Changes in 1.1.1 * Vignette index entry corrected. * `leaflet` package added to suggests and example added to vignette. * `testthat` tests aren't included in package build; see GitHub repo. Changes in 1.1.0 * Improvements to rolling operations. Rcpp function (`rollmean_`) now exported. * `read()` wrapper function renamed to `read_ride()` to avoid naming conflicts. * New function added for rolling over non-uniformly sampled data: `rollmean_nunif`. * Reading functions will now assign useful metadata (critical power & session RPE) to imports. * Summary method for `cycleRdata` objects improved. * Heart rate has been incorporated into the `cycleRdata` format. * `cycleRdata` objects are now specifically documented. * Rcpp function for calculating W' balance is now exported (`Wbal_`). Also see source code for closer inspection of the algorithm. * What was formerly Wbal_plots() is now the plot method for `cycleRdata` objects. The underlying function has been improved and new options added; see `?plot.cycleRdata`. * `.string` argument for evading NSE has been replaced with `character.only` for consistency with base functions. * `predict.Ptmodels` arguments are now more intuitive. * `read_pwx2` & `read_tcx2` no longer make use of the parallel package. This shouldn't have been used indiscriminately. * `xml2` is now imported, as functions are used repeatedly in `read_pwx2` & `read_tcx2`, hence there was potential for performance improvement from removing the `::` operator. * `uniform` function removed as it was likely to misbehave. Uniform sampling frequency is now an implicit assumption, and the replacement function `expand_stops` (unexported) should return an error if this assumption isn't met. * `mmv` no longer rounds its output--this should be left to the user. * Example data files added in "extdata" directory. * The example dataset `cycling_data` has been renamed to `ridedata` for brevity. * `interval_data` (now just `intervaldata`) updated. * Testing implemented via testthat. * Documentation and examples improved. * Vignette updated. Changes in 1.0.4 * Golden Cheetah (> v3.3) integration. * For rolling operations, arguments referring to window size are now more clearly named ("window", or some variant thereof), as opposed to `pd`. Improves readability. * `cycleRdata` objects now include cadence. * `XML` has been replaced with `xml2`, due to better performance of the latter. The relevant functions (`read_pwx` & `read_tcx`) will also make use of the "parallel" package if available. * Crude command line functions (`read_pwx2` & `read_tcx2`) have been removed as they lacked portability. * XML data parsing can now handle missing "fields", hence the `.list` argument is no longer needed. * More detail added to W' balance (?Wbal) documentation. Changes in 1.0.3 * Can now convert from seconds to "HH:MM:SS". * In addition to the above, time conversion functions are now also vectorised. Changes in 1.0.2 * New function for interval detection added: interval_detect(). An example data set (`interval_data`) also added to compliment this change. * Removed ggplot dependency in zdist_plot() (formerly dist_plot()); now uses base plot. * XML:: solution for reading Garmin .tcx files added. * Plotting functions improved; largely to make them more flexible. * Summary S3 method added for `cycleRdata` objects. * Added an argument to circumvent non-standard evaluation (`.string`). * Timestamps now retrieved from .srm files. * elevation_correct() now will only write to the working directory. Changes in 1.0.1 * Typo in Wbal() example corrected. Changes in 1.0.0 * First official version; released on CRAN.