NEWS for Package
StratifiedSampling 0.4.9000
- ERROR in GLPK if there is a NA or nan in Xaux when balseq is
- stratifiedcube, fbs and balstrat now have a modified landing (linear
programming or suppresion of variables). I also add a randomization
- modified version of ffphase.
StratifiedSampling 0.4.1
- (ERROR fixed, the cumsum/floor function does not have the same
result on mac. This is what was producing the error.)
StratifiedSampling 0.4.0
- add Deville systematic functions (sys_deville, sys_devillepi2)
- add EPS in stratifedcube and landingRM
- add full option in osod
- add cps C++ implementation of the UPmaxentropy function from
sampling package.
- add balseq stream sampling
- add distunitk in src folder.
- add Rglpk as depends in DESCRIPTION
StratifiedSampling 0.3.0
- add One step One decision sampling method (osod, c_bound,
- remove test_that
StratitfiedSampling 0.2.0
- fix a findB when the number of columns is greater than the number of
- add calibRaking, harmonize, otmatch and bsmatch (a proposed method
to do statistical matching).
- add vignettes to explain how to use statistical matching.
- change README to add information about statistical matching.
- add arXiv link whether it is necessary.
StratifiedSampling 0.1.0
CRAN resubmission
- Please do not modify the user’s global environment or the user’s
home filespace in your examples or vignettes by deleting objects:
rm(list = ls())
- remove rm(list = ls()) from R environment of cpp files.
CRAN resubmission
- moved to
CRAN resubmission
- add to Rd file landingRM
- remove all rm(list = ls())
- remove all call to sampling:: and put sampling in suggest
CRAN submission