= Package RWsearch (Patrice Kiener) = RWsearch 5.2.0 - 2024-10-12 - sent to CRAN ========================================== - Version packaged with R-4.4.1 and sent to CRAN (R-4.4.1) - Major CHANGES since previous version RWsearch_5.1.4 (2024-03-03): - Updated files zcrandb.rda, ztvdb.rda, zcheck_results.rds, zCRAN-archive.html with date 2024-09-26 - Documentation and vignettes updated accordingly with packages and values 2024-09-26 - p_man(): new function alias of p_htmlweb() - p_text, p_text2tex, p_text2md, p_text2pdf: add "ChangeLog", "RqmdRmd" and "DOI" arguments - p_deadline() - h_Rpkgs(): new function to the HTML documentation of base and CRAN packages RWsearch 5.2.0 - 2024-10-12 =========================== - Minor changes in the manual to cope with the new zfiles of v5.1.9 - p_man(): new function alias of p_htmlweb() - Remove s_Rman() which is identical to s_man() - cranmirrors_down(): export cranmirrors_down rather than export cranmirrors in Roxygen / Rd file - Update Vignette_1 with examples extracted from (z)crandb on 2024-09-26 - Update Vignette_3 with p_vers() and p_vers_deps() with dependencies used on 2024-09-26 Use the old graph (tfestimators, RWsearch, 2019) and the new graph (RWsearch 2024) - Update Vignette_4 with examples extracted from (z)tvdb on 2024-09-26 RWsearch 5.1.9 - 2024-09-27 =========================== - Transitory version to 5.2.0 - Updated files zcrandb.rda, ztvdb.rda, zcheck_results.rds, zCRAN-archive.html with date 2024-09-26 - New file zbinarydb.rda with date 2024-09-26 - Previous files with date 2021-06-04 were updated in v4.9.1 and used until v5.1.8 RWsearch 5.1.8 - 2024-09-27 =========================== - p_down, p_down0: add "RqmdRmd" argument - p_text, p_text2tex, p_text2md, p_text2pdf: add "ChangeLog", "RqmdRmd" and "DOI" arguments - p_texth(): replace "..." by "^..." in items - p_texth(): add "ChangeLog", RqmdRmd" and "doi.org..." to arguments and items - p_texth(): comment the lines "ReadMe" and "github.com" - p_texth(): select or exclude "R$|Rmd$|qmd$" files from vignettes - p_downh(): split "pdf$|html$" and "R$|Rmd$|qmd$" files from vignettes - p_downh(): Change the download order: README, ChangeLog, NEWS before vignettes RWsearch 5.1.7 - 2024-06-22 =========================== - p_deadline() RWsearch 5.1.6 - 2024-04-28 =========================== - version packaged for R-4.4.0 RWsearch 5.1.5 - 2024-04-xx =========================== - h_Rpkgs(): new function to the HTML documentation of base and CRAN packages - Version packaged for R-4.4.0 RWsearch 5.1.4 - 2024-03-03 - sent to CRAN ========================================== - Version packaged with R-4.3.2 and sent to CRAN (R-4.3.3) RWsearch 5.1.3 - 2024-02-29 =========================== - Version packaged for R-4.3.2 - replace \item{}{} by \item in s_crandb_tvdb to pass new checks - roxygen2: "_PACKAGE" replace @docType package - file a_intro.R split in Wsearch-package.R and a_intro.R RWsearch 5.1.2 - 2022-11-10 =========================== - Version packaged for R-4.2.2 RWsearch 5.1.1 - 2022-07-13 =========================== - s_man() and s_Rman(): new functions to earch in the search pages of the R-project - h_Rman(): new function to the search page of R-project/CRAN - h_Rblog(): new function for the new R blog address (cited by Thomas Kalibera) - h_R.R: replace the text "in browser" by "in the browser" - p_inst.R: p_inst(dependencies = NA) RWsearch 5.1.0 - 2022-04-23 =========================== - Version packaged for R-4.2.0 RWsearch 5.0.5 - 2022-02-21 - sent to CRAN ========================================== - adjust the examples to reduce the idle time, probably p_down() RWsearch 5.0.3 - 2022-02-21 =========================== - As suggested by Uwe Ligges, if (interactive()) added to all examples that open html or pdf files: - it prevents the pdf viewer and the html browser to open - The 'Additional issue' raised with v_4.9.8 (currently on CRAN) is solved: - it was a too long example that created an overflow in the console RWsearch 5.0.2 - 2022-02-15 =========================== - This is version 5.0.0 and 5.0.1 renamed - It was sent to CRAN but not published as - check --rin-donttest revealed some files blocked by the pdf viewer or the html browser RWsearch 5.0.1 - 2022-01-31 =========================== - Version 5.0.1 was sent to CRAN and blocked as