* CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.8 File: powt ---------------- - Added SK's universalPOWT function and condensed the existing cook powt function into a single function with a method call. File: rwl.stats ---------------- - Added kurtosis to summary stats File: glk ---------------- - Man file updated to improve example. See https://github.com/OpenDendro/dplR/issues/26 File: detrend.series ---------------- - Small change to Ar method to get mean right. See https://github.com/OpenDendro/dplR/issues/22 File: read.fh ---------------- - Added an extra check for the end and start date, in case there is an error in the FH-file, with the end date before the start date. File: ffcsaps ---------------- - ffcsaps is deprecated as it has been replaced with caps. Will be defunct after 1.7.8 At the moment ffcsaps calls caps using the lifecycle::deprecate_warn() File: dplR.c .h, redfit.c ---------------- - Resolved R CMD check NOTE by using a well documented, conditionally backported function instead of a non-API entrypoint * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.7 File: DESCRIPTION ---------------- - Changing the home of the repo to opendendro's GH File: bakker.R .Rd, zo.rwl, zo.anc ---------------- - Added SK's bakker func File: read.tucson.R ---------------- - Added a verbose flag File: rwl.report.R ---------------- - Added in years with all zeros in the report. And a warning that it can break dplR. - Removing plyr as an import -- very simple fix to get rid of alply - Setting a new ouptput for consecutive zeros. Those make me nervous. - Removing invisible so the rwl report can be useful as an object. - Adding a new check for unconnected flaoters - Changing arg names to better match dplR conventions File: ssf.R ---------------- - Found a bug where input data with rows of all zero caused div0 problems. Added a check to stop program if input has all zero rows. - Removing pos.slope as an argument and hardcoding to TRUE. - Changed default to caps rather than ads. - Added a difference option for making rwi. - Changed output so that iter0 is incuded in the output arrays when return.info is true File: caps.R ---------------- - Added arg so that nyrs can be between 0 and 1 and then treated as a %. Changed default to be 2/3 rather than 1/2 of n * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.6 File: caps.R ---------------- - Added a % option to the spline so that values of nyrs between 0 and 1 are a percentage of the length of y. - Changed the default otion for nyrs to a 2/3 spline * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.5 File: read.compact.Rd ---------------- - Added an example. File: read.compact.c ---------------- - warning on # of args in two spots. Looked at it after email from Kurt H File: detrend.series.Rd ---------------- - missing \ in man page File: adsf.f95 and capsf.f95 ---------------- - Replaced DFLOAT with DBLE as per BDR's reasonable demand. File: ssf ---------------- - Changed output to be class(crn) for list with long output File: chron.ci ---------------- - Changed output to be class(crn) File: crn.plot and plot.crn ---------------- - Finally reconciled the misnaming of crn.plot vs plot.crn etc. The new default plot method is simpler and cleaner. Help pages updated and a warning crn.plot is called directly. File: chron.stabilized ---------------- - Added class crn to returned value as per github issue #18 File: read.fh ---------------- - Ron Visser added a BC correction to the function. File: read.rwl ---------------- - Edited function to look for commas (",") in lower blocks of data as opposed to the header File: csv2rwl ---------------- - Added a stop error and message when there are duplicate series IDs File: read.tucson ---------------- - Changed error message when there are duplicate series IDs to be more informative File: normalize1 ---------------- - Found a bug so that when hanning was used (in say corr.rel.seg) a div0 error could occur resulting in a Nan that got propogated forward. Dealt with in the same way as detrend.series by setting 0 to 0.001. File: powt.series ---------------- - Adding function so that a power transform can be done on a single series alone * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.4 File: chron.ci ---------------- - New function that calculates conf intervals for a chron via boot File: detrend.series ---------------- - Fixed bug with method Ar using difference. - Added in a flag for dirtyDogs to return.info * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.3 File: Various ---------------- - Replaced ffcsaps with caps in most instances across the package. - Removing prefix argument from chron. - Removing all vingettes and pointing to Learning to Love dplR on startup - Typos and code cleanup in several files File: zzz ---------------- - Adding startup message when dplR is loaded File: crn.plot ---------------- - Added crn names to plot. helpful for ars crn and var stab crn plotting. File: ssf ---------------- - A simple signal free implementation. File: chron.ars ---------------- - The ARSTAN chronology at long last. File: detrend ---------------- - When dopar is used for the looping, the series name wasn't being passed in. So modified code to take the series name. I think I did it marginally right. But dopar, foreach, and do.call are all prety opaque to me. File: detrend.series ---------------- - Went to heroic efforts to improve the warnings that the user sees when there are negative fits from detrending. It was a huge time sink and hassle. File: nm046 ---------------- - Added new data file, nm046 is a rwl file that has a dirty dog in it (one where spline fits are negative in detrending). File: ffcsaps ---------------- - Added `ties = "ordered"` to approx() to avoid warning thrown by regularize.values File: caps ---------------- - Added new function caps() for Cook and Peters Spline. This is a function to calculate the classic ARSTAN spline. The work is done in Fortran and involved a C wrapper for the Fortran code. As a result the new files are caps.R, caps.Rd for the main files and the help function. But there are new Fortran and C files (caps.f95, caps.c) and changes to init.c and registered.h. Oh and NAMESPACE too. Note that this function is 1000s of times faster than ffcsaps. File: ads ---------------- - Added new function ads(). This is a function to calculate age-dependent splines that came via Ed Cook. The work is done in Fortran and involved a C wrapper for the Fortran code. As a result the new files are ads.R, ads.Rd for the main files and the help function. But there are new Fortran and C files (adsf.f95, adsc.c) and changes to init.c and registered.h. Oh and NAMESPACE too. File: bai.out, bai.in ---------------- - Added check to make sure `d2pith` and `diam` are data.frames and not, say, tibbles File: ca533.Rd, cana157.Rd, co021.Rd, wa082.Rd ---------------- - Updated access dates and changed ftp to https per email from BDR on April 20 2021 * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.2 File: glk.R sgc.R ---------------- - Revising glk for speed and adding sgc as a new function from Ronald Visser File: chron.stabilized.R ---------------- - Adding variance stabilization from Stefan Kleese see https://github.com/AndyBunn/dplR/issues/3 File: time.rwl.R ---------------- - Adding `time<-` as a method for `time.rwl<-` and `time.crn<-` so that times can be set as well as retrieved from rwl and crn. Getting the NAMESPACE, and .Rd files right was unpleasant. File: powt.R ---------------- - C Zang added rescale arguemnt to powt to have results align better with ARSTAN output. * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.1 File: ccf.series.rwl.R ---------------- - Fixed stringsAsFactors issue pointed out by Kurt H File: xdate.floater.R and .Rd ---------------- - New function to cross date a floating series (i.e., one with no dates). * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.7.0 File: insert.ring.R and delete.ring.R ---------------- - Adding an argument fix.length to maintain the length of the input and output. This makes it much easier to edit series and insert them back into a rwl object as needed. File: plot.crs.R ---------------- - This is a new S3 method for plotting the ouptut from corr.rwl.seg. The rationale for this is to reduce computational overhard in the shiny app I'm developing for xdating. File: corr.rwl.seg.R ---------------- - Added class crs to the output object as well as added some new items to the list that are returned (e.g., the rwi, seg legnths and so on). This is done so that I could make a new S3 method for plotting objects `plot.crs()`. New output ites are explained in man file. The plotting code if make.plot=TRUE is gone and replaced with a call to plot.crs. File: redfit.R ---------------- - Fixed bug where the handling of series with duplicate times (ages) would produce an error. Thanks to Mark Hall for reporting. File: plotRings.R and .Rd ---------------- - Making plotRings defunct as there were too many issues with the animation library and especially ImageMagick integrating smoothly for some users. Suggested to Darwin that he make plotRings a stand alone library. File: xdate-dplR.Rnw ---------------- - Rewritten to explain new args in ccf. File: xskel.ccf.plot.R and .Rd ---------------- - Added new argument to allow user to specify whether a series or master gets passed to ccf as x. The convention was screwy. File: ccf.series.rwl.R and .Rd ---------------- - Added new argument to allow user to specify whether a series or master gets passed to ccf as x. The convention was screwy. File: series.rwl.plot ---------------- - Cosmetic changes to plot File: intro-dplR ---------------- - typos * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.9 File: sss.R and .Rd ---------------- - Adding subsample signal strength as a stand alone function File: spag.plot.R and .Rd ---------------- - Small bug fix File: crn.plot.R and .Rd ---------------- - Small bug fix File: as.rwl.R and .Rd ---------------- - Adding a convenience function to transform data.frame or matrix to class rwl File: powt.R and .Rd ---------------- - Small change so that powt returns class rwl as well as data.frame File: pass.filt.R and .Rd ---------------- - Adding a wrapper function for signal::butter and signal::filtfilt to get low-pass, high-pass, band-pass filtering implemented as per a user request. File: rwl.stats.R and .Rd ---------------- - Removing sens1 and sens2 from this function. At world dendro I'm still seeing these being used by dplR users. It's a terrible stat. I'm taking it out. Help file amended. File: detrend.series.R and .Rd ---------------- - The function will now return the curves used for detrending the series if return.info is TRUE. Help file amended. - Added the Hugershoff curve as an method for detrending. It's done along the lines of ModNegExp with straight line if the nls call fails. - Added option to compute differences via subtraction rather than division. File: detrend.R ---------------- - See above. File: wavelet.plot.R ---------------- - Typos. * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.8 - Note that Darwin Alexander Pucha Cofrep has been added as a developer to work on plotRings() etc. File: DESCRIPTION ---------------- - Fixing the version requirement for "animation" (>= 2.0-2) - Fixing the version requirement for "R.utils" (>= 1.32.1) - Introducing version requirement (>= 3.6) for suggested package "forecast" File: plotRings.R ---------------- - Big change made is to aspect so that the plot area is square: par(pty="s"). Will contact author to check on the reasonableness of this. Other changes. R CMD CHECK was throwing flags. Notes an issue in the length.unit arg to the function given differently in the Rd file vs the R file. Made a quick fix. Also made a small adjustment to the axis limits as it seemed there was a lot of extra white space in the plot. Removed bty for the legend. Adjusted par. Added documentation language. Not sure if I understand the full rationale behind the way the function is written though. There is a lot of redundant code. -AGB File: csv2rwl.R ---------------- Adding new function to read csv files in as rwl objects. Also adding that capability into read.rwl. Mikko should see if the error checks etc pass muster. File: read.crn.R ---------------- Adding argument 'long' (default is TRUE) for supporting (non-standard) long series with more than 4 characters used for the decade field. Use FALSE to revert to the old way of assuming 6 characters for site ID and 4 characters for decade. Thanks to Richard Telford for notcing the bug. File: read.rwl.R ---------------- Adding read2csv into read.rwl both as a format specification and as an auto detect. Mikko should see if the error checks etc pass muster. File: time.rwl.R ---------------- - Two convenience functions time.rwl and time.crn which extract the row.names of rwl and crn objects as numerics. Used as a S3 method with class rwl and class crn. This resulted in various changes to Rd files to make use of this capability. File: seg.plot.R ---------------- - Fixed an issue with ylim and yaxs which should cut out extra white space. File: xdate-dplR.Rnw ---------------- - Fixed typos * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.7 File: latexify.R ---------------- - Fixed a bug in latexDate() which was causing failure on R-Devel. File: plotRings.R ---------------- - New function to plot a cross