To cite package "REdaS" in publications use:
Package Citation
1. Maier MJ (2022). Companion Package to the Book “R: Einführung durch angewandte Statistik”. R package version 0.9.4,
Book Citation
1. Hatzinger R, Hornik K, Nagel H, Maier MJ (2014). R: Einführung durch angewandte Statistik, series Scientific Tools, 2 edition. Pearson Studium, M\"unchen.
Corresponding BibTeX entries:
@Manual{REdaS.package, title = {{Companion Package to the Book ``R: Einf\"uhrung durch angewandte Statistik''}}, author = {Marco Johannes Maier}, year = {2022}, note = {{R package version 0.9.4}}, url = {}, }
@Book{REdaS.second.ed, title = {{R: Einf\"uhrung durch angewandte Statistik}}, author = {Reinhold Hatzinger and Kurt Hornik and Herbert Nagel and Marco Johannes Maier}, year = {{2014}}, publisher = {{Pearson Studium}}, address = {{M\"unchen}}, edition = {{2}}, series = {{Scientific Tools}}, }