Changes from Version 0.0.8-13 to 1.0 [Marach 2021] * Update maintainer email * Transition of Rnw to Rmd [WIP] * the first stable version Changes from Version 0.0.8-11 to 0.0.8-12 [February 02 2018] * Improved plot of humanrater * Fixed function poc in amptester * Improved documentation for amptester * adopted the fairly new CRAN requirements * removed natbib.sty from vignettes * some improvements to grammar and spelling Changes from Version 0.0.8-10 to 0.0.8-11 [April 31 2015] * further CRAN changes, VideoScan -> 'VideoScan', HCU -> 'HCU' * some further test of validity for the th.cyc function Changes from Version 0.0.8-9 to 0.0.8-10 [April 8 2015] * further CRAN changes Changes from Version 0.0.8-7 to 0.0.8-9 [April 4 2015] * further CRAN changes * Less confusing error messages from th.cyc * Removed arrow warning in plot.eff * assorted documentation improvements Changes from Version 0.0.8-6 to 0.0.8-7 [March 12 2015] * New data sets * further CRAN changes Changes from Version 0.0.8-3 to 0.0.8-6 [February 22 2015] * Add citation("chipPCR") * Improved vignette * Improved documentation * Improved examples * removed calculation of dB from CPP function * new plot option for MFIaggr function * several bug fixes * Reference Spiess et al. 2015 added to documentation * New contributor Konstantin A. Blagodatskikh * Adaption to new CRAN policies Changes from Version 0.0.8-2 to 0.0.8-3 [September 28 2014] * build uses now: R CMD build --resave-data --compact-vignettes="gs+qpdf" chipPCR * reduced size of bitmap images Changes from Version 0.0.8-1 to 0.0.8-2 [September 26 2014] * suggest RDML package * update of the vignette * fix of several annoying bugs * update and improvement of the GUIs * minmax parameter renamed to minm Changes from Version 0.0.8 to 0.0.8-1 [August 26 2014] * Fix CRAN issue Changes from Version 0.0.7 to 0.0.8-1 [August 25 2014] * Numerous bug fixes (see change-log at * New function th.cyc (threshold cycle method) * New function humanrater * New pco test for amptester * New function plotCurves * New "Depends"/"Imports" to/from bptest {lmtest} * effcalc with improved plot and analysis methods * Considerably enhanced shiny GUIs - New function amptester.gui - New function MFIaggr.gui - New function lm.coefs (moved from CPP as independent function) * smoother function has parallelization option now - normalization algorithm moved from CPP as independent function normalizer - parameter norm of CPP renamed to method.norm - parameter rob.reg of CPP renamed to method.reg * MFIaggr - improved plot and analysis methods - Breusch-Pagan to test against heteroskedasticity * Documentation - preprocess -> pre-process in docs - inclusion of more examples - documentation fixes Changes from Version 0.0.6 to 0.0.7 [June 26 2014] * From S3 to S4 * Dependency to qpcR and MBmca packages removed * New "Depends"/"Imports" to/from MASS, ptw, quantreg and shiny, methods * Many bug fixes * Better sanity check of input variables * Code optimized for speed and less memory usage * Improved some examples * New function MFIaggr and class refMFI * New function effcalc * amptester - flexible head and tail now - nonlinearity test to detect positive amplifications - t.test exchanged by wilcox.test to compare levels of head and tail region - tests for noise (based on Shapiro-Wilk test) and linearity * smoother - Support for weighted Whittaker smoother - Argument "spline" as parameter for internal fixNA detracted - Uses splines in fixNA exclusively * CPP - has further normalization methods - new regression methods (rank-based estimation models, quantile regression) - argument "minmax" detracted and substituted by more powerful method "norm" * Added methods to fixNA * NOTE: new naming convention in inder * bg.max - uses inder method by default now - better tests for estimated start and end of exponential amplification region * Added rounder function for rounding results of inder * New data set added * testxy function added for unformalized testing of x and y values * Added methods for CPP, inder, bg.max and effcalc * Added amptest, der and bg classes. * Assorted improvements to AmpSim * Added AmpSim.gui * Many updates and correction to descriptions in manual * New data sets Changes from Version 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 [April 24 2014] * Several bug fixes * Improved some examples * Minor code improvements * New data sets added