# assertr development version * Added the ability to check non-numeric classes with `within_bounds()` (fix #89) # assertr 3.0 * Finally removed deprecated underscore functions * Fixed a bug wherein single row data.frames were not handled properly # assertr 2.9 * New function `has_only_names` requires that a data.frame or list have only the names requested. * more graceful handling non-vectorized predicates * some documentation/vignette updates # assertr 2.8 * allows for custom success/error callbacks even if in an assertr chain * ability to store success information * introduction of obligatory rules, which marks data as defective and can use a custom callback * support for a custom description of a rule * support for appending warnings * support for checking if a row contains a duplicated value across columns (`duplicates_across_cols` [a row_redux]) * support for checking if passed data has a particular class (`has_class` [a verify utility]) * support for assertion IDs # assertr 2.7 * `assert()`: remove dead code (closes #103) # assertr 2.6 * bugs due to changes in rlang 0.3.0 fixed. # assertr 2.5 * `is_uniq` predicate now accepts multiple vectors and evaluates uniqueness on the combination of them. * Breaking change: the `allow.na` argument to `is_uniq` must be named. Code like `is_uniq(x, TRUE)` will no longer work. Instead write `is_uniq(x, allow.na = TRUE)`. # assertr 2.4 * errors from all assertr verbs now contain a data.frame holding the verb used, row reduction function (if any), the predicate, the column (or select formula), index, and offending value for each error * the `error_report` (and new `error_df_return`) will bind the rows of all error data.frames in a list of errors. This is useful for assertr chains that contain multiple different verbs and allows all the errors to be viewed at a glance and, if so desired, computed upon * switched to using the tidyeval framework and deprecated underscore functions * bug fixes and performance enhancements # assertr 2.0.0 * redesigned error and error handling mechanism * assertr errors are now an S3 class and have some methods defined for them * created some useful 'success' and 'error' functions * added `chain_start` and `chain_end` that directs assertr to check all assertions (powering through failed ones instead of halting) and accumulating all the errors * added 'is_uniq' predicate * added 'has_all_names' utility function * added 'col_concat' row reduction function # assertr 1.0.0 * added row reduction functions like mahalanobis distnace * added assert_rows and insist_rows assert verbs * bug fixes # assertr 0.5.7 * added within_n_mads predicate generator # assertr 0.5.5 * added support for parameterized error functions # assertr 0.5 * improved performance by adding support for vectorized predicates * counts number of violations instead of short circuiting # assertr 0.4.9 * provided standard evaluation versions of assert and insist # assertr 0.4.2 * not_na and within_bounds are now vectorized and tagged # assertr 0.4.1 * fixed automated tests to success with R 3.0.3 # assertr 0.4 * added `insist` and `within_n_sds` functions and updated vignette and documentations # assertr 0.2 * initial release