Format units

Table of SI units by US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)

We can avoid the need for powers-of-ten notation by adjusting the measurement units assigned to a numerical vector. For example, we can convert \(\large 1.013 \times 10^{5}\) Pa to 1013 hPa or 101.3 kPa.

We use the units package for this feature. The formatdown::format_units() function is a wrapper for units::as_units(), allowing us to assign basic physical units to a numerical vector and performing unit conversions that transform the numerical value to match the new measurements units.

As a brief illustration, consider a pressure measurement of 101,300 Pa.

# Scalar value assigned a measurement unit
x <- 101300
units(x) <- "Pa"

# Original value
format_units(x, big_mark = ",")
#> [1] "101,300 [Pa]"

# Convert to hPa
format_units(x, unit = "hPa")
#> [1] "1013 [hPa]"

# Convert to psi
format_units(x, digits = 3, unit = "psi")
#> [1] "14.7 [psi]"

These values are rendered using inline R code in an .Rmd or .qmd output document as follows:

Like other formatdown functions, format_units() operates on a numerical vector to output a character vector for rendering in an R Markdown or Quarto Markdown document. Unlike format_power() however, format_units() does not apply inline math delimiters.


Given a number, a numerical vector, or a numerical column from a data frame, format_units() converts the numbers to character strings of the form,

    "a [u]" 

where a is the number and u is the measurement unit. The user can specify the number of significant digits.


If you are writing your own script to follow along, we use these packages in this vignette:



Assign a value and units,

x <- 101300
units(x) <- "Pa"

Use with inline R code.

`r format_units(x)`
`r format_units(x, unit = "hPa")`

which, in an .Rmd or .qmd document, are rendered as


The atmos data set included with formatdown has an altitude variable alt in meters. The columns do not include units metadata. Column is class numeric.

# Variable is class numeric
x <- atmos$alt
#> [1]     0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
#> [1] "numeric"

Assign measurement units to match the source values and format. Results are class character.

x_char <- format_units(x, unit = "m")
#> [1] "0 [m]"     "10000 [m]" "20000 [m]" "30000 [m]" "40000 [m]" "50000 [m]"
#> [7] "60000 [m]" "70000 [m]" "80000 [m]"

If we intend to convert the units, e.g., from meters to kilometers, we have to assign the source measurement units before using format_units(). Results are numeric, class units.

# Assign units before formatting
units(x) <- "m"
#> Units: [m]
#> [1]     0 10000 20000 30000 40000 50000 60000 70000 80000
#> [1] "units"

Convert units and format. The numbers change to match the unit conversion. Results are class character.

# Covert units and format as character
x_char <- format_units(x, unit = "km")
#> [1] "0 [km]"  "10 [km]" "20 [km]" "30 [km]" "40 [km]" "50 [km]" "60 [km]"
#> [8] "70 [km]" "80 [km]"


The digits argument sets the number of significant digits. Here, temperature values (K) are reported to 4 significant digits.

x <- sort(atmos$temp, decreasing = TRUE)
format_units(x, digits = 4, unit = "K")
#> [1] "288.1 [K]" "270.6 [K]" "250.3 [K]" "247.0 [K]" "226.5 [K]" "223.2 [K]"
#> [7] "219.6 [K]" "216.7 [K]" "198.6 [K]"

With values in decimal form, reducing digits to 3 has the expected effect of rounding to the units place.

format_units(x, digits = 3, unit = "K")
#> [1] "288 [K]" "271 [K]" "250 [K]" "247 [K]" "227 [K]" "223 [K]" "220 [K]"
#> [8] "217 [K]" "199 [K]"

However, reducing digits to 2 has no additional effect. To reduce the number of significant digits further, we apply signif() to the numerical values before formatting with format_units().

# Values are not converted to 2 significant digits
format_units(x, digits = 2, unit = "K")
#> [1] "288 [K]" "271 [K]" "250 [K]" "247 [K]" "227 [K]" "223 [K]" "220 [K]"
#> [8] "217 [K]" "199 [K]"

# Apply signif() before formatting
format_units(signif(x, 2), unit = "K")
#> [1] "290 [K]" "270 [K]" "250 [K]" "250 [K]" "230 [K]" "220 [K]" "220 [K]"
#> [8] "220 [K]" "200 [K]"

If values span different orders of magnitude, the number of significant digits is applied to the smallest magnitude value and the number of decimal places in the other values is set to match.

