bdvis 0.2.37 =============== * Bug fixes in mapgrid * Funcation format_bdvis now handled bdsns * Package rgeos dependency removed * Finction mapgrid parameters mapadatabase and region deprecated * Fixed documentaion bdvis 0.2.33 =============== * Function bdwebmap Deprecated due to leafletR package unavailable * Bug fixes in tempolar, chronohorogram * Cran note about use of 'class' comparison with string * Helper fxn is.emptydf * Cleaned up code for dim statements * Incorporated CRAN suggestions bdvis 0.2.28 =============== * Custom gridscales in functions mapgrid & bdcomplete * Changed geom_raster() to geom_tile() and removed the arguments hjust and vjust in function mapgrid * Fixed the bug introduced due to rinat new format bdvis 0.2.23 =============== * function mapgrid can load a shapefile as basemap * function gettaxo has progress param to control progress bar output * Function mapgrid can plot grids on custom size bdvis 0.2.17 =============== * function distrigraph has parameter cumulative for 'efforts' option * function distrigraph has 'effortspecis' option in parameter ptype bdvis 0.2.15 =============== * Improved documentation * function mapgrid has improved map layer arrangement bdvis 0.2.12 =============== * function mapgrid has option to map at 0.1 degree grid cells * function bdcomplete has option to return 0.1 degree grid cells bdvis 0.2.9 =============== * function bdcomplete now returns number of records per grid cell * added additional parameter ptsize in chronohorogram * bug fix in functions tempolar, distrigraph bdcomplete and bdwebmap. * improved documentation bdvis 0.2.0 =============== * function bdcomplete bug fixes and visualization added in function mapgrid * improvements to function mapgrid in legend and color control * significant improvement in documentation * released to CRAN bdvis 0.1.35 =============== New Features * improved documentation of the package * various reported bugs fixed * function distrigraph can accept additional plot parameters * verbose option added for function gettaxo bdvis 0.1.25 =============== New Features * validations added to functions taxotree and chronohorogram * function mapgrid has a Presence map option now * seamless support ro package bdsns data frames * function gettaxo stores a local database of queried names for future reference and efficiency bdvis 0.1.15 =============== New Features * added function format_bdvis to handle more data formats seamlessly * added function datasubset to subset data * added function distrigraphs to generate graphs of records distributed across species, time and geography * added function bdcalendarheat to generate calendar of data records * function bdcomplete has plot showing completeness versus species * added function bdwebmap to generate a point map which can be viewed in a browser bdvis 0.1.5 =============== New Features * taxotree has param n, title and legend to control number of rectangles, tatle and legend title * taxotree has summerization parameters * gettaxo has genus param to improve effeciency * avg param in tempolar to display average number of records rather than raw numbers * bdsummery has spatial coverage bdvis 0.1.0 =============== * released to CRAN