v5.0.0 was in the pending section - Same package than v.5.0.0 but with a new version number RWsearch 5.0.0 - 2022-01-14 =========================== - Move to 5.0.0 and sent to CRAN but not PUBLISHED - Changes from version 4.9.3 up to version 5.0.0 are about code cleaning and reducing examples - this version 5.0.0 was stored in the pending section and finally not published RWsearch 4.9.20 - 2022-01-14 ============================ - Temp-xxx-xxxx file/directory in R CMD check Debian is linked to - Firefox having not enough time to display the 3 pages produced by - p_display0357(lst) - p_display.R: p_display5(lst) ; Sys.sleep(3) - tvdb.R: p_display7(lst, ..., verbose = FALSE) ; Sys.sleep(4) - s_sos.R: Sys.sleep(3) - a_intro.R: Sys.sleep(3) RWsearch 4.9.17 - 2022-01-07 ============================ - checkdb_down(): remove the return() function - trydownloadurl(), tryopenfile(): replace the argument msg by msgTF - p_vers.R: add to the examples two lines on binarydb_down(). Remove the old comparison code - p_down.R: subset lst to lst2 in the examples to reduce the number of packages to load - p_table2pdf.R reduce the number of examples - p_html.R: quote the examples p_pdf(), p_vig() to reduce the number of sheets in Firefox - p_graph.R: reduce the number of examples - p_display.R: create a common dir - tvdb.R: reduce the number of examples - refresh all files to date 2022-01-07 RWsearch 4.9.16 - 2022-01-04 ============================ - Remove glitches in the previous 4.9.15 version: ... and ( - h_direct.R: rewrite all function with fmsgTF() and furl() - h_engine.R: rewrite all function with fmsgTF() and furl() - e_check(): replace utils::browseURL() by trybrowseURL() - trybrowseURL(): trybrowseURL(): replace the argument msg by the arguments msgF and msgT - p_check(): reuse utils::browseURL() in one case - tvdb.R: funIN replace '%in2%' RWsearch 4.9.14 - 2022-01-03 ============================ - p_html(): rewrite the function with tryCatch() - p_pdf(): send dir2 to writepkg2pdf() - writepkg2pdf(): function rewritten with a new argument dir2 to return the file.path - n_graphF(), n_graphS(): add saveNetwork() et tempfile() because Debian requires it - p_graph.R: adjust the examples - p_down.R: adjust the example lapply(..., x[1:2]) - p_check.R: remove the example p_graphF() - p_archive(): add tryconurl() to detect wrong url(s) - p_archive_lst(): tempfile(fileext = ".html") - trybrowseURL(),fmsgTF(), furl(): new functions, mainly for bookmarks - h_R.R: rewrite all function with fmsgTF() and furl() RWsearch 4.9.13 - 2022-01-02 ============================ - tvdb_pkgs(): remove the last internal variable - s_tvdb(): remove the last internal variable - p_text(): tryopenfile() is OK. Remove the former code < 4.9.9 - p_texth(): trydownloadurl() is OK. Remove commented close_libcurl() (end of the loop at line 237) - table_pdf(), table_pdfh(): the moved openpdf is OK. Remove the former code < 4.9.11 - p_table2pdf.R: add file.path(tempdir(), "ptablepdf") - p_page(): add tryconurl() to detect wrong url(s) - p_html2(): rewrite the function with tryCatch(), tryopenfile() and 00Index rather than 00index - p_man(): add tryconurl() to detect wrong url(s) - p_pdfweb(): add tryconurl() to detect wrong url(s) RWsearch 4.9.12 - 2021-12-31 ============================ - crandb.R: add file.path(tempdir(), "crandbdown") - cranmirrors.R: add file.path(tempdir(), "cranmirrors") - p_display.R: add file.path(tempdir(), "pdisplay") - s_crandb.R: add file.path(tempdir(), "scrandb") - s_crandb_tvdb.R: add file.path(tempdir(), "scrandbtvdb") RWsearch 4.9.11 - 2021-12-31 ============================ - table_pdfh, table_pdf(): argument openpdf is moved from table_pdfh() to table_pdf() RWsearch 4.9.10 - 2021-12-27 ============================ - p_texth(): tempfile(fileext = ".html") replaces tempfile() and downloaded files are viewed as html - a_intro.R: add a subdirectory to tempfiles - .htmltable(): tryopenfile() replaces utils::browseURL() - h_zbib(): link to ZoteroBib RWsearch 4.9.9 - 2021-12-22 =========================== - tryconfile() and tryopenfile() created after tryconurl() and trydownloadurl() - p_text() [discarded]: file.edit(fileEncoding = "") replaces (fileEncoding = "UTF-8") and opens the file rather than the tempfile(). It uses a side effect of file.edit() (see the code