The main authors of CODA ------------------------ Mary Kathryn Cowles University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA <> Nicky Best Imperial college, London, UK <> Karen Vines Open University, Milton Keynes, UK <> Martyn Plummer International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France <> CODA was conceived and motivated by Mary Kathryn Cowles, who developed the original program as part of her PhD thesis concerning practical issues in implementing the Gibbs sampler. It was modified by Nicky Best to provide software suitable for general release, including contributions by Karen Vines. Martyn Plummer ported CODA to R and modified the code so that the user is not bound by the menu-driven interface. All authors, and the MRC Biostatistic Unit, have given permission for the license terms to be changed to GPL. Other authors of CODA --------------------- Deepayan Sarkar provided lattice graphics functions (See ?densityplot.mcmc) Douglas Bates wrote the HPDinterval function. Russell Almond <>, <> provided a number of cleanups and wrote the functions autocorr.diag, batchSE, and rejectionRate. Arni Magnusson wrote the cumuplot function. Further credits --------------- The function "gelman.diag" is based on the "itsim" function contributed to the Statlib archive by Andrew Gelman <>. The function "raftery.diag" is based on the "gibbsit" function contributed to the Statlib archive by Steven Lewis <>. Andrew Martin <> added namespace facilities and fixed a large number of bugs that this change uncovered (see CHANGELOG)