For example, from the metals data set included with formatdown, the elastic modulus values (Pa) are converted to (GPa) with digits = 3.

x <- sort(metals$elast_mod, decreasing = TRUE)
units(x) <- "Pa"
format_units(x, digits = 3, unit = "GPa")
#> [1] "206.8 [GPa]" "146.9 [GPa]" "117.2 [GPa]" "102.0 [GPa]" "73.1 [GPa]" 
#> [6] "13.8 [GPa]"

Three digits applied to the smallest magnitude value yields “13.8 [GPa]”. Larger values are then formatted to the same number of decimal places. Thus some larger values will have more than three digits, e.g., “206.8 [GPa]”.

Data frame

Using the atmos data set include with formatdown with various atmospheric properties as a function of height above sea level.

# Data set included with formatdown
DT <- copy(atmos)

# Render in document
knitr::kable(DT, align = "r")
alt temp pres dens sound
0 288.15 101300.00 1.23e+00 340.29
10000 223.25 26500.00 4.14e-01 299.53
20000 216.65 5529.00 8.89e-02 295.07
30000 226.51 1197.00 1.84e-02 301.71
40000 250.35 287.00 4.00e-03 317.19
50000 270.65 80.00 1.03e-03 329.80
60000 247.02 22.00 3.10e-04 315.07
70000 219.59 5.22 8.28e-05 297.06
80000 198.64 1.05 1.85e-05 282.54

Formatting one column at a time, assigning and converting units, and assigning significant digits ad-hoc. When numerical values in a column span a number of orders of magnitude, the number in the column with the smallest magnitude, e.g., pressure or density last row, is displayed with the number of significant digits specified by the digits argument.

units(DT$alt) <- "m"
DT[, alt := format_units(alt, unit = "km")]

units(DT$temp) <- "K"
DT[, temp := format_units(temp, 3, unit = "deg_C")]

units(DT$pres) <- "Pa"
DT[, pres := format_units(pres, unit = "hPa")]

units(DT$dens) <- "kg/m^3"
DT[, dens := format_units(dens, unit = "g/m^3", unit_form = "implicit")]

units(DT$sound) <- "m/s"
DT[, sound := format_units(sound, 4)]

  align = "r",
  col.names = c("Altitude", "Temperature", "Pressure", "Density", "Speed of sound")
Altitude Temperature Pressure Density Speed of sound
0 [km] 15.0 [°C] 1013.00 [hPa] 1230.00 [g m-3] 340.3 [m/s]
10 [km] -49.9 [°C] 265.00 [hPa] 414.00 [g m-3] 299.5 [m/s]
20 [km] -56.5 [°C] 55.29 [hPa] 88.90 [g m-3] 295.1 [m/s]
30 [km] -46.6 [°C] 11.97 [hPa] 18.40 [g m-3] 301.7 [m/s]
40 [km] -22.8 [°C] 2.87 [hPa] 4.00 [g m-3] 317.2 [m/s]
50 [km] -2.5 [°C] 0.80 [hPa] 1.03 [g m-3] 329.8 [m/s]
60 [km] -26.1 [°C] 0.22 [hPa] 0.31 [g m-3] 315.1 [m/s]
70 [km] -53.6 [°C] 0.05 [hPa] 0.08 [g m-3] 297.1 [m/s]
80 [km] -74.5 [°C] 0.01 [hPa] 0.02 [g m-3] 282.5 [m/s]

US customary units

The same table can be formatted in US customary units as shown below.

# Data set included with formatdown
DT <- copy(atmos)

units(DT$alt) <- "m"
DT[, alt := format_units(alt, unit = "ft")]

units(DT$temp) <- "K"
DT[, temp := format_units(temp, 2, unit = "deg_F")]

units(DT$pres) <- "Pa"
DT[, pres := format_units(pres, unit = "psi")]

units(DT$dens) <- "kg/m^3"
DT[, dens := format_units(dens, unit = "lb/ft^3", unit_form = "implicit")]

units(DT$sound) <- "m/s"
DT[, sound := format_units(sound, 4, unit = "ft/s")]