of file.edit()) - p_text(): file.edit() replaced by tryopenfile() everywhere as much as possible - tryopenfile() replaces openpdffile() - a_intro.R: p_text(lst, pager = TRUE) replaces (..., editor = TRUE) - a_intro.R and s_sos.R: tail(data.frame(res)) to reduce the output RWsearch 4.9.8 - 2021-12-03 - sent to CRAN ========================================== - a_intro.R + h_sos(): reinstall examples - a_intro.R + h_so(): reinstall examples RWsearch 4.9.7 - 2021-12-02 =========================== - close_libcurl(): rewrite the function - tryconurl(): extend the condition and close the connection visible (before this version) in showConnections() - trydownloadurl(): use the new tryconurl() and add a message for non-available url(s) - cranmirrors_down(): exit gently when url cannot be downloaded (BR request) - crandb_down(): issue a message rather than a warning() when url/packages.rds cannot be downloaded - checkdb_down(): change the message when url/check_results.rds cannot be downloaded - archivedb_down(): issue a message when url/packages.rds cannot be downloaded - tvdb_down(): issue a message when url/packages.rds cannot be downloaded - tvdb_down(), tvdb_load(): return the tvdb invisibly - p_man(): replace finzi.psych.upenn.edu by search.r-project.org/CRAN/refmans - a_intro.R: replace finzi.psych.upenn.edu by search.r-project.org - a_intro.R + h_sos(): remove examples - a_intro.R + h_so(): remove examples RWsearch 4.9.6 - 2021-10-06 =========================== - p_vers(): permute columns difbc and compare. -3 rather than 3. - binarydb_load(): replace get(load()) by load() RWsearch 4.9.5 - 2021-08-02 =========================== - p_vers(): new gcc column lists packages whose source code is compiled RWsearch 4.9.4 - 2021-06-08 =========================== - binarydb.R: new file for functions - binarydb_down() - binarydb_load() - p_vers() uses binarydb if loaded in .GloablEnv RWsearch 4.9.3 - 2021-06-05 - sent to CRAN ========================================== - Some minor changes in the vignettes and the documentation - Seems OK RWsearch 4.9.2 - 2021-06-04 =========================== - p_archive(), p_archive_lst(): url0 inside the function. Message rewritten, - p_archive(), p_archive_lst(): dontest extended to all examples - checkdb_load() rewritten: unique(), table(), if_stop() - Task views rewritten and renumbered - VignetteIndexEntry reordered RWsearch 4.9.1 - 2021-06-03 =========================== - Updated files zcrandb.rda, ztvdb.rda, zcheck_results.rds, zCRAN-archive.html to today - Minor changes in the examples, notably the dates in crandb_fromto() RWsearch 4.9.0 - 2021-05-30 =========================== - cranmirrors_down(): replace ftp by https in the url to the .csv file (BR request) - h_engine.R and vignette RWsearch-4: remove h_1bis.com (website is defunct) RWsearch 4.8.9 - 2021-04-08 =========================== - Correct url (add final cran[...]/views/) in RWsearch-3-TaskViews.Rmd thanks to the new package urlchecker - New vignette RWsearch-5. - h_deepl(), h_meteoblue(), h_windy(), h_ianaTLD(), h_ianaWHOIS() RWsearch 4.8.8 - 2020-12-23 =========================== - Update the README with the lines about p_archive, p_deps, p_check features - Update the 4 vignettes - Replace tab by four dots in all files - p_depsrec() RWsearch 4.8.7 - 2020-10-22 =========================== - cnscinfun(): rewritten - cnsc(): call cnscinfun() - DESCRIPTION: Description text updated - DESCRIPTION: Authors_R - DESCRIPTION: Maintainer email changed from fattailsr to rpackages RWsearch 4.8.6 - 2020-09-02 =========================== - p_inst(): line if (length(LP) != 1L) rewritten - p_unload_all() - DESCRIPTION: rewrite the text with comparaison of versions and the safe package unload - p_vers(): data.frame() replaces data.frame(version = NULL, crandb = NULL, compare = NULL) - p_vers(): order(dfr$ndeps, dfr$tdeps, -dfr$compare) replaces order(dfr$ndeps, -dfr$compare) - p_inst(): line rewritten LP <- LP[seq_len(max(1, length(LP) - 1))] RWsearch 4.8.5 - 2020-07-05 =========================== - p_vers(): isNamespaceLoaded() in the first column. version and crandb moved to 2 and 3 - p_vers(subset = "compare < 4"): subset the data.frame. "compare < 0" is usual - p_deps_deps(): list of recursive dependencies for every first level dependencies - p_deps_sorted() is