--- title: "card.pro R package introduced a highly customizable card component for shiny apps for machine learning" author: "Obinna N. Obianom" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{card.pro R package introduced a highly customizable card component for shiny apps for machine learning} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` Advanced card tools and styling to allow the creation of the next generation of dashboards and shiny applications. __A great feature of the card.pro package is that you are able to rearrange the cards on the page, change titles, change header color, expand cards. When you refresh the page, the changes are preserved across refresh and various sessions.__ ## Installation and Library Attachment The card.pr package is available on CRAN and can be installed as shown below `install.packages("card.pro")` Attach library `library(card.pro)` ## Use The card.pro examples can be accessed as shown below ```{r eval=FALSE,echo=TRUE} # library library(card.pro) ``` ## Combine the power of two key functions ![](https://cardpro.rpkg.net/assets/image1.jpg) ![](https://cardpro.rpkg.net/assets/image3.jpg) ## Example code to get started ``` library(shiny) library(card.pro) ui <- fluidPage( use.cardpro(theme = "a"), titlePanel("shinyappstore.com Data"), moveable( card.pro( "Lorem ipsum odor amet.", title = "Box 1", icon = icon("fire"), tabs = list( tabEntry("Tab 1", textInput("nor1", "Enter name"), "Content for 1"), tabEntry("Tab 2", actionButton("nor1", "Try click"), "sample") ) ), card.pro( "Another something", title = "Box 2", width = 6, header.bg = "blue", alert.text = "Its an alert!", colorbtn = FALSE, editbtn = FALSE ), card.pro( "A plot for test", textInput("test6", "Plot title"), actionButton("test9", "Make plot"), title = "Box 3", width = 6, header.bg = "red", collapsed = TRUE, sortable = FALSE ), card.pro( "Box 4 content", "shinyappstore.com", title = "Box 1", width = 8, header.bg = "red", sidebar = div( "My settings", textInput("test2", "Input change"), actionButton("test3", "Click to save") ) ) ) ) # Run the application shinyApp(ui = ui, server = empty.server) ``` ## Examples and Demo Pages View examples and demo pages at https://cardpro.rpkg.net/ View other packages created by me at https://coursewhiz.org