WorldFlora versions Note that a static copy of the Taxonomic Backbone data can be downloaded from: . This can be done with function If the function fails to download the entire, manually download the zip file and then use WFO.remember(). The suggested citation of World Flora Online (WFO) is: WFO ([Year]): World Flora Online. Version [Year].[Month]. Published on the Internet; Accessed on:[Date]". The suggested citation of the WorldFlora package is: Kindt, R. 2020. WorldFlora: An R package for exact and fuzzy matching of plant names against the World Flora Online taxonomic backbone data. Applications in Plant Sciences 8(9): e11388. Various examples of using WorldFlora are available via Version 1.14-5 (September 2024) * Recently updated function did not match current names correctly in version 1.14-4. The error has been corrected now. Version 1.14-4 (August 2024) * Updated function to check the Authorship distance with synonym matches first, then to check for the Authorship distance with the final match. Version 1.14-3 (May 2024) * Corrected error in WFO.prepare and WFO.preprepare() to deal with situations where the submitted taxon name was not in a variable named 'spec.full'. Version 1.14-2 (March 2024) * New function WFO.preprepare() to deal with situations where authorities are provided at different taxonomic levels. * New argument of 'authors.ending.f' for WFO.prepare() to deal with situations where the name of the author ends with ' f.'. * Modified function WFO.synonyms() to deal with situations where the accepted name of a species is not found (error reported by Jason Best on 18-JAN-24) Version 1.14-1 (January 2024) * Modified function WFO.acceptable.match() to deal with a larger set of acceptable differences such as -is vs. -e, *dd* vs *d* and hybrid vs. non-hybrid names * Modified function new.backbone() to deal with self-references in the 'acceptedNameUsageID' field. This change was implemented to deal with changes in the WCVP version 11. Version 1.13-2 (May 2023) * Modified function to change the default location of the taxonomic backbone data set to its new URL: _WFOCompleteBackbone/ Version 1.13 (March 2023) * A new function WFO.acceptable.match() that checks whether fuzzy matches could be a result from differences in gender between submitted names and names in the taxonomic backbone. * Corrected an error in WFO.match() to correctly handle Fuzzy <= 0 to skip fuzzy matching. (Corrected after the error was reported by Karina Banda.) * Modified function to work with new format of the World Flora Online backbone data file of 'classification.csv'. A timeout argument was added also. * Modified function to explicitly use the argument 'save.dir'. (Suggested by Nicolas Casajus, 24-MAR-2023). * Included a link to an application of WFO.match.fuzzyjoin() with a large data set from GlobalTreeSearch, especially to show how large data sets can be handled. Version 1.12 (January 2023) * A new function WFO.match.fuzzyjoin() was added that internally uses function fuzzyjoin::stringdist_left_join(). For some data sets, this results in significant improvement in speeds, particularly where a relative large number of records remain that could not be directly matched. In addition, the new function allows for alternative methods of calculating the fuzzy distance (via the internal fuzzyjoin function). * Modified function WFO.match() to first use a subset of the Also direct matching is now first done internally via dplyr::left_join(). These changes resulted in some improvements in execution speeds, especially where many taxa could be directly matched. * Internally WFO.match() converts data.tables to the data.frame format. * Corrected a new error in when no matches were found. Version 1.11 (September 2022) * Made necessary corrections when checking package before uploading * Changed author email from previous domain (as a new CIFOR-ICRAF domain will be created) Version 1.10 (December 2021) * Modified functions and WFO.browse to deal with capitalized taxonomic ranks of the DEC 2021 version of the taxonomic backbone. * Expanded the options for argument 'infraspecific.excluded' for WFO.match to include the new levels available from the DEC 2021 version of the taxonomic backbone. Verson 1.9 (September 2021) * Variables of 'created' and 'modified' are deleted from the in function WFO.match. Implemented based on a communication from Pavel Pipek (August 2021) that processing of these variables did significantly slow down the function. * Changed processing of the IDs in function to be compatible with alternative taxonomic backbone data, especially when choosing between different options based on the smallest ID. * Yet another alternative example than shown in the documentation of using the new.backbone function to standardize plant species names with the World Checklist of Vascular Plants ( is provided in the following RPub: Kindt, R. 2021. Standardizing GlobalTreeSearch tree species names with World Flora Online and the World Checklist of Vascular Plants. Verson 1.8 (August 2021) * New function new.backbone that allows to standardize names with a user-created taxonomic backbone data set. * An alternative example than shown in the documentation of using the new.backbone function to standardize mammal species names with the Mammal Diversity Database ( is provided in the following RPub: Kindt, R. 2021. Standardizing mammal species names with the Mammal Species Database via exact and fuzzy matching functions from the WorldFlora package. Verson 1.7 (September 2020) * Included reference to the article published in Applications in Plant Sciences * Forced fields of$created and$modified to be of the 'date' format. Where had an empty date field, the date of 1000-01-01 was inserted. Where there were no matches, the date of 1000-01-02 was inserted. A problem had been reported by Lauri Vesa (10-Sep-2020) Version 1.6 (7 May 2020) * New function that downloads the Taxonomic Backbone data from the website () and unzips the file in the working directory. * New function WFO.remember that remembers the location where the Taxonomic Backbone data were saved and reads in the data, default as '' * Function WFO.match now recognizes alternative family names (Compositae, Leguminosae, Umbelliferae, Palmae, Cruciferae, Guttiferae, Labiatae and Gramineae). * New argument 'squish' of WFO.match that removes white space from start and end of the submitted plant name and flags its earlier presence. Repeated