# -*- org -*- * Version 0.0.16 the totL2 now also works on matrices with missing data by temporarily setting NA to zero. * Version 0.0.15 ** DONE Error with method 'one' SCHEDULED: <2010-05-14 Fri> CLOSED: [2010-05-14 Fri 11:18] should have worked but croaked: : Found missing or negative values - applying imputation using ppca : Error in solve.default(CtC) : : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 0 : In addition: Warning message: : In pca(lsta, method = "ppca") : : more components than matrix columns requested : Error in completeObs(pca(lsta, method = "ppca")) : : error in evaluating the argument 'object' in selecting a method for : function 'completeObs' [[file:R/norm.R::one][fixed]], dont do pca on single column data and never for method one. * Version 0.0.14 <2010-01-14 Thu> - Changed the warning about imputing missing values to a message instead as imputation not necessarily is anything that needs the user's attention. - More adaptations for using both pcaMethods 1.24.0 and 1.27.2 - The column name in fData and what it should equal for ISs can now be set the user. Asked by Pernilla Lindén. * Version 0.0.12 <2010-01-08 Fri> - Bugfixes and adapations to make crmn work with pre 1.26.0 versions of pcaMethods. * Version 0.0.10 <2010-01-04 Mon> - The pcaMethods package now contain Krzanowski style cross-validation which yields more stable results and crmn now use this CV by default.