removed. p_vers_deps() provides a better information with the loaded namespace - p_vers_deps(): (BIG novelty) help proceed to desinstallation and re)installation in a safe way! RWsearch 4.8.4 - 2020-07-04 =========================== Remove return() in the following files/functions: - archivedb.R: Lines 139, 1136, 145, 174 - cnsc.R: Lines 76, 108, 141 - crandb.R: Line 80, 192, 206, 236 - funmaintext.R: Lines 51, 72, 95, 113, 122 - p_graph.R: Line 231 - p_html.R: Line 184 - p_table2pdf.R: Line 250 - s_crandb.R: Lines 121, 142, 179, 211 - s_crandb_tvdb.R: Line 113 - s_tvdb.R: Line 40 - tvdb.R: Lines 106, 129, 144 - DESCRIPTION: remove pkgnet from Suggests RWsearch 4.8.3 - 2020-07-04 =========================== - p_vers(): packageDescription(pkg, fields = "Version") replaces packageVersion(pkg) to match crandb values - p_vers(): Add a column with the versions in crandb (1.4-7 rather than 1.4.7) - p_vers(): Column compare returns -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 - p_vers(): list of packages and dependencies is allowed; and returns a list - p_vers(ndeps = TRUE): Calculate the number of recursive dependencies - p_inst(lib = NULL): try hard to select the most appropriate lib and stop in case of conflict - p_deps_count(): duplicated pkgs are ignored => unique(pkgs) - p_deps_ndeps() - p_deps_sorted() - p_deps.R: write zzz (or equivalent) at the end of the functions rather than return(zzz) - p_deps(): if (is.null(pkgs)) return(NULL), if (is.na(pkgs)) return(NA) - p_deps(verbose = TRUE) RWsearch 4.8.2 - 2020-06-07 =========================== - p_inst() - p_down(untar), p_down0(untar), p_downarch(untar), targz_down(untar = FALSE) - p_down0(RWsearch, targz = TRUE, untar = TRUE) is easier to use than - targz_down("*.tar.gz", untar = TRUE, url = ".../contrib") downloads from the /contrib directory - p_vers(): remove the warning on the uninstalled packages. - h_yahoofin(): words moved to fbr(address, words) RWsearch 4.8.1 - 2020-05-11 =========================== - p_graph.R: add to exclpkgs the line \code{exclpkgs = c("ggplot2", list.files(.Library))}. - a_intro.R and s_crandb.R: add the example s_crandb("^f", select = "P") - p_texth() and p_downh(): exclude github.com/[..]/readme.md from txtrme and README (bug) - p_vers(): add the line pkgs <- unique(pkgs) to display the rownames (bug) RWsearch 4.8.0 - 2020-04-20 - sent to CRAN ========================================== - v-4.7.8 with a new version number RWsearch 4.7.8 - 2020-04-20 =========================== - DESCRIPTION -> 'explore' replaces the mis-spelled word 'exlore' - p_down() in examples: dir <- file.path(tempdir(), ...) ; list.files() to pass CRAN check --run-donttest - f_pdf(..., dir = tempdir()) is not feasible as going back to the current directory is impossible - f_pdf() in examples: if (FALSE) used to by-pass CRAN check (and donttest{} removed) - zcrandb.rda, ztvdb.rda, zCRAN-archive.html refreshed to CRAN at 2020-04-19 - new aabb/zcheck_results.rds -> a small checkdb in .GlobalEnv - zcrandb.rda, zcheck_results.rds -> UTF-8 characters changed to ASCII - checkdb.R: example added - tvdb.R: examples rewritten. The large crandb file is not downloaded anymore - s_tvdb.R in examples: line tvdb_dfr() added - s_sos.R: example simplified - s_hs.R: example removed as it digs to deep in the computer and takes too much time - s_scrandb_tvb.R: example simplified - p_text2pdf.R in examples: remove the slow p_text(rmd) example (and copy it in W165*.R) - p_text2pdf.R, p_table2pdf.R in examples: dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "ptext/ppdf") - p_html.R in examples: p_html(RWsearch) replaces p_html(pacman) - p_graph.R: examples rewritten with (RWsearch, visNetwork) et (actuar, fitdistrplus) - p_down.R in examples: system.time(p_down(lst, ...)). 