## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----messages = FALSE, eval = TRUE, fig.cap = "Neighbor municipalities of Cundinamarca with a 0.5-hour threshold."---- library(epiCo) library(dplyr) library(incidence) data(divipola_table) cundinamarca_data <- dplyr::filter( divipola_table, NOM_DPTO == "CUNDINAMARCA" ) %>% select(COD_MPIO, LATITUD, LONGITUD) cundinamarca_neighborhood <- neighborhoods( query_vector = cundinamarca_data$COD_MPIO, threshold = 0.5 )$neighbours plot(cundinamarca_neighborhood, cbind( cundinamarca_data$LATITUD, cundinamarca_data$LONGITUD )) ## ----messages = FALSE, eval = TRUE, fig.cap="Local Moran's index clusters for the incidence of Tolima municipalities in 2019."---- data("epi_data") data_tolima <- epi_data[lubridate::year(epi_data$fec_not) == 2019, ] incidence_object <- incidence( dates = data_tolima$fec_not, groups = data_tolima$cod_mun_o, interval = "12 months" ) morans_tolima <- morans_index( incidence_object = incidence_object ) morans_tolima$plot