  align = "r",
  col.names = c("Altitude", "Temperature", "Pressure", "Density", "Speed of sound")
Altitude Temperature Pressure Density Speed of sound
0 [ft] 59 [deg_F] 14.6923 [psi] 0.076786 [lb ft-3] 1116.4 [ft/s]
32808 [ft] -58 [deg_F] 3.8435 [psi] 0.025845 [lb ft-3] 982.7 [ft/s]
65617 [ft] -70 [deg_F] 0.8019 [psi] 0.005550 [lb ft-3] 968.1 [ft/s]
98425 [ft] -52 [deg_F] 0.1736 [psi] 0.001149 [lb ft-3] 989.9 [ft/s]
131234 [ft] -9 [deg_F] 0.0416 [psi] 0.000250 [lb ft-3] 1040.6 [ft/s]
164042 [ft] 27 [deg_F] 0.0116 [psi] 0.000064 [lb ft-3] 1082.0 [ft/s]
196850 [ft] -15 [deg_F] 0.0032 [psi] 0.000019 [lb ft-3] 1033.7 [ft/s]
229659 [ft] -64 [deg_F] 0.0008 [psi] 0.000005 [lb ft-3] 974.6 [ft/s]
262467 [ft] -102 [deg_F] 0.0002 [psi] 0.000001 [lb ft-3] 927.0 [ft/s]

Applying powers of ten notation

Power of ten notation can often be avoided by applying the units format, but in some cases both may be desired. For example, the column of density values in the table above span several orders of magnitude. One might wish to format these values using power of ten notation.

Our approach is to work with the original data for this one column only and substitute the result for the “Density” column in the data frame above.

# Start with the original density vector
x <- atmos$dens

# Assign the original units
units(x) <- "kg/m^3"

# Display a representative value
#> 0.004 [kg/m^3]

We use the units() function to convert to the units we want, in this case, [lb ft-3] (using the units package “implicit” style of notation).

# Convert to US Customary units
display_units <- "lb ft-3"
units(x) <- display_units

# Display the same representative value
#> 0.0002497118 [lb/ft^3]

Having already assigned our units to the display_units variable (for later use), we convert the vector from units class to numeric class.

# Convert the vector to numeric values
x <- as.numeric(x)

# Display the representative value
#> [1] 0.0002497118

Apply format_power() to yield the values as character strings in power of ten notation.

# Apply power of ten notation using format_power()
x <- format_power(x, digits = 3, format = "sci")

# Display the representative value
#> [1] "$\\large 2.50 \\times 10^{-4}$"

Append the display units to each element of the vector.

# Append units string to value strings
x <- paste0(x, " [", display_units, "]")

# Display the representative value
#> [1] "$\\large 2.50 \\times 10^{-4}$ [lb ft-3]"

Finally, substitute this vector for the column of density values constructed earlier.

# Substitute for column in the data frame from above
DT[, dens := x]

  align = "r",
  col.names = c("Altitude", "Temperature", "Pressure", "Density", "Speed of sound")
Altitude Temperature Pressure Density Speed of sound
0 [ft] 59 [deg_F] 14.6923 [psi] \(\large 7.68 \times 10^{-2}\) [lb ft-3] 1116.4 [ft/s]
32808 [ft] -58 [deg_F] 3.8435 [psi] \(\large 2.58 \times 10^{-2}\) [lb ft-3] 982.7 [ft/s]
65617 [ft] -70 [deg_F] 0.8019 [psi] \(\large 5.55 \times 10^{-3}\) [lb ft-3] 968.1 [ft/s]
98425 [ft] -52 [deg_F] 0.1736 [psi] \(\large 1.15 \times 10^{-3}\) [lb ft-3] 989.9 [ft/s]
131234 [ft] -9 [deg_F] 0.0416 [psi] \(\large 2.50 \times 10^{-4}\) [lb ft-3] 1040.6 [ft/s]
164042 [ft] 27 [deg_F] 0.0116 [psi] \(\large 6.43 \times 10^{-5}\) [lb ft-3] 1082.0 [ft/s]
196850 [ft] -15 [deg_F] 0.0032 [psi] \(\large 1.94 \times 10^{-5}\) [lb ft-3] 1033.7 [ft/s]
229659 [ft] -64 [deg_F] 0.0008 [psi] \(\large 5.17 \times 10^{-6}\) [lb ft-3] 974.6 [ft/s]
262467 [ft] -102 [deg_F] 0.0002 [psi] \(\large 1.15 \times 10^{-6}\) [lb ft-3] 927.0 [ft/s]