Release Summaries

dyn.log 0.4.0
What’s Changed
- New Features
- Ground-up rewrite of the dynamic log dispatch mechanics, to make
- Simpler. There were areas of the old implementation that were
incredibly hard to follow (log levels and log messages, in
- Consistent. Every format object that needs contextual information
now gets it injected via the context list in the dispatch function.
- Cleaner. Now leverages even more awesomeness from rlang, specifically
‘rlang::new_function’ to dynamically create the log dispatch routines
& ‘rlang::pairlist2’ to handle completely dynamic &
non-defaulted parameters (msg).
- Testable. The new mechanics are much more unit testable, and once
the code is cleaned up more (and simplified further), will focus on this
- Enhancements
- updated the to be more reflective of the overall goal of
the package.
- streamlined the configuration (in init_logger) to have clear
separation of concerns.
- added a ‘default’ logger method that is based on the attached level
with the highest severity, so in areas where you always want the lowest
possible information logged (even if configurations change) then you can
just use ‘Logger$default.’ Useful for packages that might be attached by
multiple downstream packages with different level definitions.
dyn.log 0.3.3
What’s Changed
- New Features
- Enhancements
- additional linters:
- T_and_F_symbol_linter
- equals_na_linter
- nonportable_path_linter
- resolved all warnings produced by including the new lintrs.
- updated the to be more reflective of the overall goal of
the package.
- Other
- vscode support
- moved the development configuration that supports vscode into a
separate branch and cleaned up all the additional dependencies.
dyn.log 0.3.2
What’s Changed
- New Features
- added a default logging function that uses the level with the
highest severity.
- changed how loggers are instantiated, you must now call
init_logging() or specify the logging configuration with the
dyn.log.config option.
- Enhancements
- cleaned up the entire configuration module and streamlined the
process of initialization.
- updated configuration vignette to reflect these changes.
- added withr suggestion package to isolate all logging unit tests to
their initialized environment.
- added a configuration setting to change the variable name of the
global logging instance. “Logger” is still the default, but now you can
specify any legal R variable name by default.
dyn.log 0.3.1
What’s Changed
- New Features
- Enhancements
- refactored the entire configuration module to streamline the process
of attaching a logger to the global environment.
- Bug-fixes
- added an event handler to ‘.onAttach’ that monitors for the logger’s
existence on every load; the annoying behavior of wiping local
environment vars and the logger disappearing is now fully resolved.
dyn.log 0.3.0
What’s Changed
- New Features
- added private field support for class context logging.
- Enhancements
- added lintr coverage to makefile.
- added public & private property examples to the Configuration
- bug fix in call stack context due to change in rlang::trace
- cleaned up formatting for all unit tests.
- lintr code clean-up, cleaned up all lintr warnings in the following
- object_name_lintr (R6 Class names have explicit excludes)
- commas_lintr
- assignment_lintr
- object_useage_lintr
- spaces_left_parenthesis_linter
dyn.log 0.2.5
What’s Changed
- New Pkg Logo
- created a Hex logo for dyn.log package.
- Enhancements
- added a pkg hex + added to readme
- updated dependency pkg versions
- cleaned up logging configurations
- started cleaning up unit tests
dyn.log 0.2.4
What’s Changed
- Enhancements
- cleaned up code coverage to ~95%.
- added vignette on “Configuration” to detail the steps in customizing
dyn.log in client applications.
- cleaned up all logging configurations to streamline
- added clear examples on how to setup bespoke customizations to
dyn.log via config templates
dyn.log 0.2.3-1
(Patch Release)
- Enhancements
- patch to expose configurations
dyn.log 0.2.3
What’s Changed
- New Features
- added functionality to export logging configurations that are
bundled with the package so they can effectively be used as templates in
consuming clients.
- Added a configuration vignette with examples on how to use the
bundled configurations as templates.
- Enhancements
- cleaned up renv dependencies and git actions build cache mechanics
to reduce build times.
- added dispatch & singleton helper objects to streamline unit
testing of core functionality.
- streamlined threshold and log dispatch evaluation routine.
- cleaned up makefile to provide a clean & efficient interface for
building and deploying the package.
- cleaned up all logging configurations and added ability to specify
layouts with strings or !expr’s.
dyn.log 0.2.2
What’s Changed
- New Features
- added execution context & related log formatters (call stack,
top call, parent fn, etc.)
- added vignettes for: levels,
formats and layouts
- Enhancements
- clearly defined context objects as structured classes.
- added call stack & execution scope based on rlang trace.
- updated all vignettes to use fansi package to display
clean logging output like you would see in the terminal.
- added callstack evaluation parameters to logging configuration to
account for things like testthat and knitr
- general cleaned up of documentation and unit tests.
- added a lintr github action & started working through clearing
all the warnings.
dyn.log 0.1.3-alpha
What’s Changed
- New Features
- Log layouts are now fully configuration driven, w/ some reasonable
- Enhancements
- cleaned up log level/layout active bindings so they don’t need
separate accessor methods to get instantiated objects in the bindings
(by name).
- updated the README to use fansi package to display clean logging
output like you would see in the terminal.
- refactored log layouts to have a formats parameter that specify how
to render the log layout.
- moved default layouts from code to configuration under -layouts node
in config.yaml.
- cleaned up associated unit tests & documentation. cleaned up
generics ‘style’, ‘value’ and ‘format’.
- updated renv pkgs cache in the github actions CI builds to reduce
build time ~90%.
dyn.log 0.1.2-alpha
What’s Changed
- New Features
- added codecov, R CMD Check & pkgdown github actions
- added a pkg down site and started fleshing out basic vignettes on
- Enhancements
- cleaned up documentation package-wide
- converted log levels & layouts to active bindings
- added README that gives a solid overview of what the package is
trying to achieve & how
dyn.log v0.1.1-alpha
Initial Version
- New Features
- baseline logging components are fully functional: levels, formats,
layouts and the dispatcher.
- pkg instantiates a singleton instance of the log dispatcher, and the
default configuration will give you a fully functional logging
- cls level customization options are working as expected; you can
create a log layout associated with an R6 type, and the have the logger
spit out variables from the enclosing class. Example added to