section. Contributed by Darwin Pucha-Cofrep and Jakob Wernicke File: DESCRIPTION ---------------- - Added in new authors (Darwin Pucha-Cofrep and Jakob Wernicke) - Added animation to Imports list - Added gmp to Suggests File: NAMESPACE ---------------- - Added plotRings to export and importFrom(animation, saveGIF) to support it * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.6 File: helpers.R ---------------- - Internal helper fix.names() is more robust when working in the C locale. - Added internal helper function check.tempdir() - Added internal helper function requireVersion() File: latexify.R ---------------- - Fixed conversion bugs in the latexify() utility when working in the C locale. File: rasterPlot.R ---------------- - In rasterPlot(Cairo = TRUE, ...), added a version check for the Cairo package - Check if temporary directory is missing before use File: read.tucson.R ---------------- - Check if temporary directory is missing before use File: redfit.R ---------------- - Computation of the exact acceptance region of number of runs distributions in runcrit(), if not precomputed, depends on package "gmp" being installed (now optional). - Argument 'p' of redfit() and runcrit() may be numeric (which is the default) or "bigq", but the latter now fails if "gmp" is not installed. File: DESCRIPTION ---------------- - Version requirement for stringi bumped up to >= 0.2-3. Should have been done for dplR 1.6.1 - Version requirement for matrixStats bumped up to >= 0.50.2 because it's not possible to test 0.50.0, 0.50.1 with really old versions of R, e.g. 2.15.2. - Version requirement for png bumped up to >= 0.1-2: difficulties compiling 0.1-1 on a test system (type voidp not defined). Files: NAMESPACE, src/..., R/... ---------------- - Technical change: Native routines are registered. - Technical change: Visibility of native routines has been limited, following 6.15 "Controlling visibility" in R-exts. - Package "gmp" is now in Suggests, not in Imports. File: rcs.R ---------------- - Technical changes to facilitate the future implementation of signal-free rcs. File: src/redfit.c ---------------- - Fixed a pointer protection alert reported by rchk / Tomas Kalibera. Seemed like a false alarm, but the code is slightly cleaner as a result of the change. * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.5 File: combine.rwl.R ---------------- -Changed so that combine.rwl returns class data.frame and class rwl. File: crn.plot.R ---------------- - Graphical parameters (xlim, ylim, ...) are handled better in crn.plot(). - Parameter 'ylim2' controls scale of secondary y axis. File: detrend and detrend.series.Rd ----------------- - Added Friedman under method argument in the help file. It was ommitted by mistake. - Bug in detrend fixed where make.plot was hard coded as FALSE which kept TRUE from being passed to detrend.series. File: helpers.R ----------------- - Added function find.internal.na() that reutrns the index of internal NA in a series. This will be used by the rwl.report() function and could be used (maybe) by the fill.internal.NA File: rwl.report.R ----------------- - Added function to provide a summary of information about an rwl object. This is still very much a work in progress. File: NAMESPACE ----------------- - Added rwl.report to export - Added rwl.report print method - Added import from plyr File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Added plyr (>= 1.8.3) to imports File: sea.R ----------------- - Note on commit from Zang: sea() simplified and computation of p-values fixed; computation of p-values and CI bands for sea() now based on ecdf() and quantile() functions. File: zzz.R ----------------- - .onUnload(): DLL / shared library is unloaded together with package * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.4 File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Version number requirement for matrixStats is now (>= 0.50.0). File: chron-dplR-Rnw ------------------ - A new vignette for chronology building. This is pretty rough and could use some expanding. File: anos1.Rda ------------------ - The anos1 data from Christian Zang had been read into R incorrectly at some point. AGB noticed negative ring widths in the file and emailed Zang who sent along a corrected anos1.rda file. File: rasterPlot.R ------------------ - Added option 'Cairo' to control the preferred bitmap device. FALSE (the default) for png() as before, and TRUE for Cairo() as a new option. If the preferred device is unavailable, the other one will be tried. - rasterPlot() now reverts to normal plotting if bitmap device is unavailable or raster images are not supported. Previously an error would be produced. - The function now also works if no high level plot exists, i.e. if plot.new() has not been called. - Added option 'draw' to control whether the raster plot is to be drawn (TRUE, the default) or returned (FALSE) - png plot is initialized with plot.new() instead of the previous plot(type = "n", ...) arrangement. File: sea.R ----------- - Updated sea() to return bootstrapped CIs. File: treeMean.R ------------- - Made a new function to calculate the mean value of each tree when there are multiple cores. File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - wavelet.plot() now passes ... arguments to rasterPlot(). Files: detrend.R, detrend.series.R ---------------------------------- - New detrending method "Friedman" is Friedman's super smoother, implemented in stats::supsmu(). - When 'return.info' is TRUE, also the "f" parameter of method="Spline" is returned. File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - New Suggested package: Cairo. Used (if available) in rasterPlot() if the png() device is unavailable or if the user specifies 'Cairo=TRUE'. File: NAMESPACE ------------- - Added treeMean function. - Importing dev.capture() from grDevices. Various .R files ---------------- - Argument values are checked more thoroughly: 'prec', 'header'. - 'if (condition) optionA else optionB' is used instead of 'ifelse(condition, optionA, optionB)' where appropriate. - Number of characters is used instead of display width where appropriate, or vice versa. Counterparts: strtrim() and substr(); nchar(type = "width") and nchar() with default 'type'; format(string, width = w, justify = "left") and stringr::str_pad(string, w, side="right"). - Using 'rows' and 'cols' arguments of matrixStats functions where appropriate. This should result in less time and memory being used. Thanks to Henrik Bengtsson for the tip and code examples. * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.3 File: crn.plot.R ------------- - Added default x and y labels to plot. It would be better to use match.call() to check to see if xlab and ylab were passed in as dots but it is a very cumbersome bit of code for only a little difference to the user. File: spag.plot.R -------------- - Change to ylim in the plotting area. File: CITATION -------------- - Removed a piece of obsolete code which raised a NOTE in recent R-devel when checking --as-cran. File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - A new field, MailingList, shows the address of the web interface to the dplR-help mailing list hosted on Google Groups. - New Imported packages: Matrix, matrixStats, R.utils. - New Suggested package: testthat. Unit tests are now done with testthat instead of RUnit. - RUnit is no longer Suggested. - Updated version requirement: gmp (>= 0.5-5). Earlier versions of gmp do not export is.bigq() which is required by dplR. The previous version requirement (>= 0.5-2) was a mistake. - Updated version requirement: R (>= 2.15.2). For some reason, R CMD check does not play nice with testthat on earlier versions of R. - Removed one of the URLs in the URL field. BDR sent and email saying that having two URLs was breaking R and that we should put a comma in betwixt them. But the comma is problematic as it is a valid part of some URLs. We decided the better part of valor was to keep only one URL and not fight this particular battle. File: NAMESPACE --------------- - Importing captureOutput() from R.utils. - Importing package Matrix. - Importing various functions from matrixStats. - Importing packageDescription() from utils, dropped installed.packages(). - Exporting net(). - Added previously missing imports. From grDevices: dev.capabilities(), dev.cur(), png(), dev.off(), dev.set(), devAskNewPage(). From utils: read.table(), write.csv(). As these packages are attached by default, the missing imports would not have been a problem in most cases. Various .R files ---------------- - Using deparse.level=0 in some calls to cbind() and rbind() when names are not needed in the result. Due to this change, the first column of the $bins matrix in the return value of ccf.series.rwl(), corr.rwl.seg(), and corr.series.seg() does not have (undocumented) column names anymore. - Using base::rowSums and functions from the matrixStats package to speed up some operations on rows or columns of matrices. - Reduced the number of calls to options() by one when setting and restoring options - Argument values, particularly those that should be character vectors, are checked more thoroughly. This makes many functions more robust against unusual values: wrong type, "bytes" encoding, zero length or NA. Some values that previously failed are now silently accepted by coercion to character, extraction of first element when a single string is expected, and / or interpretation of a zero length argument as an empty string. NA is equivalent to "NA" in detrend.series() and skel.plot() where it is used for plotting or text output, but forbidden otherwise, e.g. in chron(). File: ffcsaps.R --------------- - Increased performance by using sparse matrices from the Matrix package. File: helpers.R --------------- - Internal function vecMatched does not care if nzchar() starts returning NA some day. File: latexify.R ---------------- - Improved efficiency when handling a large number of strings with the "bytes" Encoding. The code now uses R.utils::captureOutput() instead of a home-baked re-implementation of (parts of) utils::capture.output(), which is also a more compact solution in terms of lines of code in dplR. See Henrik Bengtsson's notes at http://www.jottr.org/2014/05/captureOutput.html (referenced on 2015-01-07). - Removed an unused variable. File: net.R ----------- - New function for computing the NET parameter (Esper et al., 2001). File: read.fh.R --------------- - read.fh() now ignores empty lines at the end of series. File: read.tucson.R ------------------- - New argument 'edge.zeros', TRUE (default) or FALSE. If TRUE, possible leading and trailing zero values in tree-ring series are kept. If FALSE, such values are dropped. The latter is how the function has worked between (pre-)release 1.5.5 and the previous release, and may be considered a bug or a misfeature. To reiterate, the default behavior has changed in some cases. The alternative, 1.5.5--1.6.2 behavior can be restored by changing the value of the argument. Reported by Daniel Bishop and Neil Pederson. File: redfit.R -------------- - Fixed a bug where redfit() would fail if the "stats" package was not attached. File: series.rwl.plot.R ----------------------- - Worked around a problem in graphics::abline(): the function fails when a linear model is given and the "stats" package is not attached. The solution is to extract the coefficients of the model and use those in the call. File: write.crn.R ----------------- - Better coding style: avoid using assign(). File: write.tridas.R -------------------- - Implementation detail: When checking the package version, packageDescription() is now used instead of installed.packages(). * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.2 No functional changes. A unit test was changed so it would not fail on the solaris-sparc CRAN platform. Also in some other tests, identicality checks were replaced with near equality checks. * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.1 File: glk.R and glk.Rd ------------- - Modified by Christian Zang in response to a bug report by Allan Buras. In the case of no change from year i to year i+1 in both series then the glk sign will for both be 0 and the sum of both is then also 0 and will not be accounted for correctly in the sum of synchronous years. Zang and Buras have patched and Zang updated the help file to reflect the change as: "This implementation improves the original formulation inasmuch as the case of neighbouring identical measurements in the same years is accounted for. Here, it is treated as full agreement, in contrast to only partial agreement in the original formulation." File: crn.plot.R ------------- - Removed automatic plotting of chronology name in main title. File: plot.wavelet.R ------------- - Fixed small bug in ylim for the chronology in the plot. File: NAMESPACE --------------- - Added rasterPlot, latexify() and latexDate() to export list - Import readPNG from png. - Import more functions from grid. - Import stri_trans_nfc from stringi. File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - New Suggested packages: Biobase, dichromat, knitr, tikzDevice, RColorBrewer. Of these, dichromat, knitr, and tikzDevice are for document building (see math-dplR.pdf below). Biobase is for making access to math-dplR.pdf easier with openPDF(). RColorBrewer provides an alternative palette to an example in wavelet.plot.Rd. - New Imported packages: png and