32 files in 27 seconds - p_display.R in examples: p_display(RWsearch, ..., brew, dir = tempdir()) - p_deps.R: examples rewritten with (RWsearch, visNetwork) et (actuar, fitdistrplus) - p_check.R in examples: p_checkdeps_lst(igraph,...) and RWsearch replaces pacman - p_archive.R in examples: brew replaces pacman - f_args.R in examples: brew complements sos - e_check.R in examples: christophe.dutang replaces francois.michonneau - crandb.R: last example rearranged - archivedb.R: last example rewritten with 2 histograms RWsearch 4.7.7 - 2020-04-15 =========================== - h_yahoofin() -> add '/' in the address (bug) - p_vers() - Shift to R 4.0.0 beta for R CMD build/check/INSTALL and use --run-donttest - a_intro.R: archivedb_load(system.file("aabb", ...)) -> "aabb" replaces "zarchive" (bug) - h_Rnews(), h_Rversions() rewritten with separate repos and *.html (and no more Zurich repo) - p_down.R, p_archive.R: parameter 'before' -> canonical form CRAN.R-project rather than cloud.r-project - h_R.R in examples: h_crantv(repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org") replaces h_cranbydate() (forgot repos = bug) - p_check.R in examples: crandb_load(..., zcrandb) replaces crandb_load(..., crandb) (forgot minifile = bug) - p_down.R in examples: targz_down() replaces targz_downarch() which does not exist (bug) RWsearch 4.7.6 - 2020-03-23 =========================== - p_inun(), p_inun_crandb() simplified -> Intermediate lst and return() removed - p_graphF(), p_graphS() accept list of packages and open html pages as per the list RWsearch 4.7.5 - 2020-03-20 =========================== - p_check_lst() -> gsub() pour Tinstall -> T_install, Tcheck -> T_check, Ttotal -> T_total - New file checkdb.R - checkdb_down(), checkdb_load() - p_check_lst() now requires checkdb preloaded if number_of(pkgs) > npkgs. Much faster - p_checkdeps_lst() exclpkgs are now reported in p_check_lst() RWsearch 4.7.4 - 2020-03-08 =========================== - crandb_down(method = "libcurl"). Before was default - p_archive() moved to new file p_archive.R - p_archive_lst() - l_targz() - p_downarch() moved from file archivedb.R to file p_down.R - p_downarch(option = "before") - Before, only the version cited at the last line was downloaded (not necessary the last version = bug) - targz_down() RWsearch 4.7.2 - 2020-02-21 =========================== - crandb_down(method = "libcurl"). Before was default - DESCRIPTION -> rewrite the Description section - file n_graph.R renamed p_graph.R - p_network() moved from file p_deps.R to file p_graph.R - p_graphF() - p_graphS() - Corresponding documentation rewritten RWsearch 4.7.1 - 2020-02-17 =========================== - Suppress the verbose option in p_deps(), p_depsrev(), p_deps_inpkgs(), p_deps_unpkgs(), p_deps_inun() - new file p_check.R - p_check() and p_check_lst() moved from file p_html.R to file p_check.R - Messages in p_check() (unknown date, does not exist) added to p_check_lst() - p_checkdeps() - p_checkdeps_lst() - p_deps_count() RWsearch 4.7.0 - 2020-02-14 - sent to CRAN ========================================== - v-4.6.9 with a new version number RWsearch 4.6.9 - 2020-02-14 =========================== - p_network(recursive = TRUE) new argument. - recursive = FALSE reduces the size of the network when reverse = TRUE - h_etz() - h_cranchecks() - p_check(substr(subdate, 1, 4), "/") -> add the year directory to archived packages (CRAN novelty) - p_check_lst() -> print as a list, not in the browser - cloud.r-project.org replaces cran.univ-paris1.fr which has been discontinued RWsearch 4.6.8 - 2020-01-11 =========================== - hexagonal logo stored in man/figures/logo.png and used in - README.md with logo and video about RWsearch at useR! 2019 in Toulouse - h_doi() - h_Rnews() - h_Rversions() - New version number to fix the date and the version. vignettes updated RWsearch 4.6.6 - 2019-11-23 =========================== - h_biocstats() - h_crancheckwindows() - tryconurl() -> hidden function - p_check() displays the check results of regular packages AND packages moved to CRAN archive - archivedb_rempkgs() -> Documentation updated with a reference to p_check(). Example added - archivedb_down() and trydownloadurl() updated with tryconurl() - p_downh() -> grep("ReadMe",..., invert = TRUE) - p_texth() -> grep("ReadMe",..., invert = TRUE) RWsearch 4.6.5 - 2019-11-14 =========================== - p_texth() rewritten. It now extracts readme, news, vignette from index.html - p_downh() rewritten. It now extracts readme, news, vignette from index.html - trydownloadurl() now returns invisible 0 and invisible 1 as per utils::download.file() (before was NULL) - trydownloadurl() is vectorized - p_deps_inun(), p_inun() -> text rewritten - DESCRIPTION -> suggests xfun RWsearch 4.6.4 - 2019-11-11 =========================== - p_deps_unpkgs(), p_deps_inpkgs(), p_deps_inun() return