=========================================================== Cross-contribution Robust Multiple standard Normalization =========================================================== Dependencies ------------ The R-packages pcaMethods and Biobase must be installed and loadable. This package was developed and tested on R v2.10.0 but will probably work with many older versions as well. Installation ------------ For Windows, start R and select the Packages menu, then "Install package from local zip file". Find and highlight the location of the zip file and click on "open". For Linux/Unix, use the usual command "R CMD INSTALL" or use the command install.packages from within an R session. Help ---- Start R and issue:: library(crmn) openVignette("crmn") for a tutorial and brief description of the package. Use the normal R-help for details/examples on the individual functions. If you have questions/comments/bug-reports/beers you are very welcome to send them to the maintainer of the package. Licence ------- This package is free open source software, see file COPYING for details. In brief, you may do with as you please as long as you provide proper citations and publish all derivative work under the same licence. For citation, see citation("crmn") Redestig, H.; Fukushima, A.; Stenlund, H.; Moritz, T.; Arita, M.; Saito, K. & Kusano, M. Compensation for systematic cross-contribution improves normalization of mass spectrometry based metabolomics data Anal Chem, 2009, 81, 7974-7980