stringi. File: chron.R ------------- - Added pass-through of arguments from chron() to ar() Files: corr.rwl.seg.R, corr.series.seg.R, interseries.cor.R, rwi.stats.running.R, xskel.ccf.plot.R, xskel.plot.R ------------------------------------------------------------ - Parameters not changed by assignment anymore (small technical detail) File: common.interval.R ----------------------- - Bug fix: make.plot=TRUE threw an error when input data.frame had leading or trailing all-NA rows File: corr.rwl.seg.R, skel.plot.R --------------------------------- - Performance optimization, including the use of dev.hold() and dev.flush() File: corr.series.seg.R ----------------------- - Bug fix: Argument 'method' was not used for moving correlations. Instead, the method used was always "spearman". File: detrend.R --------------- - Updated .export of foreach() to match previous changes to the loop body File: latexify.R ---------------- - New utility functions latexify() and latexDate() for use in vignettes New files in subdirectory inst/doc: ----------------------------------- - math-dplR.pdf is a vignette-ish document about the mathematical details of some dplR functions (room for expansion in the future). It is packaged as a static PDF due to the long build time. However, the source is available as required by the CRAN policies for an open source package. Arguably the staticness also makes sense in light of the document presenting non-changing information about the package. If the functions analyzed in the document change fundamentally (which is not to be expected), the relevant parts of the document must be rewritten and the document recompiled. Compare this to the idea that regular vignettes usually include concrete examples about how the package can be used. In that case it makes sense to compile the document often to verify that the examples work. - math-dplR.Rnw.txt is the source of math-dplR.pdf, with extra file extension .txt to prevent automatic rebuild by R CMD build and R CMD check - math-dplR.bib is the BibTeX bibliography of the document - math-dplR.R is the R source extracted from the document - build-math-dplR.R is a build script File: morlet.R -------------- - Added some input checks File: powt.R ------------ - Handle cases where the running mean of a series is 0 New file rasterPlot.R --------------------- - New function rasterPlot(). Adds a raster image drawn with low level graphics commands to the current high level plot. Files: rcompact.c, readloop.c ----------------------------- - Made the C code of read.compact() and read.tucson() more resilient to unusual inputs File: redfit.c -------------- - Avoid using the long double type in some cases. Hopefully this will speed up otherwise unbearable computation times on some systems. Files: series.rwl.plot.R ------------------------ - Fixed clipping of text in the lower right corner of the plot File: skel.plot.R ----------------- - Adjusted alignment, size and clipping properties of viewports. Now a plot with less than the full number of rows can fit in a smaller device and text on the sides won't be clipped. File: spag.plot.R ----------------- - Added two options to spag.plot(). 'useRaster': draw the tree-ring series as a raster image? (default 'FALSE') 'res': resolution of the tree-ring series when 'useRaster' is 'TRUE' File: timeseries-dplR.Rnw ------------------------- - wavelet.plot(useRaster=TRUE) in the vignette reduces the size of both timeseries-dplR.pdf and the package tarball File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - Added three options to wavelet.plot(). 'useRaster': draw the filled contours as a raster image? (default 'FALSE') 'res': resolution of the filled contours when 'useRaster' is 'TRUE' 'reverse.y': if TRUE, Y-axis of the filled contour plot is reversed - A subtle change to the default value of wavelet.levels: To get the sequence 0, 0.1, 0.2, ..., 1 it is best to use (0:10)/10 instead of seq(from=0, to=1, by=0.1). Parentheses in the former are used for clarity of meaning. - Added some input checks - Small optimizations - More graphical parameters are restored after the function has run - Better reuse of code between side.by.side=TRUE and side.by.side=FALSE - Use of dev.hold() and dev.flush() Files: xskel.ccf.plot.R and xskel.plot.R ---------------------------------------- - Code optimizations - Small changes to output * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.6.0 File: TODO ------------------------- - Added a TODO list that follows the todo.ell format. File: NAMESPACE ------------------------- - Added chron.plot to export list. - Added interseries.cor to export list. - Added plot.rwl as an S3Method. - Added plot.crn as an S3Method. - Added summary.rwl as an S3Method. - Added insert and delete.ring functions. File: xskel.ccf.plot.R and xskel.plot.R --------------- - New plotting functions to help crossdate with skeleton plot and cross correlation plots. File: ccf.series.rwl.R --------------- - Switched the order of x and y in the call to ccf(). This makes a great deal more logical sense now as a missing ring shows up with a positive lag rather than a negative lag. - Changed color scheme a bit to look less harsh Files: ccf.series.rwl.R, corr.series.seg.R, series.rwl.plot.R ------------------------------------------------------------- - New convenience feature: if the length of 'series' is 1, it is interpreted as a column index to 'rwl', and the corresponding series is left out of the master chronology. File: ffcsaps.R --------------- - Small optimization: using "usually slightly faster" 'tcrossprod(x)' instead of 'x %*% t(x)' File: insert.ring.R ------------------------- - insert.ring and delete.ring functions for editing rw vectors. Very simple. File: crn.plot.R ------------------------- - Added several new plotting options to give users more control of plot - Aliased crn.plot to plot.crn so it can be used as an S3 plot method. Thus a user can now to bar <- chon(foo); plot(bar) - Help revised considerably File: read.crn.R ------------------------- - Added class "crn" to output object. File: cana157.rda ------------------------- - Added class "crn" to object. File: detrend.R and detrend.series.R ------------ - Added an Ar detrend method. Revised plotting in detrend.series - Added a verbose option to print out parameters used in detrending - Added a return.info option to write a list of parameters used in detrending File: powt.R ------------ - Originally, the transformed series were rescaled to their original mean and variance, which can lead to negative values for the (supposedly) raw tree-ring data. This is not necessary, and has been removed now. File: rwl.stats ------------------------- - Added an S3 summary method for rwl objects so that summary(foo.rwl) calls rwl.stats(foo.rwl) Folder: vignettes ------------------------- - Added a vignettes folder File: dplR.sty ------------------------- - Very basic sty file File: dplR.bib ------------------------- - Refs for vignettes File: intro-dplR.Rnw ------------------------- - A vignette to introduce dplR File: xdate-dplR.Rnw ------------------------- - A vignette for cross-dating File: timeseries-dplR.Rnw ------------------------- - A vignette for time series stuff. Very basic! File: corr.series.seg.R -------------------- - Added method argument to specify method for cor.test(). Defaults to "spearman." File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - Removed yr.range() function in favor of yr.range() in helpers.R. They are identical for all practical purposes. - Added method argument to specify method for cor.test(). Defaults to "spearman." File: interseries.cor.R ------------------------- - New function interseries.cor. File: read.compact.R ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to output object. File: read.fh.R ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to output object. File: read.tridas.R ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to output object $results. File: read.tucson.R ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to output object. File: anos1.rda ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to object. File: ca533.rda ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to object. File: co021.rda ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to object. File: gp.rwl.rda ------------------------- - Added class "rwl" to object. File: rwl.plot.R ------------------------- - New wrapper to plot rwl objects. File: spag.plot.R ------------------------- - Cosmetic changes to plot. File: seg.plot.R ------------------------- - Cosmetic changes to plot. File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - Added signal-to-noise ratio as an output. Followed pg 109 in Cook's chapter in Hughes et al. 2011. - New outputs 'n.cores' and 'n.trees' show the total number of cores and trees in the window, respectively. At least one non-missing value is required for a core and tree to be counted. - When using period = "common" in rwi.stats() or rwi.stats.running(), the number of trees 'n' in the return value is now 0 instead of the full number in case there are no complete cases in the running window. - 'c.eff' in the return value is now 0 if no correlations were computed - Added a method argument to change the type of correlation method performed. - Optimizations Files: write.compact.R, write.crn.R, write.rwl.R, write.tridas.R, write.tucson.R ------------------------------------------- - The write.* functions now return the name of the output file. Previously it was documented that there was no return value. - Examples in the corresponding .Rd files were modified to use tempfile()s instead of writing to the working directory, which was potentially harmful. * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.9 Files: dplR.h, rcompact.c, redfit.c ----------------------------------- - Restructured header inclusions - dplR.h declares new function dplRlength (internal use) File: dplR.c ------------ - New file for general C functions internally used by dplR Files: exactmean.c, exactmean.R, gini.c, gini.coef.R, readloop.c, read.tucson.R, sens.c, sens1.R, sens2.R, tbrm.c, tbrm.R ------------------------------------------------------------------- - Use .Call() instead of .C() for interfacing with C code - The C functions need less support (arguments, argument checking) from the calling R function Files: exactsum.c, exactsum.h ----------------------------- - Reuse of code between functions by using the C preprocessor - New (internal to dplR C code) function cumsum (cumulative sum, overwrites input array) - size_t n File: gini.c ------------ - Simplified expression for gini coefficient reduces number of arithmetic operations performed - Fewer calls to other functions (use of the new cumulative sum function) File: readloop.c ---------------- - Fixed buggy handling of malformed Tucson format series that have no data and no stop marker. Previously, this hypothetical case could have caused a read from a location just outside the array bounds. However, in most cases that would probably not have been a problem. File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - Bug fix: when using period = "common" in rwi.stats() or rwi.stats.running(), the number of trees 'n' used in EPS and shown in the return value is now the total number of trees in the data.frame, taking into account the fact that rows with any missing values are effectively dropped. Thanks to Donald Zhao for reporting. * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.8 File: tbrm.Rd --------------- - Improved (slightly) the trbm() examples. Files: exactmean.R, gini.coef.R, sens1.R, sens2.R, tbrm.R --------------------------------------------------------- - Changed calls to .C (where we use DUP = FALSE) so that the binding of NaN will not change, fixing multiple instances of a bug in dplR code revealed by changes in recent R development versions. We were accidentally breaking CRAN's "malicious or anti-social" policy. Thanks to Professor Brian D. Ripley for reporting. Now R CMD check --as-cran passes fine. File: DESCRIPTION - Added Jacob Cecile as a contributor File: detrend.R --------------- - Adjusted for the changes in detrend.series(), i.e. added the argument constrain.modnegexp. File: detrend.series.R ---------------------- - Fixed a bug where RWI could go negative. Thanks to Jacob Cecile for reporting the bug and contributing a proposed solution. - A new argument: constrain.modnegexp. It is now possible to constrain the modified negative exponential function to non-negative values at infinity. - Warn if fit is not all positive (backup methods will be used) - Use simpler but equivalent rules for checking validity of ModNegExp fit - Small optimizations (rep.int; save and reuse length of input) File: redfit.c -------------- - Avoid possibly buggy behavior in the unlikely case that cbind() or length() have been redefined by the user File: redfit.R -------------- - Use slightly faster .rowSums() instead of rowSums() - Simplified arithmetic expressions in getdof(): no multiplying by 2 - Precomputed squared numbers in getdof() - Fixed Welch, Hanning, Triangular and Blackman-Harris windows to be DFT-even - Computed more precise values for the 6 dB bandwidths of each window, also for short windows. Uniform sampling was assumed. - Two internal functions moved to top level, previously inside print.redfit() File: tbrm.R ------------ - Check that C has length 1 * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.7 