## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----setup, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, fig.pos="center", fig.alt = "Visualizing the data"---- # Load libraries library(bridgr) library(tsbox) # Example data data("gdp") # Quarterly GDP data data("baro") # Monthly economic indicator gdp <- tsbox::ts_pc(gdp) # Calculate growth rate # Visualize the data ts_ggplot( ts_scale(ts_c(baro, gdp)), title = "Quarterly gdp and monthly economic indicator", subtitle = "Scaled to mean 0 and variance 1" ) + theme_tsbox() ## ----estimating, message=T, fig.pos="center"---------------------------------- # Estimate the bridge model bridge_model <- bridge( target = gdp, indic = baro , indic_lags = 1, target_lags=1, h=2 ) ## ----datasets, message=T, fig.pos="center"------------------------------------ # Inspect the datasets tail(bridge_model$estimation_set) head(bridge_model$forecast_set) ## ----forecasting, message=F, fig.pos="center", fig.alt = "Forecasted GDP"----- # Forecasting using the bridge model fcst <- forecast(bridge_model) forecast <- data.frame( "time" = fcst$forecast_set$time, "forecast" = as.numeric(fcst$mean) ) # Visualize the forecast ts_ggplot( ts_span(ts_tbl(ts_c(gdp, forecast)), start = 2017), title = "Forecasted GDP", subtitle = "Bridge model forecast" ) + theme_tsbox() ## ----summary, message=T, fig.pos="center"------------------------------------- # Summarize the information in the bridge model summary(bridge_model)