To cite SparseBiplots in publications, please use:
1. Cubilla-Montilla M, Nieto-Librero A, Galindo-Villardón M, Torres-Cubilla C (2021). “Sparse HJ Biplot: A New Methodology via Elastic Net.” Mathematics, 9(11), 1298. doi:10.3390/math9111298,
Corresponding BibTeX entry:
@Article{, author = {Mitzi Cubilla-Montilla and Ana Belén Nieto-Librero and M. Purificación Galindo-Villardón and Carlos A. Torres-Cubilla}, title = {Sparse HJ Biplot: A New Methodology via Elastic Net}, journal = {Mathematics}, volume = {9}, year = {2021}, number = {11}, pages = {1298}, isbn = {2227-7390}, doi = {10.3390/math9111298}, url = {}, }