File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Import gmp (>= 0.5-2) File: NAMESPACE --------------- - New imports from gmp and utils - Export redfit() and runcrit() Various .R files ---------------- - Check that length of vector does not overflow integer datatype before use of .C() - Avoid possible name clashes when using foreach with parallel backends File: common.interval.R ----------------------- - Optimizations (for example, less subsetting of the 'rwl' data.frame) - Better handling of corner cases (zero dimensions etc.) - In the plot (make.plot = TRUE), length of lines was adjusted: First year a, last year b is 'b - a + 1' years, not 'b - a' years File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - New feature: allow the master series to be built from a second set of tree ring series by using a data.frame 'master' argument - Replaced some for loops with cleaner vectorized operations or apply(). File: helpers.R --------------- - Fixed a bug in fix.names(), related to creating unique short names. The bug affected read.tridas(), write.compact(), write.tridas() and write.tucson() but probably manifested itself quite rarely. File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - Speedup by using rep.int() instead of rep() File: sea.R ----------- - Extra input checks (e.g. x must have explicit, non-automatic row-names) - Some matrices now have the correct type (numeric instead of logical) right from the beginning - Small optimization: a temporary matrix is completely overwritten on every round of a loop, so no need to reinitialize - Braces always used in if (else) constructs Files: redfit.R, redfit.c ------------------------- - New function redfit() based on REDFIT by Schulz and Mudelsee. Also another exported function runcrit(). * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.6 File: write.tucson.R ------------------------ - Changed series IDs to justify left instead of right. I'm not sure why they ever wanted to be justified left. Silly. (AGB) File: NAMESPACE --------------- - Exporting new function common.interval() File: common.interval.R ------------------------ - New function common.interval() trims a rwl object to a common interval using one of three methods. Contributed by a user Filipe Campelo (fcampelo@ci.uc.pt). This is his first contribution. Added to author list in DESCRIPTION. File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - Bug fix: series names were not shown (numbers were shown instead) - Bug fix: there were off-by-one errors in the length of the bars File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Changed author and maintainer to Andy Bunn from Andrew G. Bunn to keep parity between the names and the email address AGB uses to submit to CRAN. This was made at the request of Kurt Hornik at CRAN * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.5 File: NAMESPACE --------------- - Exporting new functions Various .R files: ----------------- - Use 'nzchar(x)' instead of 'nchar(x) > 0' File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - Added prewhitening option to rwi.stats.running() and by extension rwi.stats(). There are two new arguments prewhiten and n that are passed to normalize1() as in the xdating functions e.g., corr.rwl.seg(). Help file changed. Files: corr.rwl.seg.R, seg.plot.R, rwl.stats.R, spag.plot.R ----------------------------------------------------------- - Support for input of length 1 File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - Fixed 'ylim' in plot() - Fixed "no guides" case - stops with a clear error message if 'rwl' has too few rows for the given 'seg.length' and 'bin.floor' combination File: fill.internal.NA.R ------------------------ - New function fill.internal.NA() fills NA values internal to a series. Written by Andy Bunn and Mikko Korpela. Help page added as well. File: pointer.R --------------- - New function pointer() calculates pointer years from a group of ring-width series. Written by Pierre Mérian, adapted for dplR and improved by Andy Bunn and Mikko Korpela. Help page added as well. File: rcs.R ----------- - Graceful handling of empty input File: read.compact.R -------------------- - Pretty printing of summary output, no more ragged lines File: read.fh.R --------------- - Pretty printing of summary output, no more ragged lines - More robust detection of block and single column data representations - Data block, when using block representation, is interpreted as fixed width fields (10*6)). Reference: TRiCYCLE Users Manual, Version 0.2.6. - Different units are supported. Default is 1/100 mm. - Each data block is mapped to the correct header block. Previously, there was a risk of using the wrong header if the file contained data in formats other than "Tree" or "Single". Also, the end position of any data block could be off if data with different formats was present in the file. Presumably the function would have failed with an obscure error message. - Added support for site, tree, core, etc. metadata. Results are given as an attribute of the return value, named "ids". - Added support for MissingRingsBefore (pith offset) metadata. Results are given as an attribute named "po". File: read.tucson.R ------------------- - Fixed trimming of all-NA rows - Fixed a bug that could crash R if the fixed-width columns of the input file did not follow the (loose) specifications of the Tucson format - AB: Note to dplR developers that this is a result of a poor standard in the Tucson format but this fix is needed to work with files that are on the ITRDB. Interestingly, dpl and ARSTAN are more robust to these kinds of inconsistencies. Mikko's note: always check that your assumptions a piece of input are correct before using the said input to compute array indices, particularly in C code. - Can deal with CR CR LF newlines by reading the whole file into memory at first and stripping empty lines - Can read non-standard files where one or more of the stop markers is the 11th data column of its row - Can read non-standard files where columns don't have their proper widths, including tab-delimited files - Can read non-standard files where missing data is marked with non-numeric characters - Printed summary is justified, no more ragged lines - Interprets lines containing "#" characters (in positions 1-78) as comments. For now, comments are ignored. - Fixed a bug that could cause mixing of values from two or more measurement series sharing the same ID. Now it is an error if the input file contains more than one measurement for any year, ID pair. - Accommodate mid-series upper and lower case differences: If a series does not end with a stop marker, see if the series ID of the next row after the last belonging to the series without a stop marker matches when case differences are ignored. If so, interpret these as the same series. File: write.tucson.R -------------------- - Instead of always using 1000, 999 is now randomly converted to either 998 or 1000 (prec == 0.01) => no bias (even if small) * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.4 File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Depends: R (>= 2.15.0) to accommodate use of .filled.contour() in wavelet.plot(). Also enables the use of paste0(). File: NAMESPACE --------------- - Imports from package stringr (also in DESCRIPTION) - Exports new function autoread.ids() Various .R files ---------------- - use paste0(...) instead of paste(..., sep="") - prettier, more consistent formatting of source code File: helpers.R --------------- - New internal function check.flags() requires that its arguments are TRUE or FALSE File: read.ids.R ---------------- - Optional automatic detection of the site-tree-core scheme (stc="auto") - Optional fixing of typos in series names - Optional (adaptive) case insensitivity - New wrapper function autoread.ids() calls read.ids with stc="auto" and an alternative set of parameter values File: read.tucson.R ------------------- - More robust detection of header File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - Switched from using an .Internal() call to using new bare-bones function .filled.contour() for the plotting. This is at the request of Prof. Ripley who wrote that 'Packages should not call .Internal(): it is not part of the API, for use only by R itself and subject to change without notice.' In 1.5.3, the use of .Internal() or .filled.contour() was an if-else decision based on the version of R, but now the latter function is always used, making R >= 2.15.0 required. - enabled translation of default value of 'key.lab' - checks 'wave.list$x' and 'wave.list$period' Files: write.compact.R, write.tucson.R -------------------------------------- - Useless uses of eval() removed 2012-03-05 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.3 File: CITATION -------------- - Uses the new bibentry() style - Has an automatic entry for the dplR manual (R >= 2.14.0 requirement) - Entry for "Statistical and visual crossdating in R using the dplR library" was updated File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Encoding: UTF-8 - Depends: R (>= 2.14.0) - Author and Maintainer fields dropped (made obsolete by Authors@R) File: NAMESPACE --------------- - import() or importFrom() from all the "base" Priority packages that are used in dplR. Previously, the use of functions from those packages seems to have relied on the assumption of them being attached. Quote from "Writing R Extensions": "Packages implicitly import the base namespace. Variables exported from other packages with namespaces need to be imported explicitly using the directives import and importFrom." Clearly, packages with Priority "base" (different from the package / namespace called "base") fall into the category of "other packages". - importFrom() used in more cases - exports rwi.stats.legacy() File: powt.R ------------ - New function for power transformation after Cook and Peters File: rcs.R ----------- - Allows for standardization by subtraction Files: read.crn.R, read.tucson.R -------------------------------- - Fix handling of (effectively) empty lines (thanks to Heather Gamper for reporting) File: rwi.stats.R ----------------- - rwi.stats() was renamed to rwi.stats.legacy(), potentially useful for comparing the results of the old and new code File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - zero.is.missing now has default value TRUE - rwi.stats() is now a wrapper to rwi.stats.running() - allows 'ids' to have extra rows if all names of 'rwi' appear as its row names File: strip.rwl.R ----------------- - New function for EPS-based chronology stripping File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - Replaces .Internal(filledcontour) with .filled.contour in R >= 2.15.0 2012-01-19 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.2 - Requires R >= 2.12.0 (use of markup in some Rd \title{} sections). - Documentation has been cleaned up / uses better markup. File: ffcsaps.R --------------- - Checks that 'x' and 'y' are coercible to _numeric_ vectors File: read.ids.R ---------------- - Checks that 'stc' contains nothing but integral values and has length 3 Files: write.compact.R, write.tridas.R, write.tucson.R ------------------------------------------------------ - Accept unknown arguments ('...') 2011-12-19 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.1 File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - New parameters 'master' and 'master.yrs': Instead of letting corr.rwl.seg() compute master series based on 'rwl', the user can use her own master series. - Ensures that rwl (and master) have consecutive years in increasing order - Uses full form "greater" instead of "g" in calls to cor.test() File: corr.series.seg.R ----------------------- - Uses full form "greater" instead of "g" in calls to cor.test() 2011-11-23 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.5.0 Various .R files: ----------------- - Use TRUE instead of T - sapply() replaced with vapply() or vectorized operations File: detrend.series.R ---------------------- - Checks that there are no NAs in the middle of the series. Series from dplR rwl data.frames don't have mid-series NAs (unless manipulated by the user), but other data might. File: read.crn.R ---------------- - Calls to read.fwf() now set the colClasses parameter. This gives more predictable behavior when the input file contains non-integer data where integers are expected. That is,.the function stops with a clear error message, whereas previously, the resulting data.frame would have contained seemingly random zeros. - Some optimizations (vectorization, less copying, etc.) - In the non-standard situation of multiple series per file, the previous versions assumed the same range of years for all series. This rule, breaking of which would give strange results, no longer applies. File: read.fh.R --------------- - Replaced read.csv() with readLines() - Unnecessary captures removed from regular expressions - Small optimizations (e.g., positions() was replaced with a more efficient solutions) - The possibly dangerous removal of zeros, even from the middle of series, was rewritten - Gives a clear error message when a data series has unexpected length - Handles empty files / files with zero records better File: read.tucson.R ------------------- - Calls to read.fwf() now set the colClasses parameter (see explanation above) File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - Fixes a bug where the function would not work if 'ids' was NULL 2011-11-14 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.9 File: rcompact.c ---------------- - read.compact() now accepts series IDs consisting of any sequence of printable ASCII characters. 