment and training (Doignon & Falmagne, 1999). The `kstMatrix` package implements some basic functions for working with knowledge space. Furthermore, it provides several empirically obtained knowledge spaces in form of their bases. There is a certain overlap in functionality between the `kst`and `kstMatrix` packages, however the former uses a set representation and the latter a matrix representation. The packages are to be seen as complementary, not as a replacement for each other. ## Different representations for knowledge spaces Knowledge spaces can easily grow very large. Therefore, their bases are often used to store the knowledge spaces with reduced space requirements. `kstmatrix` offers two functions for computing bases from spaces and vice versa. ### `kmbasis()` The `kmbasis` function computes the basis for a given knowledge space (actually, it can be any family of sets represented by a binary matrix). ```{r} kmbasis(xpl$space) ``` ### `kmunionclosure()` The `kmunionclosure` function computes the knowledge space for a basis (mathematically spoken it computes the closure under union of the given family of sets). ```{r} kmunionclosure(xpl$basis) ``` ### `kmsurmiserelation()` The `kmsurmiserelation` function determines the surmise relation for a quasi-ordinal knowledge space. For a more general family of sets, it computes the surmise relation for the smallest quasi-ordinal knowledge space including that family. ```{r} kmsurmiserelation(xpl$space) ``` The surmise relation can also be used to easily close a knowledge space under intersection: ```{r} kmunionclosure(t(kmsurmiserelation(xpl$space))) ``` ### `kmsurmisefunction()` The `kmsurmisefunction`function computes the surmise function for a knowledge space or basis. For a more general family of sets, it computes the surmise function for the smallest knowledge space including that family. ```{r} kmsurmisefunction(xpl$space) ``` ### `kmsf2basis()` Determine the basis of the knowledge space corresponding to a given surmise function. ```{r} sf <- kmsurmisefunction(xpl$space) kmsf2basis(sf) ``` ## Properties of knowledge structures ### `kmiswellgraded()` The `kmiswellgraded` function determines whether a knowledge structure is wellgraded. ```{r} kmiswellgraded(xpl$space) ``` ### `kmnotions()` The `kmnotions` function returns a matrix specifying the notions of a knowledge strucure, i.e. the classes of equivalent items. ```{r} x <- matrix(c(0,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,1,1), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) kmnotions(x) ``` ### `kmeqreduction()` The `kmeqreduction` function returns a matrix with only one item per equivalence class. ```{r} x <- matrix(c(0,0,0, 1,0,0, 1,1,1), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE) kmeqreduction(x) ``` ## Creating trivial knowledge spaces For a given item number, there are two trivial knowledge spaces, the maximal knowledge space representing absolutely no prerequisite relationships (the knowledge space is the power set of the item set and the basis matrix is the diagonal matrix), and the minimal knowledge space representing equivalence of all items (the knowledge space contains just the empty set and the full item set, and the basis matrix contains one line full of '1's). ### `kmminimalspace()` **Example:** ```{r} kmminimalspace(5) ``` ### `kmmaximalspace()` **Example:** ```{r} kmmaximalspace(4) ``` ## Validating knowledge spaces ### `kmdist()` The `kmdist` function computes a frequency distribution for the distances between a data set and a knowledge space. ```{r} kmdist(xpl$data, xpl$space) ``` ### `kmvalidate()` The `kmvalidate` function returns the distance vector, the discrimination index DI, and the distance agreement coefficient DA. The discrepancy index (DI) is the mean distance; the distance agreement coefficient is the ratio between the mean distance between data and space (ddat = DI) and the mean distance between space and power set (dpot). ```{r} kmvalidate(xpl$data, xpl$space) ``` ## Simulating response patterns ### `kmsimulate()` The `kmsimulate` funtion provides a generation of response patterns by applying the BLIM (Basic Local Independence