News for Package ‘SDLfilter’
Version 2.3.3 (2023-11-07)
- removed functions that relied on the archived plotKML package. The
functions include kml_track and to_kml.
Version 2.3.2 (2023-04-17)
- fixed bugs in the ddfilter_speed when “method = 2” is selected.
- significantly improved the processing speed for the ddfilter_speed,
especially when “method = 1” is used.
Version 2.3.1 (2023-01-16)
- added an additional argument “ia” in the distfilter. “ia” is the
inner angle between consecutive locations that can be used for detecting
potential outliers. Default (NA) is set to ignore this argument.
- added an additional argument “nloc” in the vmaxlp function. This
allows to specify the minimum number of successive locations to be
considered a loop trip. The default value is set to be 5 locations.
- fixed an error in the vmaxlp function that occurs when there is not
enough data for the calculation.
- fixed bugs in the “ML” method for the vmax and vmaxlp
Version 2.3.0 (2022-10-11)
- improved the estimation of vmax of vmaxlp by implementing Maximum
Likelihood estimation.
- fixed minor bugs in the ddfilter, dupfilter and track_param
- reinstated the kml_track function as the dependent package (plotKML)
has been reinstated to the CRAN repository.
- added a new function to_kmz, which generates KMZ from locations and
Version 2.2.1 (2022-05-15)
- added a parallel computing option to the dupfilter_time,
dupfilter_space, and dupfilter functions.
- removed the kml_track function as the dependent package (plotKML)
has been removed from the CRAN repository.
- updated to use the sf and stars packages instead of the sp and
raster packages. The updated functions are boot_area, boot_overlap,
combn_overlap, depthfilter, dupfilter_space, track_param,
dupfilter_time, and map_track
- updated to use the dplyr package instead of the plyr package. The
updated functions are boot_area, ddfilter_loop, ddfilter_speed,
dupfilter_qi, dupfilter_space, dupfilter_time, and track_param.
- updated the track_param function to use the geosphere package
instead of the trip package.
- The map_track function has been replaced with the “to_map”
Version 2.2.0 (2022-01-10)
- added an option in the asymptote function to estimate the confidence
intervals for bootstrapped overlap estimates. The new default is to use
the CIs when considering an asymptote.
- added a new function ‘combn_overlap’ as an alternative to
‘boot_overlap’. This new function calculates overlaps between all
possible combination of UDs relative to sample size.
- improved the processing speed of ‘boot_overlap’.
Version 2.1.2 (2021-10-31)
- fixed a minor bug related with the max.asymptote argument within the
asymptote function.
Version 2.1.1 (2021-07-04)
- amended the ddfilter, dupfilter, and their depending functions
(e.g. ddfilter_speed) to return movement parameters used in each
Version 2.1.0 (2021-04-02)
- improved the asymptote function.
- added a new citation for functions ‘boot_overlap’, ‘boot_area’ and
‘asymptote’. Shimada T, Thums M, Hamann M, Limpus CJ, Hays GC,
FitzSimmons NN, Wildermann NE, Duarte CD, Meekan MG (2021) Optimising
sample sizes for animal distribution analysis using tracking data.
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 12(2):288-297.
- updated the README file.
- improved the R documentations of functions asymptote, boot_overlap,
and boot_area.
- renamed the example data “curtis” to “flatback”.
Version 2.0.1 (2020-07-04)
- fixed bugs in the track_param function.
- The input qi values can be now either the number of GPS satellites
or Argos Location Classes. Argos Location Classes will be converted to
numerical values, where “A”, “B”, “Z” will be replaced with “-1”, “-2”,
“-3” respectively.
- The input DateTime (GMT) can be now either in class POSIXct or
Character with the following format “2012-06-03 01:33:46”.
- improved the R documentations.
Version 2.0.0 (2020-05-04)
- added four new functions (boot_overlap, boot_area, asymptote,
percent_vol) to assess sample sizes of animal tracking data.
- added a new function (track_param) to calculate some parameters of
animal tracking data (i.e. time, distance, speed, angle between
- added a new function (kml_track) to visualise the tracking
- added a new example data “curtis”.
- added a new argument “type” in the depthfilter function.
- renamed some functions (ddfilter.loop -> ddfilter_loop;
ddfilter.speed -> ddfilter_speed; dupfilter.exact ->
dupfilter_exact; dupfilter.qi -> dupfilter_qi; ->
dupfilter_space; dupfilter.time -> dupfilter_time, distantfilter
-> distfilter).
- renamed an argument in ddfilter (maxvlp -> vmaxlp).
- renamed the plotMap to map_track.
- improved the map_track function.
- improved the R documentations.
- improved the processing speed of the dupfilter function and its
dependent functions.
- updated the vmax and maxvlp functions. In the previous version, when
input data contain duplicate locations, the function ceased with error
messages. These errors are now avoided by removing duplicate locations
using the dupfilter function prior to calculation of vmax and
Version 1.2.1 (2019-02-19)
- amended “plotMap” in accordance with the ggsn update to version
Version 1.2.0 (2019-02-18)
- added a mew function “distance_filter”. This function removes fixes
located beyond a given threshold distance.
- fixed bugs in the example codes.
- amended “plotMap” in accordance with the ggmap update to version
Version 1.1.1 (2018-06-10)
- fixed minor bugs in the est.maxvlp function. The values estimated
using the previous version would not have been affected by the changes.
In the previous version, when sample size is too small (i.e. <6
fixes) or inner angles could not be estimated (e.g. two consecutive
locations with the same coordinates), the function ceased with warning
messages. These errors are now avoided by exuding those fixes from the
estimation process.
Version 1.1.0 (2018-04-27)
- added a new function (plotMap) to plot locations.
- updated vignette.
Version 1.0.0 (2018-02-08)