2011-11-06 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.8 File: NAMESPACE --------------- - Made some internal functions truly internal by removing them from the export list File: dplR-internal.Rd ---------------------- - The file was removed Various .c and .h files: ------------------------ - NULL, TRUE and FALSE are used for clarity - Rboolean type is now used more extensively for truth values - stddef.h is #included where NULL is used Various .R files: ----------------- - When indexing data.frames, use df[[foo]][bar] instead of df[bar, foo] when foo is a single index (or df$foo[bar] instead of df[bar, "foo"]). The former is supposed to be faster than the latter. https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2011-October/062313.html - Some input checks added File: combine.rwl.R ------------------- - Avoids some conversions between matrix and data.frame File: ffcsaps.R --------------- - For loop removed in ffppual (constant number of iterations) - Useless instances of cbind() and rbind() removed - Avoids computing or passing as arguments things that are already known or constant - ffsorted2() is a modified version of ffsorted() which should speed things up a little by making a rev() call unnecessary - Unnecessary call to pmax() removed - Added some input checks - order() is now used instead of sort(method="shell"), because the requirements for the latter being a stable sort are unclear (?sort in R 2.13.2), and stability of the sort is required in some parts of ffcsaps (may be desirable in others) File: normalize1.R ------------------ - For consistency, the first part of the returned list is now a matrix regardless of the value of 'prewhiten'. This also gives an amazing speed improvement in corr.rwl.seg: from 42 seconds to 1 second in the ?corr.rwl.seg Example, modified with prewhiten=FALSE, make.plot=FALSE. This corrects the performance degradation introduced in dplR 1.2.7. Tested on a computer with a Core 2 processor, 3.0 GHz. File: rcompact.c ---------------- - Now accepts series IDs with spaces. File: seg.plot.R ---------------- - Uses order() and numeric indexing instead of sort() and indexing with names File: skel.plot.R ----------------- - Replaced one for loop with vectorized operations File: spag.plot.R ---------------- - Uses order() and numeric indexing instead of sort() and indexing with names 2011-09-14 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.7 Various .R files: ----------------- - For data.frames, row.names() is now used instead of rownames(). The opposite change was applied in one location (not a data.frame). Also, names() is used instead of colnames() where appropriate. This is because names() and row.names() are preferred to colnames() and rownames(), respectively, when dealing with data.frames. File: read.ids.R ---------------- - Fixed a bug introduced in dplR 1.4.1 where the function would not work for non-numeric identifiers or when identifiers did not fall in the range from 1 to n. - Now respects input identifiers where possible: If all substrings denoting tree or core are integers, they are used. Otherwise, sorted unique identifiers (number of which is n.unique) are mapped to numbers 1:n.unique. - Now allows the sum of the site-tree-core mask to be smaller than 8. The remaining characters will be ignored. This can be handy if there are additional levels in the ID hierarchy. Then, the series with matching ID strings up to the sum of the site-tree-core mask will be given matching tree and core numbers. File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - Now averages data from series with the same tree/core ID combination before computing any statistics. - Now has the option to treat zeros as missing data (parameter zero.is.missing). Defaults to FALSE which gives identical results compared to previous versions of the function, but should probably be set to TRUE for most purposes. 2011-09-01 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.6 File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - Fixed a bug in the $flags part of the list returned by the function. Previously, a single flagged segment / series was not reported. File: corr.series.seg.R ----------------------- - Fixed a bug where moving correlations were computed using a window one year longer than seg.length. This problem had gone unnoticed when fixing some related bugs for version 1.4.5. - Changed the x and y limits of the plot. Now the computation of the y limits does not use p-values as an input (the y-axis is correlation, not p-value). x limits are now set explicitly, and generally speaking there is more space around the plotted data. 2011-08-11 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.5 Various .R files: ----------------- - Updates to sequence generation, e.g. use seq_along and seq_len where applicable Files: ccf.series.rwl.R, corr.rwl.seg.R, corr.series.seg.R, series.rwl.plot.R ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A bunch of related bugs were fixed, some not present or already (partially) fixed in some files: - Fixed a bug where segment length was always actually one year longer than the specified seg.length (not in corr.rwl.seg.R, corr.series.seg.R). - Fixed a bug where the requirement of fitting at least two segments did not take into account overlapping segments (seg.lag), therefore requiring more than the minimum number of years (not in corr.rwl.seg.R). Note: qa.xdate() still requires nrow(rwl) >= seg.length*2. - Added a "plus 1" option (floor.plus1) to location of first segment. Works together with parameter bin.floor. Default value is FALSE. - In corr.rwl.seg.R, cleaned up the code and fixed some bugs related to segment boundaries. - In corr.rwl.seg.R, fixed a bug where multiple disconnected red segments were not drawn correctly. - In corr.rwl.seg.R, removed unused variables / operations - In corr.rwl.seg.R and corr.series.seg.R, arguably prettier x axis ticks and labels are used (now separated by seg.length). - In corr.series.seg.R, an additional error check was added File: tbrm.c ------------ - "Nothing to sum" case, when there are some numbers but all are too far from median, returns NaN instead of NA. Finally, this is consistent with tbrm() coded in R, prior to dplR 1.2.7. File: write.compact.R --------------------- - Fixed two precedence issues that luckily didn't result in erroneous behaviour of the function 2011-07-03 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.4 * Changes in documentation will not be reported anymore Various .R files: ----------------- - Parameters not changed by assignment anymore (complaint by codetools). Applies to direct assignment; assign() etc go unnoticed by codetools. File: ccf.series.rwl.R ---------------------- - Cosmetic changes (white spaces, assignment operator) - Parameter 'cex' is given in the call to xyplot, like 'col.line'. Both go to 'panel' in '...'. - Parameter 'col' removed from function 'panel' - Some extra steps are taken because we want to ensure correct operation now when formal parameters are not changed by assignment - (1 + 1 - pcrit) / 2 == 1 - pcrit / 2 (at least within floating point precision), so we use the latter which is a simpler form File: chron.R ------------- - Argument checking updated File: corr.series.seg.R ----------------------- - Some extra steps are taken like in ccf.series.rwl.R - (1 + 1 - pcrit) / 2 == 1 - pcrit / 2 File: detrend.R --------------- - Parameter 'f' now has an explicit default value File: detrend.series.R ---------------------- - Unnecessary double checking of 'method' argument removed - Parameters 'f' and 'y.name' now have explicit default values - Graphical parameters are reset on.exit() File: ffcsaps.R --------------- - Uses complete parameter names in calls to sort File: glk.R ----------- - Large parts rewritten - 'glk(ca533)' example in glk.Rd runs about 100 times faster - Now explicitly requires that the non-NA overlap between series be contiguous, which should be true in dplR. This was not checked in previous versions. File: hanning.R --------------- - Slightly more efficient computation File: i.detrend.R ----------------- - Parameter 'f' now has an explicit default value File: i.detrend.series.R ------------------------ - Parameter 'f' now has an explicit default value - Fixed a bug where the values of the parameters 'f', 'nyrs' and 'pos.slope' were not reflected in the returned result, only in the picture. - Saved result is used instead of detrending twice (once with all methods, then with selected method) - "Enter a number" is asked until a valid number is received. Normal interrupt sequences work. File: morlet.R -------------- - Removed 'param' and made 'k0=6' an explicit default in morlet.func() - seq(from=1, to=n) - 1 == seq(from=0, to=n-1) - log2(x) instead of log(x) / log(2) - Cosmetic changes File: series.rwl.plot.R ----------------------- - Some extra steps are taken like in ccf.series.rwl.R - Graphical parameters are reset on.exit() File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - log2(x) instead of log(x) / log(2) File: write.tridas.R -------------------- - Fixed a bug in the handling of parameter 'crn.units' 2011-07-01 Mikko Korpela * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.3 * Changes below by Mikko Korpela Directory: po ------------- - A new directory used for language translations http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.html#Internationalization Directory: inst/po ------------------ - Location for compiled translations Directory: inst/po/fi and contents --------------------- - Compiled Finnish translations Various .R files: ----------------- - Diagnostic and normal output messages were edited to facilitate translations. Messages consist of logical units (no small fragments, but sequences of sentences is possible), and gettext() and gettextf() are used. Also plot labels, titles and legends are ready for translation File: po/R-dplR.pot ------------------- - A translation template for messages in R code File: po/dplR.pot ------------------- - A translation template for messages in C code File: po/R-fi.po ---------------- - Finnish translations of messages in R code File: po/fi.po -------------- - Finnish translations of messages in C code File: src/dplR.h ---------------- - A new file that (initially) contains definitions used for looking up translations of messages appearing in C code File: src/rcompact.c -------------------- - Supports translation of messages via _(...), where ... is the string to translate File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Added a link to the R-Forge dplR development page File: cms.R ----------- - Better checking of pith offset names - Big performance improvement, mostly due to using vector operations instead of a for loop - Results slightly different (on the order of 1e-15) due to polyroot having been replaced with quadratic formula, order of arithmetic operations etc. - Helper function now has 2 parameters: no need for cbind() in caller File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - Additional parameter in yr.range() - First definition of segavg.cor was not used. Now removed. - Some unnecessary name assignments and conversions to data.frame removed File: detrend.series.R ---------------------- - Fixed a bug caused by incorrect syntax in named argument (was <- in 1.4.1 and 1.4.2, correct form is =). ModNegExp detrending works again. File: glk.R ----------- - Uses the complete argument name MARGIN instead of MAR File: helpers.R --------------- - Additional parameter in yr.range(). Used by all callers. File: rcs.R ----------- - Uses warning() instead of cat() in one (unlikely?, impossible?) error situation - Better checking of pith offset names - yr.range() called in "the big for loop" instead of apply. The loop exists anyway, and there's no need to keep yr.range() of all series at the same time. - rwca is no longer a data.frame, and doesn't have unnecessary colnames File: read.tridas.R ------------------- - Fixed a bug where a wrong number of derived series was reported in summary output - A performance optimization for the case where ids.from.title is FALSE, ids.from.identifiers is TRUE (the defaults), and there are no identifiers File: series.rwl.plot.R ----------------------- - Uses complete argument names File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - Uses complete argument names - gettext() is used in some default values File: wavelet.plot.Rd --------------------- - Uses complete argument names - Default values match the changes in wavelet.plot.R File: write.crn.R ----------------- - Uses complete argument names * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.2 * Ran through Mikko's changes. June 2, 2011. AGB * Changes below by Mikko Korpela All .rda data files (change reported June 7, after release in CRAN) ------------------- - Data files were repackaged by R-Forge using a tight compression level. This is done every time R-Forge builds the dplR package, but the files are expected to stay identical if no changes are made to the compression system. The new data files supposedly require R 2.10.0, but this does not affect dplR which requires R >= 2.11.0 anyway. File: ccf.series.rwl.R ---------------------- - as.vector() is more intuitive than c() with one argument - Cosmetic improvement File: ccf.series.rwl.Rd ----------------------- - bin.floor must be non-negative, not necessarily positive File: cms.R ----------- - Removed redundant c() - Some values are stored for reuse File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - par(op) moved to on.exit() - Odd and even segs are plotted with the same code, avoiding copy-paste - Some values are stored for reuse - Some unnecessary colnames are not set - Cosmetic improvement File: corr.rwl.seg.Rd --------------------- - bin.floor must be non-negative, not necessarily positive File: corr.series.seg.Rd ------------------------ - bin.floor must be non-negative, not necessarily positive File: crn.plot.R ---------------- - Default value of f is explicitly 0.5 File: crn.plot.Rd ----------------- - Clarified the default values of f and nyrs File: ffcsaps.R --------------- - Cosmetic improvement File: i.detrend.series.R ------------------------ - A value is stored for reuse - Cosmetic change File: qa.xdate.R ---------------- - bin.floor must be non-negative, not necessarily positive - Checks that bin.floor is non-negative. File: rcompact.c ---------------- - Accepts comment lines in the beginning of the file - Cosmetic changes (formatting of comments) - UNPROTECT all PROTECTed structures at the same time File: rcs.R ----------- - Some values are stored for reuse File: read.compact.R -------------------- - Prints comments found in the file (if any) File: rwi.stats.R ----------------- - Within-tree signal is now computed correctly (thanks to Pierre Mérian) File: rwl.stats.R ----------------- - Removed redundant instances of c() - Cosmetic improvement File: series.rwl.plot.Rd ------------------------ - bin.floor must be non-negative, not necessarily positive File: skel.plot.R ----------------- - Only makes as many viewports as needed - Some values are stored for reuse - Checks that length of input exceeds a minimum value - Avoids warning from giving an empty vector to range() File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - Some lines previously in both branches of if-else now appear only once - Avoids a duplicate call to unique() 2011-05-26 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.1 * All changes by Mikko Korpela File: DESCRIPTION ----------------- - Minimum R version is now 2.11.0 (previously not specified). Reason behind the requirement: The encoding support added to read.tucson brought out a bug in read.fwf. The bug exists in 2.10.1 but is fixed in 2.11.0. - Suggests foreach and iterators (used in some functions if installed) Files: bai.in.R, bai.in.Rd, bai.out.R, bai.out.Rd ------------------------------------------------- - Cosmetic improvement - Also changed indentation of .R files to the recommended 4 spaces, as in the other .R, .c and .h files edited in this patch set. File: ccf.series.rwl.R ---------------------- - || instead of | - Optimized the order of expressions in a chain of the form x_1 || ... || x_n (order did not matter when | was used) - Removed an unused variable. - Cosmetic improvement File: ccf.series.rwl.Rd ----------------------- - Cosmetic improvement File: chron.R ------------- - Removed redundant c() - Default value of prefix is now "xxx". Previously the default value was NULL, which was then converted to "xxx". - Cosmetic improvement File: chron.Rd -------------- - Documents new (explicit) default value of prefix. - Cosmetic improvement File: cms.R ----------- - Some added robustness against weird input - Optimizations - Cosmetic improvement File: cms.Rd ------------ - Note about the requirement that the years be increasing and continuous File: combine.rwl.R ------------------- - Input handling was improved. - Loops were eliminated from combinator() File: combine.rwl.Rd -------------------- - Note about requirements for input (also existed in previous versions) - Author of the patch mentioned File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- - || instead of | - Optimized the order of expressions in a chain of the form x_1 || ... || x_n (order did not matter when | was used) - Small optimizations - Cosmetic improvement File: corr.series.seg.R ----------------------- - Cosmetic improvement File: crn.plot.R ---------------- - Cosmetic improvement File: detrend.R --------------- - Under some circumstances, the function now uses the foreach / %dopar% structure from the foreach package. Conditions for this to happen: foreach must be installed, and at least one of the more time-consuming detrending methods must be used ("Mean" doesn't qualify). For a speed gain, the user must register a parallel backend for foreach. - Cosmetic improvement File: detrend.Rd ---------------- - Added notes about foreach and the detrending methods used by default. File: detrend.series.R ---------------------- - && instead of & - Now uses match.arg. - Cosmetic improvement File: detrend.series.Rd ----------------------- - Added a note about the detrending methods used by default. File: exactmean.c ----------------- - Removed some explicit type casts. - Doesn't use (pointless) dynamic memory allocation anymore. File: exactmean.R ----------------- - Converts the return value of length() to an integer: "programmers should not rely on it" (i.e. the return value may not be an integer). File: exactsum.c ---------------- - Makes use of dplr_double instead of long double. File: exactsum.h ---------------- - Defines and explains the new type dplr_double (for now, same as long double). File: ffcsaps.R --------------- - Tweaked error messages (should -> must) - Cosmetic improvement File: gini.c ------------ - Uses floating point constants instead of integer constants where appropriate. - Some pointless dynamic memory allocations were removed (replaced by statically allocated memory). File: gini.coef.R ----------------- - Converts the return value of length() to an integer. File: glk.R ----------- - Removed an unused variable. - Cosmetic improvement File: helpers.R --------------- - Removed unused matching functions, added a function that is actually used (moved from read.tridas.R) - Also moved some other functions here File: i.detrend.R ----------------- - Fixed a bug where arguments nyrs, f, and pos.slope were not being passed to i.detrend.series. - Cosmetic improvement File: i.detrend.series.R ------------------------ - Fixed a bug where arguments nyrs, f, and pos.slope were not being passed to detrend.series. - Cosmetic improvement File: morlet.R -------------- - Commented out the unused variables. - Cosmetic improvement File: normalize.xdate.R ----------------------- - Cosmetic improvement File: normalize1.R ------------------ - Cosmetic improvement File: qa.xdate.R ---------------- - Cosmetic improvement File: rcompact.c ---------------- - Some pointless dynamic memory allocations were removed (replaced by statically allocated memory). File: rcs.R ----------- - Cosmetic improvement File: read.compact.Rd --------------------- - New entries in "See Also" File: read.crn.R ---------------- - Streamlined file handling code. - Now has a parameter for the encoding used in the data file. This makes it possible to read files with any character encoding supported by R (may vary between R installations). - Removed an unused variable. - Improved "if" constructs (|| instead of |, evaluation only until first TRUE) - Cosmetic improvement File: read.crn.Rd ----------------- - Documents the new encoding parameter. File: read.fh.R --------------- - Fixed one if condition. - Now prints a summary of the data.frame, like the other read functions. - Streamlined code - Cosmetic improvement File: read.fh.rd ---------------- - Author of the patch mentioned File: read.ids.R ---------------- - Streamlined code - Cosmetic improvement File: read.ids.Rd ----------------- - Author of the patch mentioned File: read.rwl.R ---------------- - Automatic detection of file type now includes TRiDaS and Heidelberg formats. - Now uses match.arg and a switch expression to select the right branch. File: read.rwl.Rd ----------------- - Shows the new default value of the format parameter (related to the use of match.arg). - Lists TRiDaS and Heidelberg formats. - Removed some "See" links from "Details", because there is a separate "See Also" section, and the "See" links did not serve a specific purpose. - Describes the different return values when reading different types of data files. - Literal quotes were replaced with \dQuote. File: read.tridas.R ------------------- - Spelling change "meter" -> "metre" - Helper functions moved elsewhere to make the file shorter. - Changed the environment where some functions are defined. - All end tag handlers now call function end.element. Makes the code shorter but increases running time. Now xgettext does not complain about read.tridas being too long. It might be good to pay attention to the recommendations concerning diagnostic messages at http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/R-exts.html#Diagnostic-messages File: read.tridas.Rd -------------------- - New entries in "See Also" - Spelling change "meter" -> "metre" File: read.tucson.R ------------------- - Now has a parameter for the encoding used in the data file. This makes it possible to read files with any character encoding supported by R (may vary between R installations). - New fix.internal.na copes with successive NAs and vectors with less than 2 elements - Cosmetic improvement File: read.tucson.Rd -------------------- - New entries in "See Also" - Documents the new encoding parameter. File: readloop.c ---------------- - Uses floating point constants instead of integer constants where appropriate. File: rwi.stats.R ----------------- - && instead of & - Now uses match.arg for 'period'. - An additional check is applied to the input. - Cosmetic improvement File: rwi.stats.Rd ------------------ - Shows the (technically) new default value of 'period'. File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- - An additional check is applied to the input. - If the foreach package is installed, the function now uses it and %dopar% for executing the loop that iterates over the various running windows. If a parallel backend for foreach has been registered, this should give a nice speedup. - Removed some unnecessary calls to inc, where the conventional from:to is guaranteed to succeed (to > from). - Fixed an off-by-one error in max.offset. - Now uses match.arg for 'period'. File: rwi.stats.running.Rd -------------------------- - Note about using the foreach package. - Shows the (technically) new default value of 'period'. File: sea.R ----------- - In warnings, we use multiple arguments instead of paste. - select.y() was removed (rows of data.frames can be indexed with character strings). - Number of nested for loops was reduced. - Unnecessary computations were removed. - Added a check that the input x is a data.frame. - Check whether 'se' is NA. - Streamlined code. File: sea.Rd ------------ - Author of the patch mentioned File: sens.c ------------ - Uses floating point constants instead of integer constants where appropriate. - Some pointless dynamic memory allocations were removed (replaced by statically allocated memory). Files: sens1.R, sens2.R ----------------------- - Converts the return value of length() to an integer. File: series.rwl.plot.R ----------------------- - Removed unused variables. - Cosmetic improvement File: series.rwl.plot.Rd ------------------------ - Author of the patch mentioned File: skel.plot.R ----------------- - && instead of & - Unnecessary third column of 'skel.df' removed - Cosmetic improvement File: skel.plot.Rd ------------------ - Cosmetic change File: spag.plot.R ----------------- - on.exit() is used for resetting graphical parameters - Cosmetic improvement File: tbrm.R ------------ - Converts the return value of length() to an integer. File: tbrm.c ------------ - No longer uses long doubles in places where they are not really needed. May slightly affect some computation results. - Removed some explicit type casts. - Removed two temporary variables. Now the expressions used for computing them are used directly in the proper place. - Uses floating point constants instead of integer constants where appropriate. - Uses right shift instead of division by two where appropriate. - A relatively pointless dynamic memory allocations was removed (replaced by statically allocated memory). File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- - Removed and commented out unused variables - Default value of 'f' is now explicitly 0.5. - Some cosmetic / readability improvements File: wavelet.plot.Rd --------------------- - Default value of 'f' reported differently. - Cosmetic improvements File: wc.to.po.R ---------------- - The function was moved from read.tridas.R to a new file. File: write.compact.R --------------------- - || instead of | - Uses on.exit() for closing the file - Cosmetic improvements File: write.compact.Rd ---------------------- - New entry in "See Also" File: write.crn.R ----------------- - Removed unused variables. - Streamlined code - Cosmetic improvement File: write.crn.Rd ------------------ - Max Width of Site ID is 6, not 5 - Some typos fixed File: write.rwl.R ----------------- - Added the option to write in the TRiDaS format. - Now uses match.arg and a switch expression to select the right branch ('format'). File: write.rwl.Rd ------------------ - Added