Model; see Doignon & Falmagne, 1999) to a given knowledge structure. The `beta` and `eta` parameters of the BLIM can each be either a vector specifying different values for each item or a single numerical where `beta` or `eta` is assumed to be equal for all items. ```{r} kmsimulate(xpl$space, 10, 0.2, 0.1) kmsimulate(xpl$space, 10, c(0.2, 0.25, 0.15, 0.2), c(0.1, 0.15, 0.05, 0.1)) kmsimulate(xpl$space, 10, c(0.2, 0.25, 0.15, 0.2), 0) ``` ## Neighbourhood & Fringe ### `kmneighbourhood()` The `kmneighbourhood` function determines the neighbourhood of a state in a knowledge structure, i.e. the family of all states with a symmetric set diference of 1. ```{r} kmneighbourhood(c(1,1,0,0), xpl$space) ``` ### `kmfringe()` The `kmfringe` function determines the fringe of a knowledge state, i.e. the set of thse items by which the state differs from its neighbouring states. ```{r} kmfringe(c(1,0,0,0), xpl$space) ``` ## Utilities ### `kmsymmsetdiff()` The `kmsymmsetdiff` function returns the symmetric set difference between two sets represented as binary vectors. ```{r} kmsymmsetdiff(c(1,0,0), c(1,1,0)) ``` ### `kmsetdistance()` The `kmsetdistance` function returns the cardinality of the symmetric set difference between two sets represented as binary vectors. ```{r} kmsetdistance(c(1,0,0), c(1,1,0)) ``` ## Plotting with `kmhasse()`and `kmcolors()` The `kmhasse` function draws a Hasse diagram of a knowledge structure, the `kmcolors`function returns a color vector to be used with `kmhasse()`. ```{r} kmhasse(xpl$space, horizontal = FALSE) probability_vec <- (0:8)/8 colorvec <- kmcolors(probability_vec, cm.colors) kmhasse(xpl$space, horizontal = TRUE, colors = colorvec) ``` ### Plotting with `kmbasisdiagram()` The `kmbasisdiagram` function draws a Hasse diagram of a basis similarly to the `kmahsse` function. ```{r} kmbasisdiagram(xpl$basis, horizontal=FALSE) ``` ## Datasets provided by `kstMatrix` The provided datasets were obtained by the research group around Cornelia Dowling by querying experts in the respective fields. ### cad Six experts were queried about prerequisite relationships between 28 AutoCAD knowledge items (Dowling, 1991; 1993a). A seventh basis represents those prerequisite relationships on which the majority (4 out of 6) of the experts agree (Dowling & Hockemeyer, 1998). ```{r} summary(cad) ``` ### readwrite Three experts were queried about prerequisite relationships between 48 items on reading and writing abilities (Dowling, 1991; 1993a). A fourth basis represents those prerequisite relationships on which the majority of the experts agree (Dowling & Hockemeyer, 1998). ```{r} summary(readwrite) ``` ### fractions Three experts were queried about prerequisite relationships between 77 items on fractions (Baumunk & Dowling, 1997). A fourth basis represents those prerequisite relationships on which the majority of the experts agree (Dowling & Hockemeyer, 1998). ```{r} summary(fractions) ``` ### xpl This is just a small fictitious 4-item-example used for the examples in the documentation. ```{r} summary(xpl) xpl$basis xpl$space xpl$data ``` ## References - Baumunk, K. & Dowling, C. E. (1997). Validity of spaces for assessing knowledge about fractions. _Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 41,_ 99–105. - Doignon, J.-P. & Falmagne, J.-C. (1999). _Knowledge Spaces._ Springer–Verlag, Berlin. - Dowling, C. E. (1991). _Constructing Knowledge Structures from the Judgements of Experts._ Habilitationsschrift, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina, Braunschweig, Germany. - Dowling, C. E. (1993a). Applying the basis of a knowledge space for controlling the questioning of an expert. _Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 37,_ 21–48. - Dowling, C. E. (1993b). On the irredundant construction of knowledge spaces. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 37, 49–62. - Dowling, C. E. & Hockemeyer, C. (1998). Computing the intersection of knowledge spaces using only their basis. In Cornelia E. Dowling, Fred S. Roberts, & Peter Theuns, editors, _Recent Progress in Mathematical Psychology,_ pp. 133–141. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Ltd., Mahwah, NJ.