===================================================================== Version 1.2 - Third release on CRAN ===================================================================== BUG FIXES: - as.integer64.SNOMEDconcept now allows additional optional arguments, like the generic as.integer64 function NEW FEATURES: - loadSNOMED also optionally loads history and query tables from a SNOMED CT distribution - New function addInactiveConcepts to add inactive concepts to codelists, using the history and query tables ===================================================================== Version 1.1 ===================================================================== BUG FIXES: - Showing a concept description caused an error if there were multiple descriptions for a concept and duplicate concepts in the SNOMEDconcept vector - SNOMEDcodelist timestamps were set to the user-supplied date instead of the system time - Error on exporting SNOMEDcodelists with single row maps that had NULL values. Instead the NULLs are now zero-length character vectors, which can be exported correctly with fwrite. - Ensure that SNOMED environment is passed from htmlCodelistHierarchy to showCodelistHierarchy - Corrected bug in hasAttribute when SNOMED RELATIONSHIP table contains duplicate source-type-destination triples (e.g. if some are inactive) CHANGES: - New vignette 'customHierarchy.Rmd' explaining how to create a custom SNOMED-like database to enable the hierarchical view - Vignette shows how to obtain 'History of' terms for phenotyping algorithms ===================================================================== Version 1.0 - Second release on CRAN ===================================================================== NEW FEATURES: - New getMaps function to map a codelist to another terminology system - New htmlCodelistHierarchy function to create an interactive HTML file to explore a codelist - SNOMED CT simple reference sets included in the SNOMED environment, with new function getRefset - Function to load a mapping table from the NHS Digital data migration pack (loadREADMAPS), for mapping to Read V2 and CTV3 CHANGES: - SNOMEDcodelist S3 data type has been redesigned to include metadata as well as accommodate different formats of codelists - SNOMEDcodelist no longer includes descendants by default - SNOMED environment now includes mapping tables and simple refsets - Updated method of displaying SNOMED CT codelists ===================================================================== Version 0.2 - Initial release on CRAN ===================================================================== - Initial release