CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.6 (10/06/2022) ------------------------- 1. Added the code in the function proteinLocsToProteinSeq() to deal with the case that the input file contains some protein ID(s) which are not in the gene annotation file and hence are not in the CDSaaFile used by the function. Accordingly, added one row at the end of the test data file of the function transId_pfamDomainStartEnd_chr16_Zdomains_22examples_proteinID.txt for one protein ID which is not in any CDSaaFile in order to test the added code. 2. Made one change in the document Vignettes (in Section 1) to state that the package is in the CRAN repository. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.5 (06/02/2022) ------------------------- 1. Added the code in the function genomicLocsToProteinSequence() to deal with the case that there is no overlap between the input genomic loci and the protein coding genes, by returning a data frame with the genomic regions and result columns filled with NAs, instead of a short message. 2. Still in the function genomicLocsToProteinSequence(), it now outputs all the amino acids coded by the DNA bases. In the previous version it did not output the amino acid coded by the last DNA bases if it needs some more DNA base after the current DNA sequences, which looks not that intuitive. 3. Updated the introduction document (vignette) of the package. 4. Fixed an error caused by a new toolchain on Windows in which Perl installed on the system does not automatically convert newlines on input to LF. The fix method had been proposed by the maintainers of CRAN repository who encountered the issue at the first place, which was to replace all the "chomp;" in the two Perl scripts by "s/[\r\n]+//;". CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.4 (28/05/2018) ------------------------- 1. Added the code in the function genomicLocsToProteinSequence() to deal with the case that there is no overlap between the input genomic loci and the protein coding genes. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.3 (24/01/2018) ------------------------- 1. As the version 0.0.2 did not solve the issue of creating and writting some files in the folders that they should not be created, more modifications were done in this version, namely putting the DNA sequence file uncompressed from the gz file to the temporary folder. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.2 (23/01/2018) ------------------------- 1. Changed the function names of the two functions: genomicLocToProteinSequence -> genomicLocsToProteinSequence and genomicLocToWholeDNASequence -> genomicLocsToWholeDNASequence, in order to keep them consistent with other function names. 2. Removed "utils" from the import list in DESCRIPTION file, because it is not used by the package. 3. Addressed the issue of creating and writting some files in the folders that they should not be created, as raised by the CRAN staff, by using the temporary folder obtained by tempdir(). ------------------------- VERSION 0.0.1 12/12/2017: the package was accepted and published by CRAN repository. September - November 2017: the package was tested and reviewed. January - May 2017: the package was written.