## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----echo = FALSE, out.width = '100%', fig.cap='Example of an endemic channel figure with the Safety, Warning, and Epidemic bands.'---- knitr::include_graphics( path = file.path("..", "man", "figures", "endemic_channel_figure.png"), error = FALSE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(epiCo) library(incidence) data("epi_data") data_event <- epi_data data_ibague <- data_event[data_event$cod_mun_o == 73001, ] ## Building the historic incidence data incidence_historic <- incidence(data_ibague$fec_not, interval = "1 epiweek" ) knitr::kable(incidence_historic[1:5, ]) ## ----fig.cap="Dengue endemic channel for Ibagué in 2021"---------------------- observations <- sample(5:40, 52, replace = TRUE) outlier_years <- c(2016, 2019) ibague_endemic_chanel <- endemic_channel( incidence_historic = incidence_historic, observations = observations, method = "geometric", outlier_years = outlier_years, plot = TRUE )