# SmCCNet 2.0.2 (2022-XX-XX) ## Changes * **Removed PMA Dependency:** Eliminated the need for the PMA package, streamlining the installation and usage proces. * **Updated Workflow:** Enhanced SmCCNet's workflow to support single/multi-omics analysis with both quantitative and binary phenotypes, offering more comprehensive data analysis capabilities. # SmCCNet 2.0 (2022-XX-XX) ## New Features * **Automated Pipeline:** Introduced `fastAutoSmCCNet()` for streamlined, efficient multi-omics network analysis. * **Enhanced Data Preprocessing:** Added functions for improved handling and preprocessing of omics data. * **Expanded Compatibility:** Now accommodates both single and multiple omics data types, as well as quantitative and binary phenotypes. * **Network Visualization:** Integrated an online RShiny application (https://smccnet.shinyapps.io/smccnetnetwork/) for advanced network visualization. ## Improvements * **Computational Efficiency:** Significantly reduced computation time, enhancing user experience. * **Flexible Setup:** Provided options for manual or automated setup processes, offering flexibility in pipeline configuration. * **Extended Functionality:** Included novel algorithms for handling single/multi-omics data with binary phenotype. ## Bug Fixes * Addressed and resolved specific issues from the previous version to ensure smoother functionality. ## Availability * Available on CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/SmCCNet/index.html) and GitHub (https://github.com/KechrisLab/SmCCNet).