the dependencies installed - or not installed in the computer, available or not available in current CRAN (crandb). - p_down(binary = FALSE, type = "binary") downloads Mac OSX and Windows binaries - New example in cnscinfun() RWsearch 4.6.3 - 2019-11-05 =========================== - cranmirrors_down() - h_collins() - h_googletranslate() - h_interglot() - h_promt() - h_systran() - h_cpan() - h_ctan() RWsearch 4.6.2 - 2019-08-19 - in CRAN archive ============================================= - datalist rewritten as per KH recommendation (zcrandb: crandb ztvdb: tvdb) RWsearch 4.6.1 - 2019-08-19 =========================== - h_cranstatus() - h_orcid() - h_yahoofin() - archivedb_list() explicitely returns a (long) list. Before, was invisible(lst). - \donttest{p_downarch()} (in example) - datalist: crandb, tvdb rather than zcrandb, ztvdb (request from kh_@_CRAN) RWsearch 4.6.0 - 2019-05-29 - in CRAN archive ============================================= - p_incrandb() - p_inun_crandb() replaces p_inun_cran(). Names in the output list are adjusted accordingly: - in_incrandb (in_incrandb), in_notincrandb (in_notincrandb), un_incrandb (un_incrandb), un_notincrandb (n_notincrandb) - p_texth(), table_pdfh() -> file(open = "w+") replaces "wt". "w+" is the default in the documentation - close_libcurl() -> nc[num] rather than num (bug 'connection does not exist') - funreadme(), funnews(), funvignettes() -> move close_libcurl() in p_texth() RWsearch 4.5.9 - 2019-05-21 =========================== - p_network() -> exclpkgs deals with intermediate packages (nodes somewhere in the middle of the graph) - for both direct and reverse dependencies. Before, NA appeared in the table and n_graphF crashed - Today, ILB organized a conference for Nicole El Karoui 75 years anniversary - and Women in Science: https://www.louisbachelier.org/evenement/wise/ RWsearch 4.5.8 - 2019-05-20 =========================== - one single directory (before 3): inst/aabb includes assets, template.brew, zCRAN-archive.html - e_check() -> names(sapply()) rather than lapply() returns nice urls. - h_gepuro() -> 67153+ packages listed. See also - https://github.com/gepuro/rpkg/blob/master/index.html - https://github.com/gepuro/addin4githubinstall - p_deps() -> pkgs not in crandb -> warning() rather than stop() - p_deps() -> lst[pkgs] to keep the order in case of NULL (when pkg is not in crandb) - p_network() -> pkgs[!(pkgs %in% exclpkgs)] everywhere - use package "goodpractice" -> missing end line in archivedb.R -> add 4 lines RWsearch 4.5.7 - 2019-05-11 =========================== - DESCRIPTION -> Imports networkD3 - p_network() - n_graphF() - n_graphS() - close_libcurl() - close_libcurl() replaces closeAllConnections() in p_down(), p_text2pdf() -> Much better - if (closecon) -> suppressed - p_text(pkgs) -> much better: all Readme, news, vignettes found, but tempfile is open - p_text() -> editor() et pager() moved from p_texth() to p_text() RWsearch 4.5.6 - 2019-05-03 =========================== - p_deps(), p_depsrev() -> c(list.files(.libPaths()), crandb[, "Package"]) RWsearch 4.5.5 - 2019-05-02 =========================== - RStudio substitutes getOption("editor") with its own function, at least in Windows - p_texth() -> edit(name = NULL) replaces file.edit() to avoid this subtitution - p_text(), p_table2pdf() -> make.names(nom) replaces next line make.names(filename2) - Example: filename 2019-0502-file.txt stays unchanged (before, it became X20190502file.txt) - p_display(), p_down(), table_pdf(), p_text() -> gsub(".", "_") replaces gsub(".", "") - Example: pkg/filename/directory "R.oo" is changed to "R_oo" rather than "Roo" RWsearch 4.5.4 - 2019-04-30 =========================== - trydownloadurl(), p_downh(in vignettes) -> download code is simplified. TC replaces con - new files archivedb.R, zCRAN-archive.html and new functions - archivedb_down(), archivedb_load(), archivedb_npkgs() - archivedb_pkgs(), archivedb_rempkgs(), archivedb_list() - p_downarch() + mention in the documentation related to p_down() - DESCRIPTION -> Imports XML + mention of CRAN archive - a_intro.R -> @importFrom XML readHTMLTable RWsearch 4.5.3 - 2019-04-28 =========================== - p_depsrev() -> p_deps(reverse = TRUE) - h_arxiv() - h_arxivpdf() - h_ssrn() - h_ssrnauth() - crandb_comp() -> odfile more recent than oldfile -> warning rather than stop RWsearch 4.5.2 - 2019-04-17 =========================== - crandb_down(bydate, rev) -> new arguments bydate and rev. - h_evene() - h_yacy() - p_deps() -> a wrapper of tools::package_dependencies() RWsearch 4.5.1 - 2019-03-30 =========================== - crandb_down() -> save(compress = "xz", compression_level = 6). Gain over gzip is 45 % - zcrandb.rda -> accents on names are removed. 