## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library(colorfast) ## ----echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # # library(callme) # code = r"( # #include <stdint.h> # #include <colorfast.h> # # void convert_col_to_rgb(const char *col) { # uint8_t values[4]; # col_to_rgb(col, values); # # for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { # printf("%i ", values[i]); # } # } # # # SEXP test() { # convert_col_to_rgb("red"); # return R_NilValue; # } # )" # # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Find the location of nara.h and include its directory in the search path # # using C Pre-Processor flags (PKG_CPPFLAGS) # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # nara_h <- system.file("include", "colorfast.h", package = "colorfast", mustWork = TRUE) # cpp_include = paste0("-I", dirname(nara_h)) # callme::compile(code, PKG_CPPFLAGS = cpp_include) # # # test() ## ----echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # # library(callme) # code = r"( # #include <stdint.h> # #include <colorfast.h> # # void convert_col_to_int(const char *col) { # uint32_t value = col_to_int(col); # # printf("%i ", value); # } # # # SEXP test() { # convert_col_to_int("red"); # return R_NilValue; # } # )" # # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Find the location of nara.h and include its directory in the search path # # using C Pre-Processor flags (PKG_CPPFLAGS) # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # nara_h <- system.file("include", "colorfast.h", package = "colorfast", mustWork = TRUE) # cpp_include = paste0("-I", dirname(nara_h)) # callme::compile(code, PKG_CPPFLAGS = cpp_include) # # # test() ## ----echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # # library(callme) # code = r"( # #include <stdint.h> # #include <colorfast.h> # # void convert_int_to_col(uint32_t icol) { # char buf[10]; # int_to_col(icol, buf); # # printf("%s\n", buf); # } # # # SEXP test() { # convert_int_to_col(123456); # return R_NilValue; # } # )" # # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # # Find the location of nara.h and include its directory in the search path # # using C Pre-Processor flags (PKG_CPPFLAGS) # #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # nara_h <- system.file("include", "colorfast.h", package = "colorfast", mustWork = TRUE) # cpp_include = paste0("-I", dirname(nara_h)) # callme::compile(code, PKG_CPPFLAGS = cpp_include) # # # test()