The goal of RplotterPkg is to provide easy access to the many ggplot2
geom plotting routines for everyday use. The package uses a functional
approach along with the fast, efficient data frame processing from data.table
You can install the development version of RplotterPkg from GitHub with:
Using pak::pak()
Using devtools::install_github()
The following script shows how simple it is to create a standard scatter plot. Other standard plots include bar, box, density, density_ridge, histogram, range, heatmap, and stick plots.
Other functions for plots are available including multi_panel, spread_level, stem_leaf, and symmetry.
Additional examples showing heatmap, waffle, and stem_leaf are available here.
RplotterPkgdf = ggplot2::economics,
aes_x = "date",
aes_y = "unemploy",
pts_shape = 21,
pts_fill = "black",
line_color = "violet",
connect = TRUE,
title = "US Monthly Unemployment",
subtitle = "July, 1967 to April, 2015 (in thousands)",
x_title = "Date",
y_title = "Unemployment",
rot_y_tic_label = TRUE,
x_date_labels = "%Y-%b",
x_major_date_breaks = "5 year",
y_limits = c(0, 16000),
y_major_breaks = seq(0, 16000, 2000),
show_minor_grids = F,
bold_y = 8000,
bold_y_color = "red",
bold_y_linetype = "dashed"