7 UTF-8 glyphs are transformed to pure ASCII - s_tvdb() - h_ecosia() -> Ecosia rather than DuckDuckGo RWsearch 4.5 - 2019-03-27 - in CRAN archive =========================================== - page h_ttp.R split in 3 pages as in the vignette: h_direct.R, h_R.R, h_ttp.R - typo in h_ttp() example - h_academie() - spurious UTF-8 characters are removed - File dates are set to a commonvalue - Submitted to CRAN RWsearch 4.4.3 - 2019-03-23 =========================== - p_text(README = TRUE, NEWS = TRUE, vignettes = TRUE) reset to TRUE (when set to FALSE ?) - funreadme(), funnews(), funvignettes() -> tryCatch(condition = ) replaces try(silent = ) - funreadme(), funnews(), funvignettes() + tryCatch() -> options("warn" = 0) (before suppression) - funreadme(), funnews(), funvignettes() -> (method = libcurl) - p_text() -> capabilities("libcurl") - p_text(closecon), p_text2md(closecon), p_text2tex(closecon), p_text2pdf(closecon) - closecon => Close all unused-ghost connections (README, NEWS) but also the used ones (unfortunately) - DESCRIPTION -> latexpdf replaces latexpdf (>= 0.1.5) since a warning is issued if older version RWsearch 4.4 - 2019-03-17 ========================= - Back to tvdb_pkgs(gR, Genetics) in tvdb examples - NEWS RWsearch replaces Cherche - Submitted to CRAN but fails (spurious UTF-8 characters) RWsearch 4.3.6 - 2019-03-17 =========================== - .htmltable() -> normalizePath to print the html file address - p_display(verbose), p_display5(verbose), p_display7(verbose), .htmltable(verbose) - p_display() -> loop replaces mapply - tvdb_pkgs(Genetics) replaces tvdb_pkgs(gR, Genetics) in tvdb examples RWsearch 4.3.5 - 2019-03-17 =========================== - All examples in the documentation include dir = file.path(tempdir(), "subdir") - p_table2pdf(cleantex), table_pdfh(cleantex) - table_pdfh() -> gsub(".tex", ".pdf", filename, fixed = TRUE) - p_text2pdf() -> gsub(".tex", ".pdf", filename, fixed = TRUE) - crandb_down(dir = tempdir(), repos = "https://cran.univ-paris1.fr") in examples crandb.R and tvdb.R - s_sos(try(sos::finFn()) - Examples in zcrandb.rda and ztvdb.rda - dir = tempdir() in p_display() p_display5() and p_display7() examples RWsearch 4.3.4 - 2019-03-16 =========================== - 4.3.0 CRAN censors request an argument (dir = ...) for all functions that write on disk - All *.R files renamed - Commented examples are suppressed - DESCRIPTION -> Language: en-GB used by package 'spelling' - 4.3.1 (dir = ".") in crandb_down(), tvdb_down(), p_down(), p_down0() - 4.3.2 (dir = ".") in p_pdf(), table_pdf(), p_table2pdf() - p_html -> writepkg2pdf(), openpdffile() - 4.3.3 (dir = ".") in p_text2pdf(), p_text2md(), p_text2pdf(). New p_text2tex() - logical replaces boolean - 4.3.4 p_text2pdf(setwd(dir2)) for pdf generation RWsearch 4.2.1 - 2019-03-08 =========================== - 4.2.1 sent to CRAN. Three dices but not accepted. - CRAN says too many \dontrun - 4.2.3 \dontrun and \donttest optimal. --run-donttest is successfull - 4.2.4 \donttest{} everywhere. --run-donttest crashes. Sent to CRAN - 4.2.4 CRAN censors request an argument (dir = ...) for all functions that write on disk RWsearch 4.1.11 - 2019-03-07 ============================ - Windows + Debian - 4.1.8 Debian Many corrections in the examples to cope with the check under Debian - 4.1.9 Back on Windows => OK - 4.2 sent to CRAN. NOTE on examples 10-60" => \donttest{} is recommanded - 4.1.10 Windows \donttest{} rather than \dontrun{} to get meaningful example() - p_text2pdf() 43" but --run-donttest crashes (vim). - 4.1.11 Windows \donttest{} rather than \dontrun{} to get meaningful example() - no example > 5" but --run-donttest crashes (vim). - 4.1.12 Debian - 4.1.14 Debian. \dontrun{} everywhere. RWsearch 4.1.4 - 2019-03-04 =========================== - New computer with Debian. OK in user mode without Texlive (not yet installed) - Explains well that