Version 0.3-1 (2015-10-19)
    * Fix CRAN checks
    * Switch to local({}) calls
    * Minor fixes
Version 0.3-0 (2009-11-17)
    * Add support for Hmsic::latex() (it is now possible to preview the generated LaTeX code)
    * Add support for Hmsic::format.df()
    * Add several print options for xtable()
    * Implement mechanism to propose a 'digits' vector of appropriate length
    * Improve the handling of several classes
    * Improve the (previously terribly messy) documentation 

Version 0.2-2 (2009-10-13)
    * Make .Rd files compatible with the 2.10 R parser

Version 0.2-1
    * Release the code under the same licence that Rcmdr code is released
    * Add support for the 'file' and 'append' options of print.xtable() (suggested by Ulrich Halekoh)
    * Updated the documentation, which now includes information on compatibility with regular word-processing programmes. 

Version 0.2-0
    * Initial public release