notes related to the newly added support for the TRiDaS format. - Removed some "See" links from "Details", because there is a separate "See Also" section, and the "See" links did not serve a specific purpose. - Shows the new default value of the format parameter. - Literal quotes were replaced with \dQuote. - New entry in "See Also" File: write.tridas.Rd --------------------- - Spelling change "meter" -> "metre" - New entries in "See Also" - Cosmetic improvement File: write.tucson.R -------------------- - Reduced the number of names in the dplR name space by wrapping the creation of the format.tucson list inside an anonymous function. - Removed unused variables. - Streamlined code - Cosmetic improvement - Uses on.exit() for closing the file - Uses || instead of | File: write.tucson.Rd --------------------- - New entry in "See Also" 2011-05-18 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.4.0 * Incorporation of TRiDAS via Mikko Korpela, May 16, 2011 File: NAMESPACE --------------- New imports (digest, xmlEventParse from XML) and exports (read.tridas, write.tridas, uuid.gen, po.to.wc, wc.to.po, tridas.vocabulary). File: po.to.wc.Rd ----------------- New documentation file. File: read.tridas.R ------------------- New file. Function for reading TRiDaS format files. File: read.tridas.Rd -------------------- New documentation file. File: simpleXML.R ----------------- Fast function for writing XML files. Used in write.tridas, not exported to user. File: tridas.vocabulary.R ------------------------- New file. Function for browsing TRiDaS vocabulary. File: tridas.vocabulary.Rd -------------------------- New documentation file. File: uuid.gen.R ---------------- The new function uuid.gen creates a generator of Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs). It uses the digest package, making it a new dependency of dplR. The code in uuid.gen itself is very simple. This is a very generally applicable function. It is used in write.tridas, but may also be useful to R users in general. The synchronicity package in CRAN provides similar functionality (and more), but is not available for Windows. Also, the UUID generator returned by uuid.gen seems to be faster than the uuid function in synchronicity. More specifically, the latter uses much more system time. The difference in user time is small (in favor of uuid of synchronicity). File: uuid.gen.Rd ----------------- New documentation file. File: wc.to.po.Rd ----------------- New documentation file. File: write.tridas.R -------------------- New file. Function for writing TRiDaS format files. File: write.tridas.Rd --------------------- New documentation file. 2010-11-15 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.9 * Added an option to control the colors in plot.wavelet(). * Added an option to plot wavelets side by side instead of stacked (plus a few other beautifications). * Changes mostly in wavelet.plot.R and arg side.by.side and key.col added to the help. * Added an axis on side three for the wavelet plot. 2010-10-27 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.8 all from Mikko Korpela File: corr.rwl.seg.R -------------------- * Changed the code that computes the first year of the first segment. Now it doesn't waste data in the case that the first year of the data is at a multiple of bin.floor. The same change was made to corr.series.seg.R in an earlier patch (dplR 1.3.3). Previously: else min.bin = min.yr%/%bin.floor*bin.floor+bin.floor Now: else min.bin = ceiling(min.yr/bin.floor)*bin.floor * The size of the bins is now seg.length, not seg.length+1. * Fixed some (potential) errors caused by R dropping dim() when subsetting an array. The fix was to add drop=FALSE. * Small optimizations in the style of an earlier patch to corr.series.seg.R. * Replaced & with && in some if conditions. * Adjusted the indentation of the source code. * Added a check requiring >= 2 series in rwl. File: corr.rwl.seg.Rd --------------------- * Updated the min.yr, bin.floor code excerpt included in the document. File: corr.series.seg.R ----------------------- * The size of the bins is now seg.length, not seg.length+1. * Similarly, what was previously to = max(series.yrs)-seg.length-seg.length is now to = max(series.yrs)-seg.length-seg.length+1 File: crn.plot.R ---------------- * Moved resetting of graphical parameters to on.exit. As a result, resetting also works in case of an unexpected error that terminates the function. * Reworked the structure of the function so that lines of code that are common to different branches (sample depth or no sample depth) are not replicated. Also removed special treatment of the case of nCrn==1. These changes have no effect on the output (the plot). * Other tweaks also, mostly cosmetic. File: detrend.series.Rd ----------------------- * Correction to documentation: If only one method is selected, the function returns a vector. File: ffcsaps.R --------------- * An ugly work-around (test and transpose) for unwanted dimension dropping was replaced by drop=FALSE. Why didn't I discover this solution earlier... File: helpers.R --------------- * Added a few new helper functions: fix.names is (or will be) used in a few functions, and some other functions are "helpers of the helper". Compared to the old fix.names (previously in write.tucson.R), the new one has the option of unlimited name length, and the option of limiting the set of allowed characters to the union of LETTERS, letters, and 0:9, where letters (LETTERS) are the lowercase (uppercase) letters of the English alphabet. * The new is.int tests if numbers have integer value. File: morlet.R -------------- * Added drop=FALSE to a few matrix subset operation, just to be on the safe side (later it's assumed that wave is a matrix). I don't know if the danger of a dimension drop (conversion to vector) could have materialized with any (valid) inputs. File: normalize.xdate.R ----------------------- * drop=FALSE File: qa_xdate.R ---------------- * There is now a check that catches negative seg.length. * The helper function is.int previously found in this file is now in helpers.R (completely rewritten). File: rcs.R ----------- * Removed the internal is.int function. The main function now uses the new version of is.int, located in helpers.R, which works not only for single numbers, but for longer vectors and arrays also. This upgrade in functionality is necessitated by the way the function is used in rcs.R. * Fixed a bug, where the function only checked that the first pith offset is integer. Now checks all pith offsets. File: read.crn.R ---------------- * Like rcs.R, also this function now uses the is.int located in helpers.R. * drop=FALSE was applied to many expressions. File: read.tucson.R ------------------- * drop=FALSE * no more as.matrix in many expressions File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- * rwi is transformed to matrix form at an early stage, which may result in faster operation. * drop=FALSE * no more as.matrix in many expressions File: seg.plot.R ---------------- * Does not crash in the case of ncol(rwl) == 1. * Resets graphical parameters on exit, even in error cases. File: spag.plot.R ----------------- * Fixed plotting of a one-series data.frame. * Previously, the number of columns in rwl was computed with both dim(rwl)[2] and ncol(rwl). These are equivalent. Only one of them remains. * Checks that at least one series was given, otherwise stops. * Computes y axis limits more sensibly: due to overlap being allowed in the plot, the maximum value may occur in a series other than the one that is ordered to be drawn on the top of the spaghetti plot. Also, the previous upper limit setting computed the maximum over a set of one value (which is wrong) that was possibly NA (which would crash the function). A plausible explanation for the origin of this bug is the conversion from data.frame to matrix performed by the scale function. This was probably not taken into account when indexing rwl with rwl[nseries]. File: write.compact.R --------------------- * Now produces files with DOS / Windows / etc. line terminators, CR+LF, on all platforms. If this has any effects on compatibility with old software (not sure about that), I expect the positives to outweigh the negatives. Also, files with Unix (LF) line terminators (previously created by dplR on Linux and other systems using LF) may show as one long line with primitive text editors in Windows. * The function now enforces a maximum length for series names differently: does not stop and print an error, but truncates the name. Also, the function no longer stops when characters outside the ranges a-z, A-Z, 0-9 are found, but fix.names drops the offending characters. The previous regular expression used for testing series names may have accepted non-ASCII letters, but fix.names does not (with basic.charset == TRUE). The mapping from original names to names created by fix.names can be written to a file (two new parameters to the function). * Replaced one as.data.frame with a solution based on drop=FALSE. File: write.compact.Rd ---------------------- * Added descriptions of the new parameters of the function. The descriptions are the same as in write.tucson.Rd. * Added information about allowed series ids and automatic renaming. * Author info now correctly refers to write.tucson instead of write.rwl. File: write.tucson.R -------------------- * The function no longer stops when characters outside the ranges a-z, A-Z, 0-9 are found, but fix.names drops the offending characters. * Any automatic changes to series ids result in a warning or several warnings. Also, if the option to write id changes to a file is used, all the changes are written to the file. Previously, the excess tail of ids could be silently cut off. * Now produces files with DOS / Windows / etc. line terminators, CR+LF, on all platforms. See write.compact.R. * Removed the unused variable hdr. * Moved some helper functions to helpers.R. * Replaced one as.data.frame with a drop=FALSE solution. File: write.tucson.Rd --------------------- * Adjusted the description of parameter mapping.fname: Now all changed series ids are printed, also the ones that were only truncated. * Adjusted the part of the Details section that describes automatic editing of series ids. 2010-09-21 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.7 * Modified wavelet.plot() to produce a better looking plot and put the wavelet code into a new function called morlet(). * Deprecated cwt.filled.contour * Added normalize1 to NAMESPACE * Added argument label.cex to pass to axis to increase the size of the labels on the plot in corr.rwl.seg() and modified the help file accordingly. This change was requested by a user and seems like a good idea. * Corrected some spelling in help for corr.rwl.seg(), ccf.series.seg(), and corr.series.seg(). I'm sure there is more. 2010-07-17 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.6 * Modified rcs() to stop() if any of the pith offsets are <1 or not integers. The help file indicated that this should be so but it's now explicit in the code. * Fixed a bug in corr.rwl.seg() where floating series were not being drawn properly - the plot had them displaying all the way to the max yr range b/c of an indexing problem. Also made some cosmetic changes to the guides in between segments for the graph. I do NOT like the way the plot on this function is done with the odd bin and even bin looping. Very clunky and confusing to look at. The correlation part is fine and the graph is nice but the logic of the plot is silly. * Clarified language the help page for corr.rwl.seg(). * Fixed a bug in corr.series.seg() where short series coupled with long segment lengths caused the function to crash. I added to the fix Mikko made in 1.3.3 by requiring that the minimum series length must be twice the segment length. Otherwise the function is useless. Error message now indicates this as does the help file. Made some graphical improvements with bin lines extending past the actual bins to better match the moving correlation line. * Clarified language the help page for corr.series.seg(). * Fixed a bug in ccf.series.rwl() where panels were out of order on series with long time spans. This involved reordering the ccf.df$bin factor to be the same order as bins[,1]. * Clarified language the help page for ccf.series.rwl(). * Improved series.rwl.plot() to give more diagnostic information in four plots. * Improved the help page for series.rwl.plot() to better explain what it now does. 2010-07-05 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.5 * Modified the help file for write.crn() so that the elev in the hdr will be written in a way that might be more robust in terms of the ITRDB standard. But, it's very clunky and silly to depend on an unreliable standard. I also added some text to the help file for write.tucson() to indicate that the header should be thought of as experimental. Thank goodness Mikko is working on getting tridas implemented. * Fixed a bug in rcs() where the rc was calculated wrong if none. The function implicitly assumed that at least one of the pith offsets would be 1. When all the pith offsets were >1 the function would crash b/c of bad indexing. 2010-05-13 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.4 * fixed a bug in detrend() where args nyrs and f were not being passed to detrend.series(). * Corrected at typo in Zang's name. (So sorry Christian!) 