xdg-open/firefox is not allowed in super-user mode (which is used by CRAN to check packages) - explains well all previous failures from v4.0 (except p_down()) - \dontrun{} rather than ==don't run in the examples should effectively by-pass the calls to the browser RWsearch 4.1.3 - 2019-03-04 =========================== - s_sos() example desactivated - CRAN has returned 2 NOTES on Debian and 3 NOTES on Windows. RWsearch 4.1.2 - 2019-03-04 =========================== - ERROR on Debian in s_sos() - /usr/bin/xdg-open: 870: /usr/bin/xdg-open: konqueror: not found - Error in file(file, if (append) "a" else "w") : - all connections are in use - Calls: <Anonymous> ... print.findFn -> <Anonymous> -> brew.cached -> sink -> file - Execution halted - It seems that CRAN Debian computer has no defined browser - and the numerous tries to find one crash it. RWsearch 4.1.1 - 2019-03-04 =========================== - trydownloadurl() => open = "rb" hard-coded inside the function - gsub(".", "", make.names(word), fixed = TRUE) added in functions: - table_pdf(), p_text(list=) - p_text(), p_display() => stop ("pkgs is a list with no names.") as in p_down() - p_display() => names(pkgs) <- gsub(".", "", make.names(names(pkgs)), fixed = TRUE) RWsearch 4.1 - 2019-03-03 - sent to CRAN ======================================== - ERROR on Debian in table_pdf() RWsearch 4.0.7 - 2019-03-03= ========================== - p_down() entirely rewritten. Uses home-made trydownloadurl() - trydownloadurl(open = "r", method = "libcurl") - (open = "") creates real connections for non-existing links and is very bad! - (open = "r") for most files - (open = "rb") for "rb" for .gz, .bz2, .xz, .tgz, .zip, .rda, .rds, .RData - (method = "default") creates real connections for non-existing links. libcurl is ok RWsearch 4.0.6 - 2019-03-02 =========================== - ERROR on Debian in p_down() - p_down() => gsub(".", "", make.names(mot), fixed = TRUE) - example in intro: s_crandb_list(thermodynamic, "chemical reaction", "gas") - example in p_down(): s_crandb_list(searchr, probability) RWsearch 4.0.5 - 2019-03-01 =========================== - ERROR on Debian in p_down() - p_down() => create directories with no space (and point is replaced by _) - gsub(".", "_", gsub(" ", "", mot), fixed = TRUE) - and only if it does not exist already - if (!dir.exists(path)) dir.create(path) - f_pdf() => shorter example - s_crandb_tvdb() => p_display7(lst[c("inTV", "notinTV")]) in example - protect many http examples to reduce call to the web at CRAN check RWsearch 4.0 - 2019-03-01 - sent to CRAN ======================================== - ERROR on Debian -> p_down() generates too many connections - all search engines generate xdg-open errors. Here h_so() - /usr/bin/xdg-open: 870: /usr/bin/xdg-open: w3m: not found - and similar lines for: konqueror, chromium, chromium-browser, google-chrome, firefox, - x-www-browser, www-browser, firefox, links2, iceweasel, elinks, lynx, w3m, seamonkey - xdg-open: no method available for opening 'https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=R+deep+neural+network' - /usr/bin/xdg-open: 870: /usr/bin/xdg-open: mozilla: not found - /usr/bin/xdg-open: 870: /usr/bin/xdg-open: epiphany: not found - and similar lines for: konqueror, chromium, chromium-browser, google-chrome, firefox, - x-www-browser, www-browser, firefox, links2, iceweasel, elinks, lynx, w3m, seamonkey RWsearch 3.8.1 - 2019-03-01 =========================== - h_nabble, h_rbloggers, h_rdoc, h_rdoctv, h_rdrr, h_rseek - moved from h_engine to h_ttp to put all R related links together - DESCRIPTION => Date corrected RWsearch 3.8 - 2019-03-01 ========================= - Check before release RWsearch 3.7 - 2019-02-27 ========================= - Vignette 4 - fme(), fbr() => "words" replaces "mots" - h_framasoft() + h_framasoft0() - h_lexilogos() replaces h_lexi() RWsearch 3.6 - 2019-02-27 ========================= - Vignettes 1, 2, 3 RWsearch 3.5 - 2019-02-22 ========================= - Welcome to RWsearch! - RWsearch is the new name of this package. Meaning is: Search in R and in the Web. - The former name was 'Cherche' (Search in French), never publicly released - Previous NEWS related to 'Cherche' are deleted to avoid any conflict with the version numbers - Some examples are simplified - h_cranbydate(), h_cranbyname()