#  News: to package distrEllipse 

(first two numbers of package versions do not necessarily reflect 
 package-individual development, but rather are chosen for the 
 distrXXX family as a whole in order to ease updating "depends" 

v 2.8.3

under the hood:
with the help of K. Hornik identified spurious, platform dependent LF/CR issue
and capsulated calls to infoShow() in Rd files by 

v 2.8

user-visible CHANGES:
+ DESCRIPTION tag SVNRevision changed to VCS/SVNRevision
+ E methods for MultivarMixingDistribution gain argument diagnostic
  (like E()-methods in distrEx v 2.8.0)

under the hood:
+ now specified that we want to use distr::solve
+ E methods for MultivarMixingDistribution use filtering of dots arguments
  (like E()-methods in distrEx v 2.8.0)
+ E methods for MultivarMixingDistribution if (diagnostic==TRUE) return 
  diagnostic attributes of S3 class  "DiagnosticClass"
+ fixed some broken URLs and changed URLs from http to https where possible

v 2.7

user-visible CHANGES:

+ plot.rd, r.rd, d.rd, p.rd, and q.rd are replaced by 
  plotRd, rRd, dRd, pRd, and qRd (to avoid clashes with S3 inheritance)  

under the hood:
+ wherever possible also use q.l internally instead of q to 
  provide functionality in IRKernel

v 2.6

user-visible CHANGES:
+ title changed to title style / capitalization
+ new synonyma plotRd, rRd, dRd, pRd, and qRd for  plot.rd, r.rd, d.rd, p.rd, and q.rd
  to substitute the old ones on the long run (to avoid clashes with S3 inheritance)  

+ plot.rd, r.rd, d.rd, p.rd, and q.rd will soon be replaced by the upper aliases
under the hood:

+ removed ::: internal dependencies (within distr-Fam of pkgs) by copying 
  respective routines
+ fixed E and var methods for MultivarMixingDistribution
+ enhanced imports in DESCRIPTION by explicating second order imports

v 2.5

user-visible CHANGES:

+ cleaned DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE file as to Imports/Depends

under the hood:

+ added .Rbuildignore
+ used some recently exported routines which had been internal so far to
  avoid calls by :::
+ fixed some links in html-man pages

v 2.4

under the hood
+ removed lazyload tag in DESCRIPTION
+ added DESCRIPTION tag "ByteCompile" to all our packages
+ updating maintainer email address and URL.
+ added argument no.readonly = TRUE to assignments of form opar <- par()
+ deleted no longer needed chm folders

v 2.3

No extra changes this time

+ DESCRIPTION files and package-help files gain a tag 
  SVNRevision to be filled by get[All]RevNr.R from utils in distr

v 2.2

* created new package to cover Elliptical Symmetric Distributions

+ added tests/Examples folder with file distrEllipse-Ex.Rout.save to have
  some automatic testing
+ added field "Encoding: latin1" to all DESCRIPTION files in order to avoid problems 
  with e.g. Windows locale when svn replaces $LastChangedDate
+ added TOBEDONE (sic!) files for each package (by accident also in trunc; these are empty so far)