whitespace inside the plant name is also removed. Feature was suggested by an external reviewer of the submitted article. * New arguments '' and 'sub.pattern' of WFO.prepare that aim to remove semi-standardized qualifiers in plant names such as 'aff.' and 'cf.' * New argument '' of WFO.prepare that results in only retaining the first word if there are numbers in the submitted plant name. * New argument 'genus.2.flag' of WFO.prepare that results in flagging submitted plant names where the first word only has 2 characters (this function is intended to flag qualifiers in plant names that were wrongly interpreted as genus names). * New argument 'species.2.flag' of WFO.prepare that results in flagging submitted plant names where the second word only has 2 characters (this function is intended to flag qualifiers in plant names that were wrongly interpreted as species names). * New argument 'punctuation.flag' of WFO.prepare that results in flagging punctuation marks * New argument 'pointless.flag' of WFO.prepare that results in flagging parts of submitted plant names that flags if there is a sub.pattern without the punctuation mark (for example, if the plant name included 'aff' which is sub.pattern 'aff.' without the punctuation mark). Version 1.5 (28 March 2020) * New argument 'First.dist' of WFO.match and results in calculating the Levenshtein distance between the first word of the submitted and matched plant names. Typically this applies to the genus name. will select the matches with the smallest 'First.dist'. * Modified the behaviour of WFO.match when matches were only found via Fuzzy.two. In these cases, only matches with 2 words are retained. * Avoided an error when no name is submitted to WFO.match. Version 1.4 (20 February 2020) * New function WFO.prepare that attempts to split a list of plant names into the botanical name and the naming authority. * Corrected a bug in function WFO.match to fail when there were missing values in the acceptedNameUsageID (error reported by Sandeep Pulla). * Allowed function WFO.match to deal with situations where there were several sections between brackets in the plant name. * Included a reference to the preprint of Kindt R. 2020. WorldFlora: An R package for exact and fuzzy matching of plant names against the World Flora Online Taxonomic Backbone data. Version 1.3 (1 February 2020) * New function WFO.browse that shows all taxa at a next hierarchical level from the submitted and matched plant name (submitting a family results in a list of genera, a genus in a list of species and a species in a list of records at infraspecific levels). If no taxon is submitted, the function returns a list of all families. * New function WFO.synonyms that gives all taxa that have the same acceptedNameUsageID as the submitted and matched plant name. * New data.set 'vascular.families' that gives information about orders and major clades documented by the fourth update of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG IV, For gymnosperm and pteridophyte taxa, orders were obtained from . * New function that provides information from the 'vascular.families' for vascular families (angiosperms, gymnosperms and pteridophytes). For bryophytes, the function returns 'bryophytes' based on an internal list of bryophyte families. * Modified WFO.match to handle the problem where authorities are not available for all submitted taxa (this caused a problem in to select a unique best match). Version 1.2 (4 January 2020) * New function that results in a one-to-one match between the submitted plant names and the matched plant names. Where there were various candidates for a match, users can specify whether accepted names or names that are not synonyms are given priority. Where multiple candidates still exist, the matched name with the smallest ID is selected. * Yet another priority is invoked for function when the Authorship is given. In that case, first priority is given to records with the best match in Authorship. * The pattern ' x ' is now interpreted as marking of a hybrid plant name. * Sections in plant names that follow bracket '(' are now removed from the checked plant name, invoked by new argument 'Fuzzy.nobrackets' in WFO.match. This feature is expected to remove part of authorities that are not part of the names to be matched (a match is searched in WFO column of 'scientificName', not 'scientificNameAuthorship'). * New arguments of 'Fuzzy.two' and '' in function WFO.match that limit names to be matched to respectively the first two or first terms of that name. These options are expected to eliminate parts of names that are authorities, which are not part of names to be matched (see also argument 'Fuzzy.nobrackets'). * New argument 'Authorship' for the WFO.match function that allows the user to specify the Authorship. The function will calculate the Levenshtein distance between the submitted and matched Authorships. * With a too large number of fuzzy matches, the message now gives one of the matched plant names, allowing the user to potentially verify the correctedness of a genus name. * The behaviour of '' now changed to limits searches to the first term in case a submitted name contained any numbers (in the previous version, the behaviour was to searh for numbers at the end of submitted names). Version 1.1 (15 December 2019) * New function WFO.url that creates urls for matched plant names, with an option to open a selection of urls in an HTML browser. * It is possible now to only match the Genus name. * New argument 'Fuzzy.force' to always use Fuzzy matching, even when an exact match was found for the * New argument 'Fuzzy.max' to limit the number of fuzzy matches. * New argument 'Fuzzy.min' to limit the fuzzy matches to those with the smallest Levenshtein distance. * Output from function WFO.match gives the Levenshtein distance for fuzzy matches. * New argument that changes submitted species names to lower case characters, except the first character * New argument '' that interpretes submitted names as unidentified species and seeks matches at generic level * New argument 'exclude.infraspecific' that removes matched records with the specified infraspecific levels. Note that these matched records are removed both from matched plant names (including synonyms) and matched accepted plant names (excluding synonyms) * New argument that removes sections in the submitted plant name Version 1.0 (December 2019) * Package developed and submitted to CRAN