This vignette is still work in progress. But the examples are hopefully already helpful and inspiring.
defines the influenza
marks the turn of the yearsscale_y_cases_5er()
creates a y-axis with more ticks
and aligns 0 with the x-axis.influenza_germany |>
# Keep Age Groups 00-14, 15-59, 60+
filter(AgeGroup != "00+") |>
# Calc Influenza Seasons
align_dates_seasonal(dates_from = ReportingWeek) |>
ggplot(aes(x = ReportingWeek, weight = Cases, fill = season)) + # , weight = Cases
geom_vline_year(color = "grey50") +
geom_epicurve(color = NA, stat = "bin_date", date_resolution = "week") +
scale_y_cases_5er() +
## Extra