## ----knitr setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # global options for all chunks knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) ## ----prep--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Required packages library("conquestr") library("kableExtra") ## ----sysfile------------------------------------------------------------------ # Read default system file mySys <- ConQuestSys() # Read itanal mySys_itanal <- getCqItanal(mySys) # Summary stats are alwasy the last element of the list returned by getCqItanal SumStat <- mySys_itanal[[length(mySys_itanal)]] # internal formatting of itanal mySys_itanalFmt <- fmtCqItanal(mySys_itanal) # iteration history iter_hist <- getCqHist(mySys) ## ----rout--------------------------------------------------------------------- #generate a ICC/MCC plot from an 'ACER ConQuest' Rout file - traditional ICC/MCC plot my_Rout <- ConQuestRout() ## ----plots-------------------------------------------------------------------- # iteration history plot of item parameters iter_hist_plot <- plotCqHist(iter_hist, centre = FALSE, legend = TRUE, params = "Xsi") # ICC plot my_Rout_plot <- plotRout(my_Rout) ## ----summary stats------------------------------------------------------------ SumStat %>% kbl(digits = 2) %>% # could set digits as a global option kable_styling() ## ----convergence plot, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.cap = "Iteration history of item parameters."---- plot(iter_hist_plot) ## ----item_1_stats------------------------------------------------------------- #Item 1 name only mySys_itanal[[1]]$name %>% kbl() %>% kable_styling() #Item 1 table only mySys_itanal[[1]]$table %>% kbl(digits = 2) %>% kable_styling() #Item 1 item corrs only mySys_itanal[[1]]$item_rest_total %>% kbl(digits = 2) %>% kable_styling() ## ----plot_icc----------------------------------------------------------------- plot(my_Rout_plot)