2010-04-22 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.3 made by Mikko Korpela * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: NAMESPACE --------------- Added rwi.stats.running to exports. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: bai.in.R -------------- Removed one for-loop by transforming it to vector operations. Also some other optimizations (move some operations outside the remaining for-loop, streamline the writing of the results). NOTE: Why is (was) there a NaN check in calc.area? I removed it as pointless. Also note that NaN is different from NA (in my opinion, NA check would also be pointless). As calc.area became quite simple after my edits, I moved the remaining code to the main function. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: bai.in.Rd --------------- Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: bai.out.R --------------- Similar optimizations as to bai.in.R. One particular optimization was to replace max(cumsum(dat2)) with sum(dat2), which gives the same result (but faster) when there are no negative values, as in ring width series. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: bai.out.Rd ---------------- Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: chron.R ------------- Now uses rowMeans (rowSums), which is faster than computing the means (sums) with apply. Now uses ar.func defined in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: chron.Rd -------------- Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: cms.R ----------- Changed the sequence notation i:i to just i. Removed the pointless variable err3. Removed the err1 and err2 arrays, using scalar variables instead (only need one value at a time). The computation of err2 is now more efficient, and err2 is of opposite sign than before (taken into account when the value is utilized). Compute err6 with vector operations instead of using a for loop. Use fewer multiplications in the computation of err6 by using the common factor, sqrt(med). Removed pointless call to the function c in c.curve <- c(index[,2]). Avoid searching for NA values multiple times, save the results of the search in the variable no.na. Edited the if/else structure in the end. Now it makes fewer tests than before. Removed yr.range and sortByIndex, now uses those defined in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: cms.Rd ------------ Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: corr.series.seg.R ----------------------- Now produces a more useful error message if the data set is so small that no segments fit over the data. Example based on the example in the .Rd file: > data(co021) > dat=co021 > #create a missing ring by deleting a year of growth in a random series > flagged=dat$'641143' > flagged=c(NA,flagged[-325]) > names(flagged)=rownames(dat) > dat$'641143'=NULL > dat=dat[(nrow(dat)-48):nrow(dat),] # clip > flagged=flagged[(length(flagged)-48):length(flagged)] # clip > seg.24=corr.series.seg(rwl=dat,series=flagged,seg.length=24,biweight=FALSE) produces this message in dplR 1.3.1 (.2 also, I think): Error in seq.default(from = min.bin, to = max(series.yrs) - seg.length, : wrong sign in 'by' argument but after a change to the code of the function: Error in corr.series.seg(rwl = dat, series = flagged, seg.length = 24, : Cannot fit any segments (not enough years in the series) I also made a mostly cosmetic change (got rid of bins1 and bins2), and made the following functional change: Previously: else min.bin = min(series.yrs)%/%bin.floor*bin.floor+bin.floor Now: else min.bin = ceiling(min(series.yrs)/bin.floor)*bin.floor The example below shows how the new code line produces a less wasteful result (min.bin1 below) than the previous one (min.bin2), which jumps to the next level "one year too early", and consequently misses a segment that would have been possible to include. > min.year<-1900:2000 > min.bin1 <- ceiling(min.year/25)*25 > min.bin1 [1] 1900 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 [16] 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1950 1950 1950 1950 [31] 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 [46] 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 [61] 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 [76] 1975 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 [91] 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 > min.bin2 <- min.year%/%25*25+25 > min.bin2 [1] 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 [16] 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1925 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 [31] 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 [46] 1950 1950 1950 1950 1950 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 [61] 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 [76] 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 [91] 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2025 * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: corr.series.seg.Rd ------------------------ Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: helpers.R (new) --------------- A couple of helper functions to work around a design stupidity of R: http://radfordneal.wordpress.com/2008/08/06/design-flaws-in-r-1-reversing-sequences/ Also moved ar.func here. The function was previously defined in three different places, and always functionally the same. I also optimized the function a tiny bit. So, if any changes to the function are made in the future, they will show up in every "client" function without having to edit three+ different files. Moved yr.range here. It is a slightly optimized version of the function used in cms, rcs, rwl.stats, seg.plot, and spag.plot. There's still a local definition for yr.range in corr.rwl.seg, because the function there is a bit different. Moved sortByIndex here. It is a slightly optimized version of the function used in cms and rcs. Is this a good place for the helper functions? If you have a better suggestion, feel free to move the functions or rename the file. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: ffcsaps.R --------------- Fixed the helper function spdiags. The previous version crashed ffcsaps in the marginal case where it was given a data set with just three points. The bug was kind of related to the design stupidity just mentioned above. Now the helper function is documented, and uses the function "inc" defined in helpers.R. The use of the inc function avoids the problematic case where the sequence max(1,1-d.k):min(n,n-d.k), which denotes row numbers in the sparse matrix, might include zero. The "inc" function ensures that we get an increasing (or empty) sequence (does not include zeros when we start above zero), as probably was originally intended. I also made the code a bit clearer by renaming variables. I wonder what the kludgy part at the end of ffcsaps actually does? Whose code is that? Could it be rewritten in a non-kludgy way and/or with some more comments? What purpose does the variable x2 serve, and why does it contain a fixed-interval sequence with a seemingly arbitrary length of 101? The kludgy part sometimes prints a warning. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: glk.R ----------- Small patch. Avoids a crash in the unlikely scenario that the function is called with an x consisting of just one record. After the fix, the function returns (expectedly, but not too usefully) NA. Also removed the unused internal function strip.na(x). * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: glk.Rd ------------ Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: normalize.xdate.R ----------------------- Changes comparable to normalize1.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: normalize1.R ------------------ Now uses colMeans instead of apply in one statement, and colSums instead of apply in another statement. Uses ar.func defined in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: plot.series.rwl.R ----------------------- Save temporary results for reuse. One line / statement removed (the result was not used). * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: rcs.R ----------- Use rowMeans. Removed yr.range and sortByIndex, now uses those defined in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: rcs.Rd ------------ Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: read.tucson.R ------------------- Fixed a bug concerning the width of the decade field in the case long=FALSE. The correct choice is 4, and 8+4 makes 12, which is consistent with 7+5=12 in the case long=TRUE, and the Tucson format description (column 13 is already ring width data). The bug would have caused trouble in the presence of 6 digit ring widths. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: rwi.stats.R ----------------- Fixed a typo (seies -> series), another typo (Correaltions -> Correlations). Reorganized the code a bit. Maybe this should be fixed to use number of trees instead of number of cores in the EPS calculation. Also, I think it's dangerous to divide a sum of correlations by the theoretical number of terms in the sum, because sum of the terms may end up being NA. Then the average of non-NA elements, computed by dividing with the theoretical number of terms, will be too small. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: rwi.stats.Rd ------------------ Added my name to it. Changed the "see also" (unintentional?) self-reference into a reference to rwi.stats.running. Should the reference have been to rwl.stats? * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: rwi.stats.running.R ------------------------- Compute stats in a running window. New function. Computes the EPS a bit differently compared to rwi.stats (see comments to rwi.stats.R above). Quite slow. Optimizations or (partial?) rewrite in C would be welcome. Maybe some day. The terminology used in the function arguments and the documentation may need to be made consistent with other parts of dplR. I'm not the best expert on that topic. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: rwi.stats.running.Rd -------------------------- Documentation for the new function. Based on a copy-paste from rwi.stats.Rd. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: rwl.stats.R ----------------- Removed yr.range, now uses the version defined in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: seg.plot.R ---------------- Removed yr.range, now uses the version defined in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: skel.plot.R ----------------- Save temporary results for reuse. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: skel.plot.Rd ------------------ Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: spag.plot.R ----------------- Save temporary results for reuse. Removed yr.range, now uses the version defined in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: spag.plot.Rd ------------------ Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: wavelet.plot.R -------------------- Use multiplication instead of exponentiation in the computation of the power spectrum. This reduces computation time. Fixed the messy indentation of the source code. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: wavelet.plot.Rd --------------------- Added my name to it. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: write.crn.R ----------------- Fixed two bugs: one affected lines with only one year, the other affected the last line in case it was already complete (10 years). Example of the effect of the first bug (last line in file): xxxstd1990 540 12NANA 540 129990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 0 After fix: xxxstd1990 540 129990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 09990 0 Example of the effect of the second bug (last line in file): xxxstd1990 540 12 554 12 499 12 262 12 502 12 435 12 472 12 513 12 538 11 679 119990 09990 0 After fix: xxxstd1990 540 12 554 12 499 12 262 12 502 12 435 12 472 12 513 12 538 11 679 11 The fixes involved changing for(j in 2:n.yrs) to for(j in inc(2,n.yrs)) and for(k in 1:yrs.left) to for(k in inc(1,yrs.left)) where inc(from,to) is a function in helpers.R. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: write.tucson.R -------------------- Added a new function parameter. Setting long.names=TRUE allows series IDs with 7 or 8 characters depending on whether there are long year numbers in the data. * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ File: write.tucson.Rd --------------------- Describe the new parameter. (Also) files not named here --------------------------- Added argument names to every call of the seq function. Quote from ?seq: The interpretation of the unnamed arguments of 'seq' and 'seq.int' is _not_ standard, and it is recommended always to name the arguments when programming. I didn't take credit just for these small changes (no changes to .Rd files). 2010-04-12 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.2 * typos in Rd files fixed * bugs fixed in write.tucson() and write.compact() where upper case IDs would cause the functions fail 2010-03-26 Andy Bunn * CHANGES IN dplR VERSION 1.3.1 * ChangeLog introduced. I am going to compile a full changelog from the src files of all the previous dplR versions from 1.0 forward. I've been remiss in not keeping one! * glk - New function. Gleichlaeufigkeit by Zang is a classical agreement test * sea - New function. Superposed epoch analysis by Zang * combine.rwl - updated by Zang. Now takes lists as input.